A grimy torstol is a herb that has not yet been cleaned to make a clean torstol. Grimy torstols may be grown from a torstol seed with a farming level of 85, which is dropped by certain NPCs. Cleaning a grimy torstol requires a Herblore level of 75 and gives 15 herblore experience. Clean torstols are used to make Overload potions with a herblore level of 96 or Zamorak brews with a Herblore level of 78. Grimy torstol is one of the five herbs that cannot be obtained from the Sorceress's Garden.
One grimy torstol plus 8 other grimy herbs can be obtained from the closed chest in the Yanille Agility dungeon when unlocked with a Sinister key.
Grimy torstols are also possible loot from using a Columbarium key on a wooden alcove acquired by cremating a Vyre corpse in the Paterdomus Columbarium, or as the high herb reward from the minigame Temple Trekking.
Cleaning grimy torstol yields a profit/loss of 159 coins coins per herb.
Disassembly XP | 2.2 |
Item quantity required | 1 |
Material count | 1 |
Base junk chance | 4.2% |
Possible materials | |
Often | |
Organic parts | 89% |
Sometimes | |
Crafted parts | 8% |
Rarely | |
Living components | 1% |
Healthy components | 1% |
Enhancing components | 1% |
Drop sources[]
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- For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source | Combat level | Quantity | Rarity |
Ancient mage | 103 | 1 | Common |
Columbarium key | N/A | 2 | Common |
Crystal chest | N/A | 2 | Common |
Glowing cracker | N/A | 5 | Common |
Golden chinchompa (Squeal of Fortune) | N/A | 5 | Common |
Vorago | 10000 | 15–20 | Common |
Ancient ranger | 103 | 1 | Rare |
Mutated jadinko baby | 93 | 1 | Rare |
Mutated jadinko guard | 96 | 1 | Rare |
Barbarian Assault/Rewards | N/A | 14 | Uncommon |
Columbarium | N/A | 2 | Uncommon |
Demon Flash Mob | N/A | 3 | Uncommon |
Demon boss | 200 | 3 | Uncommon |
Kalphite King | 2500 | 30 | Uncommon |
Legio Primus | 304 | 5 | Uncommon |
Legio Quartus | 304 | 5 | Uncommon |
Legio Quintus | 304 | 5 | Uncommon |
Legio Secundus | 304 | 5 | Uncommon |
Legio Sextus | 304 | 5 | Uncommon |
Legio Tertius | 304 | 5 | Uncommon |
Nex | 1001 | 40 | Uncommon |
Queen Black Dragon | 900 | 10 | Uncommon |
Rare drop table | N/A | 90–110 | Uncommon |
Shiny columbarium key | N/A | 2 | Uncommon |
Sunspear | N/A | 2 | Uncommon |
Vyre corpse | N/A | 2 | Uncommon |
Vyrelady | 98 | 2 | Uncommon |
Vyrelord | 98 | 2 | Uncommon |
Barbarian Assault/Rewards | N/A | 4 | Unknown |
Falador resource bundle | N/A | 1 | Unknown |
Mystery box (Court Cases) | N/A | 8 | Unknown |
Telos, the Warden | 2000 | 69–469 | Varies |
Chaos druid | 32 | 1–2 | Very rare |
Mutated jadinko male | 100 | 1 | Very rare |
Normal |
Special |
Dungeoneering |
Herblore Habitat |
Gielinor Games (discontinued) |