There will be 1,000 sets of equipment per barrow brother to win, spanning over 2 days with 3 different sets per day, totalling in 4,000 sets for each barrow brother at the end of the event.[1]
Golden Akrisae the Doomed's equipment is also available to win, but as a rare prize from Balthazar's Bargain Barrel. The Golden Akrisae the Doomed set was available to win in the main 2017 raffle on Saturday 2 September 2017 with 500 sets available in addition to 1,000 sets each of Guthans. Ahrims, and Veracs; another 500 sets of Akrisae were released on Sunday 3 September 2017, along with 1,000 sets each of Torags, Dharoks, and Karils.
^Jagex. Mod Timbo's Twitter account. 18 Aug 2015. Mod Timbo: "It'll be 1,000 of each set per day. There are two days for Golden Barrows, 3 sets per day."