Gypsy Aris Maye is a gypsy who runs Gypsy Aris' Reward Shop in her tent in Varrock Square. The sign outside her tent has a large blinking eye. Gypsy Aris and her tent received a graphical makover on 15 December2009.
She is involved in Recipe for Disaster and Dimension of Disaster, and has great knowledge about the history of Gielinor. She also has vast magical powers; for example, she casts a Tempus Cessit spell in the beginning of Recipe for Disaster to stop time. She serves as a member of the Secret Council of RuneScape, but arrives late to the latest meeting.
Gypsy Aris' tent, as it appears today.
It appears she also has an inhuman lifespan. She claims to be seven times as old as the number of legs on the stools in the Blue Moon Inn, which would make her either 224, 266, or 364, depending on whether she is referring to the bar room only, the entire lower level, or both downstairs and upstairs, respectively.
She used to be called just Gypsy, but this was changed so people would know her name, vital information needed for quests.
In the old version of Demon Slayer, she reveals that she is a follower of Guthix.
During Recipe for Disaster she refers to herself as the Wise Old Man's "bubbykins", indicating a possible (maybe past) relationship between the two. The Culinaromancer also exclaim "You!" after spotting Gypsy Aris, hinting that they have battled before.
She has a gravestone in the New Varrock graveyard which reads "Aris Maye. The reports of her death have been greatly exaggerated." This is a reference to the American writer commonly known as Mark Twain.