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God Statues is a Construction based monthly Distraction and Diversion. The aim is to aid Copernicus Glyph in building up to five statues around Gielinor which act as prayer altars.


To take part, one of the following must be completed:

To begin, speak to Copernicus Glyph who can be found in five major cities: Canifis (near the lodestone), Gu'Tanoth (just south-west of Yanille), Lumbridge (just west of the Lumbridge cow field), Prifddinas (in between the Amlodd and Ithell districts, directly west of the Tower of Voices), and Taverley (just north of Pikkupstix's Summoning Shop). Select a statue depicting a notable follower of one of five gods (Commander Zilyana for Saradomin; Juna for Guthix; K'ril Tsutsaroth for Zamorak; General Graardor for Bandos; Glarial for Seren) to be built then help erect the scaffolding.

Scaffolding in progress

An in-progress piece of scaffolding work. Three are correct, one is incorrect.

Copernicus will decide the total amount of scaffolding, as well as the minimum and maximum heights of any individual scaffolding pillar. There are five scaffolding spots, and pieces can be added or removed by using the arrows at the base of each pillar. Once the maximum number of pieces are in place, click on Copernicus' portrait, and he will inspect the scaffolding positioning and tell the player if any pieces are right or wrong. He will always comment when pieces are correct, so any pillars he doesn't comment on are incorrect. When all the scaffolding is correct, his portrait will glow green and work will begin on the statue.

The proper statue to construct depends on the area and its primary religion. If the proper statue is built, the appropriate god is honoured. However, if an improper statue is built, a fanatic will instead attack.

The quality of the statue vary dependent upon the builder's Construction level, while the fanatic depends upon the area and the builder's Slayer level. Boosts such as the crystal saw do not affect the statue quality.

Every month, fanatics succeed in destroying the previous statue, allowing them to be rebuilt on the first day of each calendar month. It is recommended to do this, especially for ironmen, as it is a monthly D&D, and it helps out with more tedious skills, such as Prayer and Construction.


Building statue

Building a statue.

Location Proper god statue
East of the northern bridge in north-eastern Lumbridge Saradomin's Zilyana
Slightly south-east of the Canifis lodestone Zamorak's K'ril Tsutsaroth
South-east of the Yanille lodestone near Gu'Tanoth BandosGraardor
Slightly north of Pikkupstix's Summoning Shop in north-eastern Taverley Guthix's Juna
The westernmost platform in Prifddinas Seren's Queen Glarial


Main article: Fanatic
Fanatic appears

A god fanatic appears!

If the wrong god statue is built at a place where another god is worshipped, a fanatic aligned with that god will appear and will attack the builder when they pray at the statue. Should a player flee the scene, they must wait 1 minute before they may attempt to fight the fanatic again.

Fanatics' combat information
Difficulty Slayer-icon level Combat level Life Points Weakness Attack style
Easy 1 6 150 Arrow weakness icon Arrows Melee weakness icon Melee
Medium 25 44 1600 Crush weakness icon Crush Melee weakness icon Melee
Hard 50 68 2450 Thrown weakness icon Thrown Melee weakness icon Melee
Elite 75 93 3350 Water weakness icon Water spells Magic weakness icon Magic
Fanatic names
Difficulty Lumbridge Gu'tanoth Canifis Taverley Prifddinas
Easy Saradominist zealot Bandosian brawler Zamorakian fanatic Guthixian votary Trahaearn automaton mk I
Medium Saradominist initiate Bandosian ogre Zamorakian marauder Guthixian spirit Trahaearn automaton mk II
Hard Saradominist knight Bandosian ork Zamorakian werewolf Guthixian moss giant Trahaearn automaton mk III
Elite Saradominist magister Bandosian shaman Zamorakian warlock Guthixian druid Trahaearn automaton mk IV

Statue types[]

Statue quality Construction-icon level In honour of which god and champion
Saradomin & Zilyana Zamorak & Kril Tsutsaroth Bandos & Graardor Guthix & Juna Seren & Queen Glarial
Plain 1 Plain Saradomin statue Plain Zamorak statue Plain Bandos statue Plain Guthix statue Prifddinas requires 75 Construction to enter.
Sturdy 32 Sturdy Saradomin statue Sturdy Zamorak statue Sturdy Bandos statue Sturdy Guthix statue Prifddinas requires 75 Construction to enter.
Fine 52 Fine Saradomin statue (God Statues) Fine Zamorak statue (God Statues) Fine Bandos statue (God Statues) Fine Guthix statue Prifddinas requires 75 Construction to enter.
Expert 72 Expert Saradomin statue Expert Zamorak statue Expert Bandos statue Expert Guthix statue Expert Seren statue
Masterpiece 90 Masterpiece Saradomin statue Masterpiece Zamorak statue Masterpiece Bandos statue Masterpiece Guthix statue Masterpiece Seren statue



Each statue completed will award Construction experience equal to a large XP lamp, while praying to a statue or killing a fanatic will award Prayer or Slayer experience equal to a medium XP lamp respectively, capped at level 99.


The sculpting chisel is a Construction tool that is earned by building a statue to a god in the same location for four months, which can be non-consecutive. There are five chisels, one dedicated to each god, though the difference is purely cosmetic. The chisel provides an invisible Construction boost of one level which stacks with other boosts such as the crystal saw, spicy stews and tea, and grants an additional 1% experience gain while training Construction.



  • Upon release, the experience given was counted from a different formula that gave only about 1/4 experience. This was changed a few hours after and players who had already completed their statues were able to rebuild them being awarded with correct amount of experience.
    • Also upon release, there was a glitch that allowed players to gain massive amounts of Construction experience in a short time. Some accounts were able to use this to take new accounts to 200 million Construction experience in a single day; some accounts were banned. Some players also used the 10% bonus experience from the refer-a-friend program to gain massive experience without abusing the glitch. This has since been fixed.
    • Furthermore, when you finished building all of the God Statues and Copernicus Glyph thanks you, there was a typo when he says: "Finally! It's time to relax for a while. Couldn't have done it without you, of course. Many thanks!" This has since been fixed.
  • For players with levels at each Construction requirement, this Distraction and Diversion is one of the best methods for Construction experience.
  • Until 20 May 2013, even after "The World Wakes" quest has been completed and after Guthix has died, when building a statue of Juna, the following message would appear: "Your prayer pleases Guthix". However, it now says "Your prayer honours Guthix".
  • When a fanatic appears, the left click option of the statue becomes "Run Away".
  • When teleporting to the closest lodestones via the minigames tab under the adventures menu, the order is Lumbridge, Taverley, Gu'Tanoth, Canifis, then Prifddinas. However, after the first two statues would be completed, instead of teleporting to the Yanille lodestone, it used to teleport to the Ardougne lodestone. This has been fixed.
  • The scaffolding during the building process of the Lumbridge statue appears much thinner and lighter when compared to scaffolding of the other locations.