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This guide is for free-to-play Magic training and aims to help players find the most effective and efficient methods of training Magic for those with a free-to-play account.

Training Magic in free-to-play is rather tedious and requires attention, but experience can be gained relatively quickly. Magic training isn't particularly expensive, and gaining level 59 will give the player access to common and useful non-member spells, including Varrock teleport, Falador teleport, Superheat item, High Level Alchemy, and Fire blast.

Quests with Magic experience[]

It is recommended that you finish these quests before training Magic, as it results in some quick Magic experience at low levels if the necessary items are bought.

Upon finishing Death Plateau, players can compete the Supply and Demand achievement, in which they perform supply runs for Commander Denulth (requires a minimum Combat level of 18 to fully complete). Every trip (a total of 5) provides the player with 3 experience lamps rewarding 180 experience each, totalling 2700 when finished.

No cost methods[]


Players can use combat Magic to gain Magic experience in Daemonheim. This method of training Magic is somewhat slower than methods of power-training Magic listed below, but comes with extra rewards (both Dungeoneering experience and rewards).

When using Magic in Daemonheim, the highest level staff available should always be used. For F2P players, a tangle gum staff should be bound until level 10 Magic, then a seeping elm staff until level 20, then a blood spindle staff until level 30, then an utuku staff until level 40, and finally a spinebeam or catalytic staff. All of these staves provide unlimited elemental runes, allowing the caster to use any offensive spell that they wish.

Buying Magic-oriented Dungeoneering rewards is also an effective way to train Magic. For example: Dungeoneering staves, and a tome of frost.

Available F2P Magic related Dungeoneering rewards are:

Air spells[]

Air spells only require air runes to be cast. Using a mindspike (recommended over both Caitlin's staff and a staff of air) will allow you to train Magic free of cost. Avernic wand also allows it but is one-handed, the overall attack accuracy can be improved by using off-hand magic weapon, the strongest being a mystic orb.

The Goblin Village is an excellent place to train any low level combat skill, including Magic. By standing near the fire in the centre of the village, almost all visible goblins will be targetable by Magic without moving. They are fairly easy to kill, typically taking one hit even at low Magic levels, and each kill results in 25 experience towards Magic and 7-9 experience to Constitution when only training on Magic. Using this method a player can easily get from level 1 to the level 21 (Low Level Alchemy) in ~141 kills (as little as 12 minutes). From level 1 to level 41 (Air Blast - 3rd level of air spell) can take as little as 100 minutes.

Past level 41, both guards and hill giants are weak to air spells and offer higher experience/kill and better drops. Guards are found in groups near the entrances of Varrock and Falador. Barbarians are also easy to kill with Magic.


Players at level 1 should start The Blood Pact quest and then use Caitlin's staff to kill monsters. Players should kill the troll shaman for the rare mindspike drop.

Level 1 Typical weapons
Wizard robes (blue) female equipped Staff
Wizards robes
Levels required
1 Magic Magic
Level 10 Typical weapons
Imphide robes (female) equipped Mindspike
Imp horn wand
and imphide book
Imphide robes
Levels required
10 Magic Magic
Level 20 Typical weapons
Spider silk equipment equipped (male) Spider wand
and spider orb
Spider silk robes
Levels required
20 Magic Magic
Level 30 Typical weapons
Batwing equipment equipped (male) Bat wand
and bat book
or batwing shield
Batwing robes
Levels required
30 Magic Magic
Level 45+ Typical weapons
Druidic mage robes (uncharged) equipped Law staff
Splitbark wand
and Splitbark orb
Druidic mage robes
Levels required
45 Magic Magic

45 Dungeoneering Dungeoneering
Attack 40 Attack

Level 48-49 Typical weapons
Druidic mage robes (uncharged) equipped Spider wand
and tome of frost
Druidic mage robes
Levels required
48 Magic Magic

48 Dungeoneering Dungeoneering

Level 50+ Typical weapons
Blue mystic robes equipped Mystic wand
and mystic orb
or shield
or tome of frost
Mystic equipment
Levels required
50 Magic Magic

50 Defence Defence (shield)
48 Dungeoneering Dungeoneering (tome of frost)

Level 53+ Typical weapons
Battle robes equipped Mystic wand
and tome of frost
or Nature staff
Battle robes
Levels required
53 Magic Magic

48 Dungeoneering Dungeoneering

Level 55+ Typical weapons
Battle robes equipped Gravite staff
Battle robes
Levels required
55 Magic Magic

45 Dungeoneering Dungeoneering

The tome of frost only requires 48 Dungeoneering to wield, but the tokens to purchase it would be achieved at level 64. Similarly, the gravite staff only requires 45 Dungeoneering to wield, but the tokens to purchase it would be achieved at level 64. However, Tokens obtained from Dungeoneering token boxes allow for these items to be purchased before level 64.

