Hard leather boots
200 coins
120 coins
80 coins
A pair of hard leather boots.
Hard leather boots are a piece of Ranged equipment and part of the Hard leather armour set. They require 10 Defence to wear. They can be crafted with one hard leather and some thread at level 27 Crafting , giving 34 experience.
Hard leather boots at one time had an unusually high value , so using High Level Alchemy on them gave 600 coins . This was reduced to the current value of 120 on 23 February 2015 .
Creation [ ]
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Hard leather boots", "image": "[[File:Hard leather boots.png|link=Hard leather boots]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Thread", "quantity": "1", "image": "Thread.png" },{ "name": "Hard leather", "quantity": "1", "image": "Hard leather.png" } ], "skill": "Crafting", "level": "27" } Hard leather boots- 34 XP - 97 Requirements Crafting level27 Members onlyNo Materials Item Quantity Price Total Thread 1 10 10 Hard leather 1 670 670 Total price 680
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Disassembly [ ]
Defined properties:
All Junk chance: 89
Junk chance: 89
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