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For the glacor encountered during Rush of Blood, see Wounded glacor.
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Glacors (pronounced GLAY-soars) are fairly dangerous monsters, described by Beauty as "a rare form of ice elemental". These monsters are only accessible after completing the quest Ritual of the Mahjarrat. You can reach glacors in the Glacor Cave through the fairy ring system by using the code dkq. An army of glacors was summoned by Lucien, although only one actually reached the Ritual, as the others were held back by Kuradal, who had slain a few hundred. According to Zaros, they are originally from Leng.

The ability to have them assigned as slayer tasks by Kuradal and Morvran can be purchased using 50 slayer points after Ritual of the Mahjarrat.

Glacors are the only creatures which drop the three glacyte boots, worth several million coins each. They are also the only source of Shards of Armadyl, 100 of which can be used to craft an Orb of Armadyl, required to make an Armadyl battlestaff.


General combat[]

Glacor Cave map

Only one player may be engaged in combat with a glacor and its minions at a time, and only one glacor may be fought per player at a time. Players can only fight glacors being fought by other players if the combating player leaves the cave, either via teleporting, walking away from the area, dying, or logging out. Even if the combating player is in a safe-spot and not currently in combat with the glacor or its glacytes, a player trying to attack their glacor will yield the message, "Someone else is already fighting that glacor." This means that glacors must be fought solo.

Glacors will attack with magic, ranged, and melee when in melee distance. Its ranged attack consists of an icicle, whilst its magic attack is a blue sphere. These attacks can be predicted as they always fire ranged attacks with their right arms and magic attacks with their left arms. When they throw both hands down, they are using their icicle special attack.

Use Protect from Magic when the glacor raises its left arm and Protect from Missiles when it raises its right arm. It is also easy to use protection prayers because glacors will not switch attack styles while in combat except for when they use their special attack (after which they will always switch to their ranged attack).

Unlike tormented demons, protection prayers will only block 50% of the damage from glacors as opposed to their whole 100%.

Furthermore, glacors are weak to fire spells in a similar fashion to ice strykewyrms, taking 50% extra damage from the element, including Blood spells from the Ancient Magicks.

When a glacor reaches half health, it will summon its three glacytes, after which it will be invulnerable until they are slain. When all the glacytes are killed, the glacor will inherit the most recently slain glacyte's ability (further explained in Summons), and attack with a faster speed (speed 6 from 5).

Special abilities[]

Icicle - stalagmites[]

Glacors may slam both arms on the ground and fire a large cluster of icicles, rather like the icicles used with their ranged attacks. The player must run from the square he or she is standing in to avoid them. When hit by the icicles, you will lose half of your current life points in the form of type-less damage. If a glacor was attacking with magic and then uses this attack, it will always switch to its ranged attack afterward. If the glacor dies before the attack reaches the player, the icicles will do no damage. This attack can hurt other players who stand on the targeted tile.


Occasionally, the glacor's melee attack will have the same effect as the enhanced ice titans from Ritual of the Mahjarrat. If the player avoids the glacor's melee range entirely, it will not be able to use this special attack. This ability results in freezing the player, rather like an ice spell. There will be bright blue text alerting the player when they are frozen. To break free, the player must rapidly click somewhere on their screen five times. A message is shown when the ice bond is weak enough; five of these messages will result in you being freed. If you do not escape in time, you will be dealt with very heavy damage. If the glacor dies while doing this move, damage will not be dealt but you will still need to break free to move. Freedom and Anticipate have no effect on this special attack.


Similarly, the glacor's magic attack is also capable of binding the player, similar to ancient ice spells. Using protection or deflect magic prayers will prevent the player from getting frozen. Freedom and Anticipate function as normal when dealing with this bind. While this freezing effect will not damage the player on its own, it can be a nuisance if it occurs right before the glacor launches its special attack or an Unstable glacyte is about to explode. Because of this, it is suggested to use anticipate the moment the glacor spawns its 3 glacyte minions.


When the glacor has half of its life points remaining, it will spawn three different glacyte monsters that must be killed before the player can damage the glacor again.

Once all three glacytes are dead, the glacor will inherit a special ability similar to that of the last killed glacyte. For example, a glacor will take 60% less damage if its enduring glacyte is killed last. Glacors will also attack faster after their glacytes are dead, at speed 6 instead of speed 5. It is recommended to kill the Unstable glacyte last, as this will result in the fastest and most efficient kills.

If any combination of glacytes die at the same time, the glacor will always prioritize inheritance in the same order; enduring, sapping and unstable. For example; if the last 2 glacytes are the enduring and unstable, and they happen to die at the same time, the glacor will always inherit the enduring glacyte's special property. Because of this, it's important to not overuse area of effect abilities, and instead focus on killing the enduring glacyte with single target abilities instead.

Unstable glacyte[]

The unstable glacyte has a bar above its head, rather like the adrenaline bar seen on players, that indicates when it will use its special ability. Once the bar fills, the glacyte will stop moving and shortly thereafter explode, losing 90% of its current health and making it easy to finish off. The player will lose 1/3 of their current life points if they are standing next to it when it explodes. The free loss of health is deceiving, however; if the glacyte is not killed quickly after it explodes, it will rapidly regenerate its life points and begin to fill its bar once again. Fortunately, the glacyte stops healing once the timer starts.

