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RuneScape Wiki
Gift Shop

Gift Shop interior

Gift Shop exterior
Release date 29 January 2008 (Update)
Members Yes
Minimap icon General store map icon
Location Oo'glog
Owner Frawd
Specialty General
Frawd location

The Gift Shop is a general store located in Oo'glog. It requires completion of As a First Resort to use. It is run by Frawd. Unlike other general stores, non-store items cannot be sold to it.


Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Tinderbox Tinderbox 10 1 coins 1 474 4,730
Ogre arrow Ogre arrow 100 25 coins 7 95 7,000
Cooked chompy Cooked chompy 10 130 coins 39 270 1,400
Feather Feather 1,000 6 coins 1 13 7,000
Bronze hatchet Bronze hatchet 10 16 coins 4 1,459 14,430
Rope Rope 10 18 coins 5 401 3,830
Empty pot Empty pot 30 1 coins 1 18 510
Bucket Bucket 30 2 coins 1 155 4,590
Hammer Hammer 10 13 coins 3 143 1,300
Knife Knife 10 25 coins 7 111 860
Ogre kilt Ogre kilt 10 100 coins 30 132 320
Ogre top Ogre top 10 105 coins 31 384 2,790
Ogre boots Ogre boots 10 60 coins 18 448 3,880
Diseased kebbit fur Diseased kebbit fur 0 60 coins 18 9 0
Davy kebbit hat Davy kebbit hat 0 100 coins 30 617 0
Ogre wig Ogre wig 0 60 coins 18 1,092 0
Ogre club Ogre club 0 180 coins 54 243 0
Feather pack Feather pack 5 15,000 coins N/A 26,000 55,000