All Life points: 8,500
Life points: 8,500
All Combat experience: 1085.4
Combat experience: 1085.4
All Release date: 19 July 2010
Release date: 19 July 2010
All Combat level: 112
Combat level: 112
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 51
NPC ID: 51
Frost dragons reside in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon resource dungeon. The dungeon requires a minimum level of 85 Dungeoneering to access, and inside are a total of 12 dragons. Frost dragons attack with all three combat styles, as well as with dragonfire. The dungeon can be accessed easily by using the fairy ring network with the combination aiq.
Killing frost dragons is highly profitable as their bones are currently worth 16,991 coins each. Players may gain upwards of 480,000 coins per full inventory of bones, or more if using Magic notepaper or a Beast of Burdenfamiliar.
Each frost dragon will attack with either their Ranged or Magic attack for the entire fight; which style it will use depends on whichever attack is randomly used first, so the player should keep an eye on the first attack, and pray accordingly for that kill, unless using Soul Split or a healing familiar such as a Bunyip or Unicorn stallion to heal.
When fighting frost dragons, a blue recoil orb will appear and start circling the dragon. It is important that players do not attack while the orb is out, as it will rebound 80% of any damage that would've been dealt. It is important to have auto-retaliate switched off when fighting these dragons; when the orb appears, click away from the dragon to stop attacking and wait. The orb will circle 3 times before it disappears, after which killing the dragon can resume. This makes frost dragons a slightly tougher monster to fight, but should not heavily hinder any higher level player trying to kill them.
When a player uses a bucket of milk on a Frost dragon, a message in their chat box will appear saying "They're great!" which is a reference to the Frosties/Frosted Flakes breakfast cereal.
For a while after release, Frost dragons only used melee and magic attacks, and did not have their orb reflector ability. However, due to heavy botting at the time, Jagex added a ranged attack and the orb reflector ability to combat botting.
Frost dragons were created with experimentation by Kerapac, as detailed in Forcae's journal.
In the area containing the dragons are randomly appearing Frost dragon bones spawns. The bones from these spawns are unobtainable, even by Telekinetic Grab — this formerly caused bots to 'try' to pick up the bones, effectively incapacitating them. However, it seems that bots have been able to differentiate the random spawns from the legitimate spawns, and bots have seemingly disappeared from the area after the release of Botwatch.