All Life points: 2,500
Life points1: 2,500
All Life points: 2,000
Life points2: 2,000
All Life points: 2,500
Life points3: 2,500
All Life points: 6,500
Life points4: 6,500
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 81
Combat experience1: 81
All Combat experience: 66.6
Combat experience2: 66.6
All Combat experience: 132
Combat experience3: 132
All Combat experience: 516.6
Combat experience4: 516.6
All Release date: 13 July 2004
Release date1: 13 July 2004
All Release date: 28 March 2006
Release date2: 28 March 2006
All Release date: 28 March 2006
Release date3: 28 March 2006
All Release date: 28 March 2006
Release date4: 28 March 2006
All Combat level: 35
Combat level1: 35
All Combat level: 28
Combat level2: 28
All Combat level: 63
Combat level3: 63
All Combat level: 91
Combat level4: 91
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1053
NPC ID1: 1053
All NPC ID: 14038
NPC ID2: 14038
All NPC ID: 14039
NPC ID3: 14039
All NPC ID: 14040
NPC ID4: 14040
Ghasts are undead souls of people that starved to death in the Mort Myre swamp.
Ghasts are completely transparent and will attempt to attack any player travelling through the swamp. If the player is carrying food of any sort (with the exception of raw food apart from potatoes) and the ghast successfully attacks the player, they will turn it into rotten food. This includes food held in containers, such as baskets or sacks. If the player does not have any food and the ghast successfully attacks the player, they will drain a small amount of their health instead. Their attacks may miss.
Ghasts can only be attacked once they have been invoked through a charged druid pouch or a Ouroboros pouch, the latter having unlimited charges and obtained from the Temple Trekking minigame. Players can invoke the ghast themselves, or let the ghast attack them, as they will be forced to reveal themselves. This does not rot food.
30 Prayer experience is awarded for every ghast killed.
Ghasts are in fact humans who have been transformed due to a lack of food, as proven during the Temple Trekking minigame. This explains why ghasts attempt to steal and consume food from players. When one is in the Morytanian environment and does not eat enough, the following will occur:
At first the human looks hungry, but normal.
The hair colour will begin to fade. The victim's skin will turn to a purple-adjacent colour.
The hair will become completely grey and might fall out or grow even more, the cheeks and nose begin to "slump" and the skin turns to a more brown colour. The white of the eye will become slightly yellow.
If the person still hasn't eaten, their skin turns blue-grey and completely loses elasticity. The white of the eye is now completely yellow.
Finally, the victim turns into a ghast, at which point they can no longer be cured.
If a ghast dies above water, there will be no drop at all. This also applies to the Vyrewatch in Meiyerditch near the boat.
If you finished Deadliest Catch you have access to a bank deposit box somewhat north-west from the grotto where you can bank your herbs and other drops.
Since their graphical update on 17 August 2011 the ghasts now have the same moving, idle, and death animations as the aberrant spectres.
If attacked by a Ghast while using a Home teleport, the animation will be interrupted, although the teleport will not, even if the Ghast does damage to you, only when it is transparent.
When a ghast dies, its spirit resembles the way it used to look before their graphical update.
With the update to Temple Trekking on 17 August 2011, the ghasts in the events no longer gave Prayer experience. This glitch was fixed on 7 February 2012.
There is currently a glitch where, if you teleport to the Lunar Isle using the lodestone network, are attacked during the animation, arrive on Lunar Isle, log out, and log back in, there will be a ghast. It does not attack you or follow you, and using a druid pouch on it will have no effect; it can only be examined.