Recommended revolution ability bar:

  • Devotion
  • Combust
  • Sonic Wave
  • Sacrifice
  • Impact
  • Wrack
  • Chain
  • Deep Impact
  • Asphyxiate
  • Omnipower
  • Transfigure

Magic training methods[]

Levels 1-10[]

Levels Type (Combat/Non-Combat) What & Where? XP/Hour Cost/XP
1-9 Combat Cast Air Strike on troll brutes in the west cave of the Abandoned Burthorpe mine north of Burthorpe. Unknown Free, if using air staff or mindspike (air) or avernic wand and wizard/avernic/imphide book

30 Magic experience/kill (and 9.9 Constitution experience)

1-9 Combat Cast Air strike on cows and cow calves east of the River Lum Free, if using mindspike (air) or avernic wand and wizard/avernic/imphide book

25.5 Magic experience/kill (and 8.4 Constitution experience)

3 Combat Cast Confuse using any safe spot 0.3
9 Combat Cast Earth Strike on cockroach drones in the Stronghold of Player Safety Varies

Levels 10-20[]

Level Required Type (Combat/Non-Combat) What & Where? XP/Hour Cost/XP Notes/Other requirements
10 Combat Cast Water Strike on guards or Al Kharid warriors

Al Kharid palace Varrock Castle

Unknown Varies Poor drops
11 Combat Cast Weaken using any safe spot
17 Combat Cast Air Bolt on hobgoblins and guards Common limpwurt root and grapes drops
19 Combat Cast Curse using any safe spot

Levels 20-30[]

Level Required Type (Combat/Non-Combat) What & Where? XP/Hour Cost/XP Notes/Other requirements
20 Combat Cast Air Bolt on cockroach workers Unknown Varies Runes and mithril equipment drops
21 Non-combat Cast Low Level Alchemy Varies Varies This spell is profitable if you use an explorer's ring 2 or higher
23 Combat Cast Water Bolt on Al Kharid warriors Unknown Varies Very fast XP. Some defence and/or food is required.
25 Non-combat Cast Varrock Teleport repeatedly Around 65k 20.83 Equip a mindspike (air) or a staff of air to reduce costs
29 Combat Cast Earth Bolt on cockroach soldiers Unknown Varies Runes and rune equipment drops.

Levels 31-40[]

Level Required Type (Combat/Non-Combat) What & Where? XP/Hour Cost/XP Notes/Other requirements
31 Non-combat Cast Lumbridge Teleport repeatedly Around 75k 14.34 Equip a mindspike (air) to reduce costs
35 Combat Cast Fire Bolt on ice giants Varies Unknown Always drop big bones, and some armour and weapons.
37 Non-combat Cast Falador Teleport repeatedly Around 88k 12.4 Equip a mindspike (air) to reduce costs. Good at higher levels too.

Levels 40+[]

Level Required What & Where? XP/Hour (at 99 Magic)  Coins/Hour Notes
41 Cast Air Blast on hill giants Unknown Varies Always drop big bones, and common drops include limpwurt roots and runes.
43 Cast Superheat Item to create iron bars 143k -275k 15 Smithing required and yields 34k Smithing experience/hour.

Approximately 2700 casts/hour if using a bank preset.

use a fire staff (or similar) to reduce costs.

See the Superheat Item page.

53 Cast Earth Blast on ankous in the Stronghold of Security 70k +30k Drops adamant arrows, death runes, and mithril ore, mithril 2h swords.
55 Cast High-level Alchemy on magic shieldbows 78k +247k Equip a fire staff to reduce costs.

Approximately 1200 casts/hour.

59 Cast Air Blast on lesser demons in the Karamja Volcano, the Wilderness Volcano, or on the island of Crandor. 100k +50k-100k 145k experience/hour if alching while fighting.

Drops rune med helm.

5k Prayer experience/hour if using accursed urns.

See the strategy guide.

The Dragon Slayer quest must be active or complete in order to reach Crandor.

70 (suggested) Cast Air Blast on greater demons in Forinthry Dungeon

or the Wilderness volcano.

120k +50-100k Drops rune full helm.

