Garlic chicken is a food item used in Shattered Worlds. It is given to participants that use the 'feed me' option when entering the minigame, if their Constitution level is 20 to 29. It heals up to 500 life points, and is equivalent to pike.
The minimum Constitution level to receive the full amount of healing from this food is 20.
Enter your Constitution level | name=skillstat_Constitution_level|type=int|value=1|range=9,99|size=4|sublist=calchealing |
name=healing|type=output |
let(minLevel, 20) let(healAmount, 0) let(healAmountOutOfCombat, 0) let(healOverTimeAmount, 0) let(healOverTimeDuration, 0) let(constitutionLevel, skillstat_Constitution_level)
let(pointsPerLevel, 25) if(healAmount){
let(pointsPerLevel, healAmount / minLevel)
if(constitutionLevel < minLevel){
let(heal, constitutionLevel * pointsPerLevel)
let(heal, minLevel * pointsPerLevel)
let(heal, floor(heal + 0.000001)) let(healing,"This will heal " + heal + " life points at level " + constitutionLevel + " in combat.")
let(healing, healing + " It will heal an additional " + healOverTimeAmount + " life points over " + healOverTimeDuration + " seconds.")
let(pointsPerLevelOutOfCombat, healAmountOutOfCombat / minLevel) if (constitutionLevel < minLevel){ let(healOutOfCombat, constitutionLevel * pointsPerLevelOutOfCombat) }{ let(healOutOfCombat, minLevel * pointsPerLevelOutOfCombat) } let(healOutOfCombat, floor(healOutOfCombat + 0.000001)) let(healing, healing + " It will heal " + healOutOfCombat + " life points while out of combat.")