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Grotesque bones detail

Grotesque bones are obtained in The Nexus training area. They show up in the player's inventory after banishing The Grotesque. The player can obtain more than one set of bones.

Burying the bones yields experience based on the player's Prayer level at the time they are obtained (and so there is no reason to save the bones for later).

Much like ancient bones, they cannot be used on an altar in a player-owned house, crushed for use with the Ectofuntus, nor cremated in a bonfire. Despite this, additional experience is provided with a clan avatar, and the First Age outfit.

Grotesque bones do not stack in the bank.

Prayer Level Experience Prayer Level Experience
1 168 21 739
2 22
3 224 23 800
4 24
5 280 25 862
6 26
7 336 27 924
8 28
9 392 29 986
10 30
11 448 31 1047
12 32
13 504 33 1109
14 34
15 560 35 1170
16 36
17 616 37 1232
18 38
19 678 39 1294
20 40+