Forinthry Dungeon is located in the Wilderness.

See the strategy guide.

90 (suggested) Cast Air Blast on deadly red spiders in the Varrock Sewers

or inside the Karamja Volcano.

110k +15k Attacks often splash.

See the strategy guide.

90 (suggested) Cast Air Blast on hellhounds in Forinthry Dungeon or in the Wilderness Volcano. 115k -10k Attacks often splash.

Located in the Wilderness.

Ruby enchanting[]

At level 49, you can buy ruby amulets, cosmic runes, and a fire staff/fire runes. Cast Enchant Level 3 Jewellery to turn the amulets into amulets of strength.

High Level Alchemy[]

High Level Alchemy converts items into coins. Most F2P players owe their high level of Magic to this spell, granting 65 Magic experience per cast. It is recommended you use a fire staff so as to only consume 1 nature rune per spell. If you're unsure what items to use, refer to the Grand Exchange Market Watch/Alchemy page. It is advised that you note your items and use the action bar to cast the spell, while keeping your mouse over your inventory. This is one of the few spells that you can make a profit from. You can increase your profit by telegrabbing jugs of wine of Zamorak while alching. Bringing your noted item, a fire staff and nature runes in conjunction with normal telegrabbing equipment you can cast High Level Alchemy 7 times between each telegrab. Hardleather bodies are a great way to make money while levelling up your Magic. They sell for 51 gp, but when you use high alchemy on them they turn into 102gp (but only if you kill cows, take their cowhide, tan it into hard leather and craft it into hardleather bodies).

You will need 12,867,795 experience to go from 55 to level 99. This means you will have to cast High Level Alchemy 197,967 times to get from 55 to 99. You can also use Superheat Item to help you make profit too, it can be used to help make armour which could be used for High Level Alchemy.

It gives 65-78k experience but the most profitable items in free-to-play (Rune 2h Swords) have a buy limit of 100 every 4 hours (You can leave an offer for 300 overnight if you have 10 million coins to invest). High Level Alchemy requires less attention than Superheat Item, but superheating gives faster magic xp, good Smithing experience and excellent profit if you superheat rune.

If explorer's ring 4 (a reward from the hard Lumbridge and Draynor tasks) is in your possession you can use it to do up to 15 High Level Alchemy casts and 27 Superheat Item casts per day, for free - no runes required.

Magic pure training guide[]

If you are a pure who just wants Magic without levelling other skills, this guide will describe how to train Magic without training Constitution.

You will need a significant amount of coins.

Doing the Imp Catcher quest and the Witch's Potion and Stronghold of Player Safety (using the reward lamps for Magic experience) miniquests will bring your Magic level up to 14 without any Constitution experience.

Levels 1-3[]

Use wizard's mind bombs to boost your level to 3 and cast Confuse.

An alternative is to use the quests suggested above or other experience rewards to gain Magic experience.

Levels 3-7[]

37 mind runes needed to cast Confuse, though more may be required due to splashing. Do not equip an air staff or else you may risk killing lower-level targets. Use safe-spotting.

Levels 7-15/21[]

Cast Enchant Level 1 Jewellery on sapphire amulets until reaching Bones to Banana or Low Level Alchemy.

Level 15/21-43[]

Starting point will vary depending on player preferences as both spells can be performed at banks. (Bones to Bananas will require accessing the bank more often to withdraw a single set of bones to convert.)

At level 21, cast Low Level Alchemy.

Levels 43-55[]

This may require a high Smithing level (see Superheat item for details).

Purchase all ores required at the Grand Exchange to smith iron, steel, mithril, adamant, or rune bars, equip a fire staff, and use the Superheat Item spell to smelt into bars. This is the fastest way to train Magic/Smithing simultaneously, generally breaking even. Superheat item gives 53 experience per cast, plus additional Smithing experience (based on which kind of metal bar you are smelting).

The experience needed to level from 43 to level 55 is 139,163. This will mean you will have to cast Superheat Item 2,626 times to get to level 55. When focused, it is possible to gain 140k experience per hour with this method (with iron bars).

Profit and costs from Superheating may vary depending on the market. Please refer to Grand Exchange Market Watch/Smithing.

Levels 55+[]

High Level Alchemy - A constantly updated list of items that yield profits can be found on Grand Exchange Market Watch/Alchemy, which High Level Alchemy is cast with the assistance of a staff of fire, so save the cost of the spell. Players are recommended to double check the immediate market price of items to prevent loss of coins.
