All Life points: 2,200
Life points: 2,200
All Slayer experience: 32.6
Slayer experience: 32.6
All Combat experience: 125.7
Combat experience: 125.7
All Release date: 29 July 2008
Release date: 29 July 2008
All Combat level: 61
Combat level: 61
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 7994
NPC ID: 7994
Ghostly warriors can be accessed after completing the Spirit of Summerquest. These monsters are a variation of ghosts, so they count towards such on a Slayer task. Also, since ghostly warriors are undead, they are affected by the salve amulet and the salve amulet (e). If a player plans to fight them, it is recommended to bring alchemy runes because of their common steel armour drops, which alch for more than the runes are worth. They are also good droppers of cosmic, mind, and chaos runes.
To access them, the player must have completed the Spirit of Summer quest. In the magic axe hut in deep Wilderness, the player must wear Jennica's ring and operate it when standing right next to the portal to be taken to the Spirit Realm, where there will now be ghostly warriors in place of the magic axes.
The best way to access the portal is by using either Ardougne or Edgeville wilderness levers. The player will need a lockpick to access the hut. To leave, the player should just step into the portal and operate the ring again, or run away from the building.
As the Spirit Realm is classed as outside the wilderness, all methods of teleportation can be used. However, entering the Spirit Realm (via the portal) is considered a teleport, so players cannot enter if a PKer has teleblocked them. It is also recommended that the player brings some food if planning to stay for a long period of time. Bringing extra food may be desirable because the location is in level 55 wilderness; however, it is a short distance from the wilderness lever teleport to the portal, although PKer attack is always possible.