Be careful of other players' unstable glacytes and explosive glacors, as both can injure you, even if they are on another player. Glacors have a larger explosive reach as well, with a 5x5 explosion as opposed to the 3x3 of the glacyte.

Sapping glacyte[]

The sapping glacyte will drain 20 of the player's Prayer points each time it hits.

Sapping glacors will drain 50 Prayer points per hit, rather than the 20 of the glacyte.

These mechanics make the Penance aura a useful choice for glacors.

Enduring glacyte[]

The enduring glacyte takes less damage the closer it is to its glacor. This ranges in effectiveness from complete invulnerability when it first spawns, to taking normal damage after it is around 14 spaces away from the glacor. It is therefore recommended that players draw the glacyte as far out as possible in order to speed up their kills.

Enduring glacors take 60% less damage, regardless of how far away you are from them.


Main article: Glacor/Strategies



No charmGold charmGreen charmCrimson charmBlue charm
Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 15,704 kills.
3 charms are dropped at a time.
Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).

Main drop[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Death runeDeath rune32–50Uncommon7,424–11,600
Adamant bolts (unf)Adamant bolts (unf)39–98Uncommon4,797–12,054
Rune plateskirtRune plateskirt1Uncommon37,061
Rune longswordRune longsword1Uncommon17,883
Rune battleaxeRune battleaxe1Uncommon24,988
Dragon maceDragon mace1Uncommon28,487
Watermelon seedWatermelon seed1–3Very rare3,590–10,770
Shards of ArmadylShards of Armadyl1Common[d 1][d 2]Not sold
Water talismanWater talisman3–5 (noted)Common7,584–12,640
Pure essencePure essence62–100 (noted)Common1,860–3,000
Coins 10000Coins348–13,999Common348–13,999
Raw sharkRaw shark4–10 (noted)Common5,708–14,270
Blue dragonhideBlue dragonhide5–10 (noted)Uncommon12,480–24,960
Headless arrowHeadless arrow100–600Uncommon4,700–28,200
Uncut diamondUncut diamond(noted)Uncommon9,686
Runite oreRunite ore2; 3 (noted)Uncommon2,838–4,257
Super magic potion (3)Super magic potion (3)1Uncommon11,787
Prayer potion (2)Prayer potion (2)1Rare1,395
Rare drop tableRare drop table1RareNot sold

Glacyte boots drop table[]

The player has a 1/128 chance of accessing this table. Every drop on this table then has equal chance of being accessed, making every individual drop 1/1280. In addition to the 7 drops displayed on the table below, the player also has a chance at receiving 1 random tree seed, 4 random noted herbs and 2 random noted herbs, effectively making this table have 10 possible drops.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Steadfast bootsSteadfast boots1Very rare[d 3][d 4]6,485,000
Ragefire bootsRagefire boots1Very rare[d 3][d 5]23,262,442
Glaiven bootsGlaiven boots1Very rare[d 3][d 6]16,522,720
Coins 1000Coins4,100–8,199Very rare4,100–8,199
SharkShark3–4Very rare5,799–7,732
Kwuarm seedKwuarm seed1Very rare12,857
Water talismanWater talisman(noted)Very rare7,584

Tertiary drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Sealed clue scroll (hard)Sealed clue scroll (hard)1RareNot sold
Starved ancient effigyStarved ancient effigy1Very rareNot sold
Sealed clue scroll (elite)Sealed clue scroll (elite)1Very rare[d 7]Not sold

Rare drop table[]

