RuneScape Wiki

Frog spawn detail

Frog spawn is a members-only food item that heals 250 life points when eaten. Eating it also yields the message: "You eat the frogspawn. Yuck." They can be used to feed a player's pet cat and are also used in crafting potions in combination with a clean wergali at level 42 Herblore.

Members can catch frog spawn with a small fishing net in the Lumbridge Swamp Caves and in the Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon. This requires level 33 Fishing and gives 75 experience points when caught.

Members may also obtain frog spawn by catching a gourmet impling or looting a gourmet impling jar. This impling may be in the wild or in the Impetuous Impulses minigame. Frog spawn may also be a drop from a frog in the jade vine maze.

Frog spawn cannot be noted.


Frog spawn
Fishing level 33
Fishing spot Net/Bait
Tool Small fishing net
Fishing XP 75 XP
Tool XP 8.85 XP

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Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Gourmet implingN/A1Common
Gourmet impling jarN/A1Common


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