RuneScape Wiki
Frog Transformation
Frog Transformation emote icon
Release date 17 July 2012 (Update)
Members No
Sound No
Enhancer No
Duration 8 seconds
Requirements Free:
96 RuneCoins
86 RuneCoins / 9,216 Loyalty points
Frog Transformation
Click animation for full size

Frog Transformation is an emote which may be purchased with 96 RuneCoins (86 RuneCoins with the 10% members discount) at Solomon's General Store. As of 3 September 2013, it was made available for 15,360 loyalty points. It was made available for free for existing members during the month of April 2013 as part of the 1 free item per month promotion.


  • It was originally made available for 15,360 loyalty points. This price was lowered to 9,408 at an unknown date.