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Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Haunted Mine.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Haunted Mine icon
Speak to the Zealot oustide the mines in Morytania
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyExperienced Experienced
Official lengthLong
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • None
Enemies to defeat

Saradominist Zealot[]

  • Speak to Saradominist zealot, north of the mine near Burgh De Rott. (Chat 111)
  • Pickpocket Zealot to get Zealot's key.
  • Climb over the cart to the south and crawl-through the cart tunnel.

Navigating the cave[]

  • Run directly west to the opposite side of the cave and crawl-through the cart tunnel.
  • Re-enter the cave via the southern entrance.
  • Descend the nearby ladder.
  • Go down the ladder directly east.
  • Go down the south ladder (beware of the moving cart — follow it as it moves south and step off the track when you can).
Abandoned Mine Level 4

Cave level 4

Glowing mushrooms[]

Perfect trackmap

Correct track

  • Pick a glowing fungus (X).
  • Place the fungus in the cart (T).
  • Check points settings (P).
  • Compare your tracks to the correct version (pictured). Remember the letters where the track needs to be changed. Pull the levers at (Q) and (R) so that the bright red arrows match. Examine the levers to find the corresponding letter.
  • Return to (P) and check points settings. Click start.
  • If you fail and manage to put the mine cart in water, you will need to pick another glowing fungus to put into the mine cart.
  • Your character will say something about the cart being somewhere useful when the puzzle is complete.
  • Make your way back to the very first cave room in the same way you came. You can use the Drakan's medallion for quicker access if you have it, to teleport to Burgh de Rott
Abandoned Mine Level 1

Cave level 1

  • Go down ladder 2 on cave level 1.
  • Go northeast and down the ladder.
  • Go west and down the ladder.
  • Search the cart just south to get the fungus. (Chat 1)

The Ghost Fight[]

  • With the fungus, go back up the ladder.
  • Run east and go down the ladder (beware of the moving cart).
  • Run south (on the east path when it splits) and use Zealot's Key on water valve (U).
  • Go down the lift.
  • Walk down the southeast stairs.
  • Go directly west and through the door.
  • Try to pick up the key to the west, sitting on the crate just north of the crane.
  • Kill the ghost.
  • Pick up the key.

Getting the Crystal[]

  • Walk up the stairs you came from.
  • Walk down the stairs directly to the west.
  • Open the large door.
  • Cut a piece of Crystal outcrop.
  • Quest complete!
    • (Optional) If you want an extra salve amulet, use a ball of wool on the crystal you mined to make the amulet, then drop it and mine another piece.
    • (Optional) Mine some mithril ore in the vein northeast to complete a medium Morytania task.


Haunted Mine reward
Music unlocked