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Grimy tarromin detail

A grimy tarromin is a herb that has not yet been cleaned to make a clean tarromin. Grimy tarromins may be grown from a tarromin seed with a Farming level of 19. It is dropped by certain NPCs, and may also be obtained from the Sorceress's Garden minigame. Cleaning a grimy tarromin requires a Herblore level of 5 and gives 3.8 Herblore experience. Clean tarromin is used to make Magic potion, Strength potion, and Serum 207 with Herblore levels of 5, 7, and 12 respectively. Clean tarromin can also be used with swamp tar to create tarromin tar.

Cleaning grimy tarromin yields a profit/loss of 22 coins per herb.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Aberrant spectre72; 781–3Common
Air elemental441Common
Ancient ranger1031Common
Basilisk70; 771Common
Black Heather1381Common
Black Knight30; 331Common
Blue dragon741Common
Cave bug8; 121Common
Cave crawler53; 74; 781Common
Cave crawler53; 74; 781–2Common
Cave horror (elite)861Common
Chaos druid321–2Common
Chaos druid warrior651–2Common
Cockroach worker301Common
Desert Lizard35; 49; 631Common
Dried zombie671Common
Druid (historical)331Common
Dung kalphiteN/A1Common
Dust devil851Common
Dust devil (elite)951Common
Earth warrior781Common
Earth warrior (elite)881Common
Elf warrior84; 891Common
Elite Khazard guard77; 841Common
Exiled kalphite marauder98; 1071Common
Exiled kalphite paragon841Common
Experiment No.2641–3Common
Fire giant851Common
Flesh Crawler39; 401Common
Frost dragon1121Common
Fungal mage811Common
Gelatinous abomination41Common
General malpractitioner841Common
Giant ant soldier701Common
Giant ant worker491Common
Giant skeleton (Shadow Dungeon)841Common
Golden chinchompa (Squeal of Fortune)N/A5Common
Gorak74; 951Common
Hill giant441Common
Hobgoblin28; 30; 32; 35; 911Common
Hobgoblin (elite)411Common
Ice troll grunt681Common
Ice troll runt531Common
Jelly63; 681Common
Jogre57; 861Common


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