RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Gunnar's Ground.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Gunnar's Ground icon
Speak to Dororan at the Gunnarsgrunn gate
Member requirementF2P icon Free to play
Official difficultyNovice Novice
Official lengthShort to Medium
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • None
Enemies to defeat


Getting the ring[]

Dororan depressed

Dororan, looking very depressed.

  • Speak to Dororan near the eastern entrance to Barbarian Village. (Chat ~1~21)
  • You will receive a scroll containing a love poem, go to Edgeville and speak to Jeffery near the furnace. (Chat 11111)
  • Bring the gold ring back to Dororan. (Chat 12)
  • Click the 'engrave' option on the ring (tool belt chisel works), and show it to Dororan. (Chat 111)

Promoting the courtship[]

Showing Gororan's ring

Showing the ring to Gudrun.

  • Speak to Gudrun (west of Dororan), but avoid telling her that Dororan is a dwarf. (Chat 1111)
  • Talk to Gunthor, found in the longhall. (Chat 11111)
  • Return and talk to Gudrun. (Chat 2)

The poem[]

  • Speak to Dororan. (Chat 12)
  • Help him with his poem. (Chat 1~53~51~53)

Sending the poem[]

  • Give the poem to Gudrun to read to her father. (Chat ~~~~~)
  • Talk to Dororan to complete the quest.


Gunnar's Ground reward
Additional rewards/activities

After the quest, you can go to what used to be Juliet's house (near the Cooking Guild) and Dororan is now living there with Gudrun. You can talk to Dororan and ask for additional tasks to engrave jewellery for him and receive up to 32K experience in Crafting.

If you talk to Dororan after this quest, he will ask your help in carving words on a ruby bracelet (engrave 'With beauty blessed.' on it), dragonstone necklace (engrave 'Gudrun' on it) and onyx amulet (engrave 'The most beautiful girl in the room.' on it). If you agree to help, you get an additional total of 32,000 Crafting experience. Free players can engrave the jewellery even though they can only be obtained by members. Temporary boosts work.

  • Ruby bracelet requires a level of 42 Crafting and gives 2,000 Crafting experience.
  • Dragonstone necklace requires a level of 72 Crafting and gives 10,000 Crafting experience.
  • Onyx amulet requires a level of 90 Crafting and gives 20,000 Crafting experience.
Music unlocked