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Gunnar's ground (item) detail

Gunnar's Ground is a quest item used during the Gunnar's Ground quest. After Chieftain Gunthor refuses to let his daughter, Gudrun, court an outlander, the player must find a way to change his mind. During the quest, Gudrun reads the poem to her father the chieftain, convincing him to permanently settle in the Barbarian Village.

The poem follows the structure, verse and rhyming scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet.

The poem is surrendered during the quest. Another copy may be obtained from Dororan after the quest. He can be found in the house just west of Varrock.


The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Gunnar's Ground (item).

Our people dwelt on mountains steeped in lore,
A mighty tribe as harsh as any beast
Who then, in face of madness swept to war,
The warlord Gunnar leading to the east.

This legacy of honour still lives on
In Gunnar's bloodline, fierce to this day.
We sing the tales of battles long since won
And from his righteous purpose never stray.

But long is gone the author of that threat
And even rolling boulders come to rest,
For Gunnar's ground is rich and fruitful yet
And Gunnar's blood with beauty blessed.

Now let these freemen from this conflict cease
And let this be the time of Gunthor's peace.


[FAQ] • [doc]