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For this item's off-hand variant, see off-hand gravite longsword.

Gravite longsword detail

The gravite longsword is a main hand melee weapon released along with the Dungeoneering skill. It requires 55 Attack and 45 Dungeoneering to wield. It can be purchased from the rewards trader for 40,000 Dungeoneering tokens, which would realistically require a Dungeoneering level of 64 to obtain.

This is the 5th strongest longsword in the game outside of Dungeoneering after the drygore longsword, chaotic longsword, vesta's longsword, and dragon longsword.

Combat Stats
RequirementsDegradesGravite longsword equipped
55 Attack, 45 Dungeoneering30,000 charges
Attack MeleeMain hand slot
Fast (3.0s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Degradation and repair[]

The gravite longsword has 30,000 charges of combat (a minimum time of 5 hours). Once the charges run out, it will break and become unusable until repaired by the rewards trader at Daemonheim. When first purchased, it will have a 20% charge. Repairs are made incrementally in 1% portions, and the cost of recharging can be paid in two ways: coins, or a combination of coins and Dungeoneering tokens.

Charge Cost Combination cost
99% 10,000 1,000 and Dungeoneering token 65
90% 100,000 10,000 and Dungeoneering token 650
20% 800,000 80,000 and Dungeoneering token 5,200
0% 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 6,500

All repair costs are reduced by 5% if Daemonheim aura 3 has been earned.

Store locations[]

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  • The gravite longsword used to cost 90,000 Dungeoneering tokens before the 21 April 2010 update.