RuneScape Wiki
This article is about non-members methods of training the Runecrafting skill. For members' methods of training Runecrafting, see Pay-to-play Runecrafting training.


Fire rune detail

This guide describes the most effective methods to train the Runecrafting skill. The experience rate estimates in this guide do not incorporate the use of any experience boosting items or bonus experience. Runecrafting is an artisan skill that involves players using runecrafting altars to create runes from rune and pure essence. Leveling up the Runecrafting skill allows players to create runes which award greater amounts of experience when they are crafted. Having a higher Runecrafting level also increases the player's chance of creating multiple runes from a single piece of essence, though this does not grant additional Runecrafting experience.

Useful equipment[]

Runecrafting urns[]

Having a runecrafting urn of any type in your inventory while crafting runes or training in the Runespan will provide you with a whopping 20% of additional experience. So don't forget them!

Ethereal outfits[]

Infinity ethereal outfit equipped

Parts of ethereal outfits could be won as prizes from Treasure Hunter between 18 October and 20 October 2014. The death ethereal outfit, law ethereal outfit and blood ethereal outfit consist of head slot, body slot, leg slot, hand slot and feet slot items. When wearing a complete version of any of these three outfits, players gain the following bonuses:

  • Runes are not required or used up when using platforms to move between islands in Runespan (Runecrafting level requirements must still be met).
  • Chance of receiving double runes while creating runes in Runespan is increased by 5%.

Players who won all pieces of the death ethereal outfit, law ethereal outfit, and blood ethereal outfit could combine these outfits' components to form the infinity ethereal outfit. This outfit gives superior benefits to those given by the other ethereal outfits. Players gain the following bonuses from an infinity ethereal outfit:

  • Runes are not required or used up when using platforms to move between islands in Runespan (Runecrafting level requirements must still be met).
  • Chance of receiving double runes while creating runes in Runespan is increased by 7% (as opposed to 5% with the other ethereal outfits).
  • The infinity ethereal body can be used to teleport directly to the yellow wizard while in Runespan 5 times per day.


Levels 1-99+: Runespan[]

Runespan lower level

Training at Runespan is the most effective method to level Runecrafting for free-to-play players. Runespan is a dimension composed of islands that are inhabited by nodes, creatures and floating essence. Runespan is split over 3 levels; the upper level, middle level and lower level. Free-to-play players are able to enter two of these levels, the lower level and middle level. While at Runespan, players can siphon from creatures and nodes to receive runes and Runecrafting experience, until the creature or node is broken down. Creatures will always respawn on the same island that they were broken down on, while nodes spawn more randomly. Rune essence is required in order to siphon from creatures and nodes. Players can gain up to 25 essence from floating essence, if they currently have less than 25 essence, and 50 essence upon successfully breaking down a creature. The runes and rune essence used within Runespan are untradeable and cannot be taken out of the area. Runes can be used to use platforms to move between the dimension's islands. Upon leaving Runespan runes are converted into Runespan points, which can be used to purchase rewards.

To effectively train within Runespan players should prioritise siphoning from nodes that give the best experience rates, using platforms to travel to islands where these nodes are present and obtaining more rune essence from floating essence when necessary. These nodes tend to spawn more frequently on the upper levels of Runespan, so players should train at the highest level that they are able to access. Use the tables below, which show a theoretical experience per hour that could be achieved if a player with 99 Runecrafting were able to constantly siphon from a particular type of node, to identify the nodes which give the best experience rates.

Runespan lower level map numbered

Numbered map of islands of the lower level of Runespan

At level 1 Runecrafting players can enter the lower level of Runespan using the low-level Runespan portal located within the Wizards' tower. With levels 1-9 Runecrafting players can gain experience rates equivalent to around 16,500 experience an hour siphoning from nodes on island 1 (see map). Players can gain between 26,000 experience an hour, with level 9 Runecrafting, and 28,500 experience an hour, with level 33 Runecrafting siphoning from nodes on island 16.

Node Image Equivalent experience per hour Required level Rune received
Vine Vine (Runespan) 81,500 17 Water rune or Earth rune
Fireball Fireball 74,000 14 Fire rune
Rock fragment Rock fragment (Runespan) 68,500 9 Earth rune
Water pool Water pool 64,500 5 Water rune
Mind storm Mind storm 56,500 1 Mind rune
Cyclone Cyclone 56,000 1 Air rune
Runespan middle level map numbered f2p

Numbered map of islands of the middle level of Runespan

At level 33 Runecrafting players can enter the middle level of Runespan. Free-to-play players may access only a limited number of the islands within the middle level of Runespan and can siphon only from nodes with a Runecrafting level requirement of 27 or less. Free-to-play players can ascend to the middle level of Runespan by climbing the vine ladder located in the lower level, on the island directly west of the starting island. Players can gain between 36,000 experience an hour, with level 33 Runecrafting, and 53,500 experience an hour, with level 99 Runecrafting, from siphoning nodes on islands 5 and 6 (see map).

Node Image Equivalent experience per hour Required level Rune received
Fleshy growth Fleshy growth 93,000 20 Body rune
Fire storm Fire storm 83,000 27 Air rune or Fire rune
Vine Vine (Runespan) 81,500 17 Water rune or Earth rune
Fireball Fireball 74,000 14 Fire rune
Rock fragment Rock fragment (Runespan) 68,500 9 Earth rune
Water pool Water pool 64,500 5 Water rune
Mind storm Mind storm 56,500 1 Mind rune
Cyclone Cyclone 56,000 1 Air rune

While training in the Runespan, players will accumulate runespan points that they can spend in Wizard Finix or Wizard Rinsit's runecrafting shops. However, the only items that free players are able to buy are altar teleports (10 for 2K points) or Unstable essence (200 for 500 points). Therefore, players that are not interested in altar teleports should spend all their points on unstable essence, then use them on the Body Altar (the highest level altar that free players can use).

Players can participate in the yellow wizard Distraction and Diversion to gain additional Runecrafting experience while training at Runespan, which is given as a reward for finding the wizard wearing yellow robes. Players can speak to any of the wizards wearing blue robes or Wizard Finix to be told in what direction the yellow wizard is currently located and to display an arrow which will indicate the yellow wizard's location. After locating the yellow wizard players can use a maximum of 10 runes on him to receive an experience reward. With at least level 77 Runecrafting players should give the wizard the type of rune that he request that the player gives to him. Players with level 76 or less Runecrafting should give the yellow wizard the highest level rune that they are able to craft. Players can be awarded up to 7,524 experience, with level 99 Runecrafting. This Distraction and Diversion can be completed every 10 minutes and first occurs 10 minutes after the player enters Runespan. A message in the player's chatbox will notify them when they become able to give the yellow wizard runes again, unless the player chooses not to help the wizard. The location of the yellow wizard is unique to each player and all of the wizards teleport to different locations every 4 minutes 31.5 seconds.