This monster has access to the rare drop table.
Luck-enhancing items such as a ring of wealth or luck of the dwarves are not required to access the table.
Show/hide rare drop table
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 250Coins250–500Common250–500
Uncut sapphireUncut sapphire1Common809
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald1Common2,555
Uncut rubyUncut ruby1Common1,842
Uncut diamondUncut diamond1Common4,843
Uncut diamondUncut diamond45–55 (noted)Rare217,935–266,365
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key1Common11,053
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key1Common11,538
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Uncommon12,077
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone45–55 (noted)Rare543,465–664,235
Dragon longswordDragon longsword1Common56,212
Dragon spearDragon spear1Rare35,861
BattlestaffBattlestaff180–220 (noted)Rare542,160–662,640
Rune javelinRune javelin5Rare905
Rune platebodyRune platebody1Uncommon37,480
Rune platebodyRune platebody15–25 (noted)Rare562,200–937,000
Shield left halfShield left half1Rare64,399
Dragon helmDragon helm1Uncommon58,601
Rune arrowheadsRune arrowheads113–137Common14,916–18,084
Onyx boltsOnyx bolts135–165Very rare1,003,725–1,226,775
Chaos talismanChaos talisman1Rare1,923
Nature talismanNature talisman1Rare1,473
Water talismanWater talisman65–82 (noted)Rare164,320–207,296
Earth talismanEarth talisman65–82 (noted)Rare12,025–15,170
Fire talismanFire talisman25–35 (noted)Rare5,225–7,315
Raw lobsterRaw lobster135–165 (noted)Common47,655–58,245
Raw sharkRaw shark225–275 (noted)Uncommon321,075–392,425
Big bonesBig bones68–82 (noted)Uncommon13,804–16,646
Dragon bonesDragon bones180–220 (noted)Rare384,480–469,920
CoalCoal200–1,100 (noted)Uncommon22,400–123,200
Gold oreGold ore90–110 (noted)Common52,830–64,570
Adamantite oreAdamantite ore180–220 (noted)Uncommon40,860–49,940
Adamant barAdamant bar14–16 (noted)Common24,654–28,176
Adamant barAdamant bar135–165 (noted)Rare237,735–290,565
Runite oreRunite ore90–110 (noted)Rare127,710–156,090
Rune barRune bar(noted)Common8,955
Rune barRune bar45–55 (noted)Rare134,325–164,175
Grimy torstolGrimy torstol90–110 (noted)Uncommon485,010–592,790
Grimy snapdragonGrimy snapdragon90–110 (noted)Uncommon161,010–196,790
Super restore (4)Super restore (4)45–55 (noted)Uncommon125,910–153,890
Prayer potion (4)Prayer potion (4)45–55 (noted)Uncommon130,950–160,050
Lantadyme seedLantadyme seed14–16Uncommon10,164–11,616
Dwarf weed seedDwarf weed seed14–16Uncommon11,508–13,152
Magic seedMagic seed4Uncommon209,856
Palm tree seedPalm tree seed10Rare396,000
FlaxFlax450–550 (noted)Common43,200–52,800
Molten glassMolten glass45–55 (noted)Common27,585–33,715
Soft claySoft clay450–550 (noted)Uncommon188,550–230,450
Yew logsYew logs68–82 (noted)Uncommon11,356–13,694
Yew logsYew logs675–825 (noted)Rare112,725–137,775
Teak plankTeak plank45–55 (noted)Uncommon16,740–20,460
Mahogany plankMahogany plank270–330 (noted)Rare356,670–435,930
Blurberry SpecialBlurberry Special1Uncommon12,008
Vecna skullVecna skull1Very rare*124,871
Hazelmere's signet ringHazelmere's signet ring1Very rare*1,432,268,388
Brawling gloves (Melee)Brawling gloves (Melee)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Magic)Brawling gloves (Magic)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Ranged)Brawling gloves (Ranged)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Agility)Brawling gloves (Agility)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Cooking)Brawling gloves (Cooking)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (FM)Brawling gloves (FM)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Fishing)Brawling gloves (Fishing)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Hunter)Brawling gloves (Hunter)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Mining)Brawling gloves (Mining)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Prayer)Brawling gloves (Prayer)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Smithing)Brawling gloves (Smithing)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Thieving)Brawling gloves (Thieving)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (WC)Brawling gloves (WC)1Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 1Crystal triskelion fragment 11Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 2Crystal triskelion fragment 21Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 3Crystal triskelion fragment 31Very rareNot sold

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575
  1. ^ Mod Shauny. "Dev Blog: Revealing Drop Rates." 1 December 2017. Existing Game Updates Forums.
  2. ^ Drop rate: 5/48
  3. ^ a b c Drop rate: 1/1,280
  4. ^ Mod Shauny. "Dev Blog: Revealing Drop Rates." 1 December 2017. Existing Game Updates Forums.
  5. ^ Mod Shauny. "Dev Blog: Revealing Drop Rates." 1 December 2017. Existing Game Updates Forums.
  6. ^ Mod Shauny. "Dev Blog: Revealing Drop Rates." 1 December 2017. Existing Game Updates Forums.
  7. ^ There is a 1% chance of this being a sealed clue scroll (master) instead


  • In the Hallowe'en 2011 event, the player had to choose a glacor to represent Frank in statue form.
  • The glacor fought during the quest can be killed and it will give usual drops.
  • There was a glitch that enabled you to be in combat with 2 glacors at once using Chain. Normally, the ability would ignore other glacors; however, it was able to hit multiple glacors if it was used to initiate combat. This has been fixed on 13 April 2015.
  • Prior to Legacy Mode, glacors had 30,000 life points.
  • The Promised Gift revealed the existence of arch-glacors 100 times larger than regular ones on the plane of Leng.
  • As of 1 February 2018, the highest kill count for this monster was 61,648 kills[1].
    • This had not increased by 6 May 2018.[2]


  1. ^ Mod Shauny. Top 10 killers per Boss. 2 Feb 2018. "Here are the top 10 kills for each Slayer creature in RuneScape, be aware that we've not listed display names for privacy purposes however if you wish to brag about one number being yours then we won't stop you!"*
  2. ^ Mod Shauny. Top Slayer Killers - 6th May 2018. 6 May 2018. "Here are the top 10 kills for each Slayer creature in RuneScape, be aware that we've not listed display names for privacy purposes however if you wish to brag about one number being yours then we won't stop you!"*