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Zombie head
Grim reaper hood was removed from RuneScape after an update, but still exists in-game for those who had obtained it.

Grim reaper hood chathead
Grim reaper hood detail

The grim reaper hood was the reward for the 2007 Hallowe'en event. The Grim Reaper set the player various tasks such as an obstacle course in order to claim this prize and the scared emote (if players didn't already have it from previous Hallowe'en events) and a new emote called zombie hand, which involves a zombie's hand springing out of the ground, the player dodging it, and the hand retreating back into its hole. The Grim Reaper hood cannot be obtained anymore, as it is a discontinued item.

If it is destroyed, another can be obtained by talking to Diango in Draynor Village.

It can be stored in the toy box in the costume room of a player-owned house.

Combat Stats
Grim reaper hood equippedGrim reaper hood (female) equipped
NoneHead slotDefenceArmour0
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
Style-Style bonuses


  • Players cannot cast any alchemy spells on the hood. Doing so causes the message "The Grim Reaper probably wouldn't approve of that." to display in the chat window.
  • The female version of the hood has a slightly different shape and texture than the male version.