RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the monster. For the race, see Goblin (race).
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Goblin goggles chathead

Goblins are generally weak monsters who are popular for combat training for players with lower combat levels, they are especially useful for training melee and magic.


Goblins can be found in various places, including:

Champions' Challenge[]

Goblin Transformation

A player transformed into a Goblin.

Goblins are one of the 'races' that have champions in the Champions' Challenge Distraction and Diversion. To fight the Goblin Champion, the player must kill goblins until one drops a Champion's scroll, a very rare drop.


The labels 'rare' and 'very rare' are relative in this section. Most items are very common compared to a much rarer item such as a shield left half. Rarity also depends on which goblin is killed. For instance, level 1 goblins (around Lumbridge) are more prone to drop bronze bolts, cabbage, chef's hats, and mind runes compared to the Goblin Village goblins.

100% drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price


Goblins from Goblin Village do not drop charms.

No charmGold charmGreen charmCrimson charmBlue charm
Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 52,181 kills.
1 charm is dropped at a time.
Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).

Main drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Iron daggerIron dagger1Common1,584
Bronze arrowBronze arrow16Common496
Bronze boltsBronze bolts8Common200
Bronze helmBronze helm1Common524
Bronze spearBronze spear1Common8,862
Bronze sq shieldBronze sq shield1Common395
Bronze chainbodyBronze chainbody1Uncommon971
Bronze full helmBronze full helm1Uncommon451
Bronze kiteshieldBronze kiteshield1Uncommon1,338
Bronze swordBronze sword1Uncommon1,137
Bronze longswordBronze longsword1Uncommon1,681
Brass necklaceBrass necklace1Uncommon365
Iron arrowIron arrow3–6Uncommon42–84
Staff of airStaff of air1Rare2,013
Bronze hatchetBronze hatchet1Rare1,459
Bronze javelinBronze javelin5Rare190
Bronze scimitarBronze scimitar1Rare1,288
Bronze gauntletsBronze gauntlets1Rare650
Iron full helmIron full helm1Rare649
Cape (red)Cape (red)1Rare221
Steel helmSteel helm1Rare1,002
Leather bodyLeather body1Very rare414
Warpriest of Bandos helmWarpriest of Bandos helm1Varies[1]Not sold
Warpriest of Bandos cuirassWarpriest of Bandos cuirass1Varies[1]Not sold
Warpriest of Bandos greavesWarpriest of Bandos greaves1Varies[1]Not sold
Warpriest of Bandos gauntletsWarpriest of Bandos gauntlets1Varies[1]Not sold
Warpriest of Bandos bootsWarpriest of Bandos boots1Varies[1]Not sold
Warpriest of Bandos capeWarpriest of Bandos cape1Varies[1]Not sold
Bread doughBread dough1Common352
Raw chickenRaw chicken1Uncommon938
Air runeAir rune2–10Common180–900
Body runeBody rune2; 7Common96–336
Earth runeEarth rune4Uncommon72
Water runeWater rune6Common150
Mind runeMind rune2–19Uncommon38–361
Blood runeBlood rune(m)1Rare678
Chaos runeChaos rune1Rare152
Nature runeNature rune1Rare405
Grimy guamGrimy guam1Uncommon709
Grimy marrentillGrimy marrentill1Uncommon2,307
Grimy tarrominGrimy tarromin1Uncommon105
Grimy harralanderGrimy harralander(m)1Uncommon741
Grimy ranarrGrimy ranarr(m)1Rare1,860
Grimy iritGrimy irit(m)1Rare5,008
Grimy avantoeGrimy avantoe(m)1Rare1,043
Grimy kwuarmGrimy kwuarm(m)1Rare11,782
Grimy cadantineGrimy cadantine(m)1Rare4,322
Grimy lantadymeGrimy lantadyme(m)1Rare7,551
Grimy dwarf weedGrimy dwarf weed(m)1Rare8,476
Air talismanAir talisman1Common498
Chef's hatChef's hat1Common433
Coins 5Coins1–24Common1–24
Goblin mailGoblin mail1Common837
Earth talismanEarth talisman1Rare185
Fire talismanFire talisman1Rare209
Green goblin mailGreen goblin mail1Uncommon[2]Not sold
Red goblin mailRed goblin mail1Uncommon[3]Not sold
Mind talismanMind talisman1Rare203
Tin oreTin ore1Rare116

Tertiary drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Goblin bookGoblin book(m)1UncommonNot sold
Goblin skullGoblin skull(m)1Uncommon[4]Not sold
Sealed clue scroll (easy)Sealed clue scroll (easy)(m)1UncommonNot sold
Goblin Champion's scrollGoblin Champion's scroll(m)1Very rare[5]Not sold
Spirit sapphireSpirit sapphire(m)1RareNot sold
Spirit emeraldSpirit emerald(m)1RareNot sold
Spirit rubySpirit ruby(m)1RareNot sold
SacrificeSacrifice1Rare[6]Not sold
DevotionDevotion1Rare[6]Not sold
TransfigureTransfigure1Rare[6]Not sold


Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575


  • The media of the Runescape homepage shows a picture of updated goblins.
Runescape Media Goblins

The updated goblins as seen on the RuneScape cinematic trailer.

  • Some common goblins have a "talk" option such as the one in the hay barn in Draynor near Mabel. However, upon talking to them, the game box will say "The goblin doesn't have anything interesting to say."
  • Some of the goblins in Goblin Village appear to be smoking cigars.
  • Prior to the Evolution of Combat, the goblins with the flags would run from players. As a result of this, it contradicted their examine text, which was "A soldier to the death." These goblins also had much lower hitpoints than the other goblins in the dungeon, only having 3 hitpoints. With the Evolution of Combat update, these goblins' combat stats were increased to match the other ones and they do not run away from players anymore.
  1. ^ a b c d e f Players who previously bought this in The Bird and the Beast will have a greater chance of receiving this as a drop. Only in the God Wars Dungeon.
  2. ^ Only from Goblins in Goblin village wearing green
  3. ^ Only from Goblins in Goblin village wearing red
  4. ^ Only during the Rag and Bone Man quest
  5. ^ 1/5000 drop rate
  6. ^ a b c Abilities are not dropped as items; instead, they are simply learned when the monster is killed, prompting the message: You have unlocked the <Ability> ability!. They are dropped alongside the main drop. Only dropped by goblins in the God Wars Dungeon.