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Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Hazeel Cult.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Hazeel Cult icon
Central Ardougne, south-west of King Lathas's castle. The easiest way to reach it is to use a Spirit tree teleport to the Khazard battlefield. Talk to Ceril Carnillean.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyNovice Novice
Official lengthShort
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
  • Able to defeat a level 9 enemy (if siding with the Carnilleans)
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • None
Enemies to defeat
  • Alomone (9) (if siding with the Carnilleans)

There are two sides to this quest. Rewards for both sides are the same. Siding with the Carnilleans has less steps.

Carnillean's Side[]

  • Talk to Ceril Carnillean, located in his house to the immediate south of the East Ardougne castle. (Chat 1)
  • Exit his house and make your way to the south side of it.
Hazeel Cult valve map

The location of the valves.

  • There are five valves that must be turned, complete them on the way to the cave:
    • Valve 2 is directly behind the Carnilleans' house. Turn it right.
    • Valve 1 is west of the clock tower, just across the bridge. Turn it right.
    • Valve 3 is north of the cave, east of the clock tower. Turn it left.
    • Valve 4 is just south of Ardougne Zoo's penguin cage. Turn it right.
    • Valve 5 is south-east of the fourth valve, near Brother Cedric. Turn it right.
  • Enter the cave that is south of Valve 3.
  • Talk to Clivet and refuse to help - he will disappear. (Chat 11)
  • Board the raft.
  • Go south and talk to Alomone, and then kill him.
  • Pick up the Carnillean armour he drops.
    • Note: It is possible to get a second platebody to keep, You must kill him twice, collect two platebodies. After collecting both, when you go to turn in the quest, drop one on the floor, and drop it on the floor again, when you go to search the wardrobe at the end.
  • Return to Carnillean's house and talk to Ceril.
  • You will get a Quest Complete! notification, but there is one more step
  • Go upstairs and search the wardrobe in the eastern room, on the southern wall.
  • Quest complete!

The Cult's Side[]

Hazeel Cult valve map

The location of the valves.

  • There are five valves that must be turned, complete them on the way to the cave:
    • Valve 2 is directly behind the Carnilleans' house. Turn it right.
    • Valve 1 is west of the clock tower, just across the bridge. Turn it right.
    • Valve 3 is north of the cave. Turn it left.
    • Valve 4 is east, just south of Ardougne Zoo's penguin cage. Turn it right.
    • Valve 5 is south-east of the fourth valve, near Brother Cedric. Turn it right.
  • Head west until you find a patch of forest with a cave. Enter the cave.
  • Talk to Clivet and agree to help.(Chat 12)
  • Go to the basement of Ceril's house and use the bottle of poison on the range.
  • Talk to one of the Carnilleans.
  • Return to Clivet and talk to him.
  • Board the raft.
  • Run south and talk to Alomone.
  • Re-board the raft, go back to the Carnilleans' house, and talk to Butler Jones.
  • Search the crates in the basement for a key.
  • Exit the basement by heading up the ladder, and go upstairs.
  • Knock on the odd wall which is the north wall in the north-west room.
  • Climb the ladder and unlock the chest to get the Hazeel scroll.
  • Return to Alomone and talk to him to give him the scroll. A cutscene will play.
  • Quest complete!


Hazeel Cult reward
Music unlocked