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Grimy torstol detail

A grimy torstol is a herb that has not yet been cleaned to make a clean torstol. Grimy torstols may be grown from a torstol seed with a farming level of 85, which is dropped by certain NPCs. Cleaning a grimy torstol requires a Herblore level of 75 and gives 15 herblore experience. Clean torstols are used to make Overload potions with a herblore level of 96 or Zamorak brews with a Herblore level of 78. Grimy torstol is one of the five herbs that cannot be obtained from the Sorceress's Garden.

One grimy torstol plus 8 other grimy herbs can be obtained from the closed chest in the Yanille Agility dungeon when unlocked with a Sinister key.

Grimy torstols are also possible loot from using a Columbarium key on a wooden alcove acquired by cremating a Vyre corpse in the Paterdomus Columbarium, or as the high herb reward from the minigame Temple Trekking.

Cleaning grimy torstol yields a profit/loss of 159 coins coins per herb.


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Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Ancient mage1031Common
Columbarium keyN/A2Common
Crystal chestN/A2Common
Glowing crackerN/A5Common
Golden chinchompa (Squeal of Fortune)N/A5Common
Ancient ranger1031Rare
Mutated jadinko baby931Rare
Mutated jadinko guard961Rare
Barbarian Assault/RewardsN/A14Uncommon
Demon Flash MobN/A3Uncommon
Demon boss2003Uncommon
Kalphite King250030Uncommon
Legio Primus3045Uncommon
Legio Quartus3045Uncommon
Legio Quintus3045Uncommon
Legio Secundus3045Uncommon
Legio Sextus3045Uncommon
Legio Tertius3045Uncommon
Queen Black Dragon90010Uncommon
Rare drop tableN/A90–110Uncommon
Shiny columbarium keyN/A2Uncommon
Vyre corpseN/A2Uncommon
Barbarian Assault/RewardsN/A4Unknown
Falador resource bundleN/A1Unknown
Mystery box (Court Cases)N/A8Unknown
Telos, the Warden200069–469Varies
Chaos druid321–2Very rare
Mutated jadinko male1001Very rare