All RuneScape Head banners used in 2011 can be found here.
King of the Dwarves[]
- Occasion: The release of the King of the Dwarves quest.
- Scene:
RuneScape's 10th Anniversary[]
- Occasion: The ten year existence of RuneScape.
- Scene: The RuneScape logo can be seen behind the text with on the right something what seems to be some kind of Ork.
- Occasion: The return of the ability to fight other players in the Wilderness and Free trade.
- Scene: A Green dragon with glowing red eyes.
- Occasion: The release of the WildyWyrm event.
- Scene: A WildyWyrm can be seen on the right with a scared woman on the left.
Elemental Workshop IV[]
- Occasion: The release of the fourth elemental workshop quest.
- Scene:
Clan Support[]
- Occasion: The release of the Clan Camp and new Clan Chat system.
- Scene: A mage can be seen on the right and on the left the portal of the Rated Clan Wars arena can be seen.
Fremennik Sagas[]
- Occasion: The release of the Fremennik Sagas.
- Scene: Ozan, Ariane and Sir Owen can bee seen with a frozen floor in Daemonheim in the background.
Deadliest Catch[]
- Occasion: The release of the master quest Deadliest Catch.
- Scene: Anemone can be seen with an underwater background and on the right is a 'play button' to view the quest's trailer.
Exclusive Item: Ornate katana - Membership Card Advertisement (U.K.)[]
- Occasion: The release of the Ornate katana, the first Vanity item that you could receive by redeeming a 90 days Membership card. This is the banner that was shown in the United Kingdom and countries close to it.
- Scene: A detailed image of an Ornate katana with on the right a 90 days membership card.
Exclusive Item: Ornate katana - Membership Card Advertisement (U.S.)[]
- Occasion: The release of the Ornate katana, the first Vanity item that you could receive by redeeming a 90 days Membership card. This is the banner that was shown in the United States and countries close to it.
- Scene: A detailed image of an Ornate katana with on the right a 90 days membership card.
Exclusive Item: Ornate katana - Membership Card Advertisement (Australia)[]
- Occasion: The release of the Ornate katana, the first Vanity item that you could receive by redeeming a 90 days Membership card. This is the banner that was shown in Australia and countries close to it.
- Scene: A detailed image of an Ornate katana with on the right a 90 days membership card and the Australian flag in the background.
Member's Loyalty Programme[]
- Occasion: The release of the Members Loyalty Programme.
- Scene: A man showing his sword with an active Aura.
Clan Citadels[]
- Occasion: The release of the Clan Citadels.
- Scene: A clan citadel high up the sky.
Refer A Friend[]
- Occasion: The release of the Refer a Friend Programme.
- Scene: Two friends about to fight a horde of skeletons.
The Branches of Darkmeyer[]
- Occasion: The release of The Branches of Darkmeyer, the fifth quest in the Myreque series.
- Scene: Vanstrom can be seen on the left both in human and vampyric form with on the right of him a play button to play the quest's trailer.
Bonus XP Weekend (September 2011)[]
- Occasion: Announcement for the fourth Bonus XP Weekend that was held from 9 to 12 September 2011.
- Scene: Ozan can be seen jumping over a light beam in the Temple of Light.
Win a Pair of RuneFest 2011 VIP Tickets[]
- Occasion: You could win a pair of VIP tickets for RuneFest 2011.
- Scene: The flag of England with some well known buildings in black on it, a few sponsors of RuneFest at the bottom and a store locator button in the bottom right.
The Ritual[]
- Occasion: The release of the grandmaster quest Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
- Scene: Lucien can be seen with the Stone of Jas and other Mahjarrat attending The Ritual in the background.
Hallowe'en 2011 - DEATHCON II[]
- Occasion: The release of the 2011 Hallowe'en event, Deathcon II.
- Scene: The Grim Reaper can be seen with his citadel in the background.
Go Green For Halloween - Membership Card Advertisement[]
- Occasion: The release of the Green skin, the second Vanity "item" that you could receive by redeeming a 90 days Membership card.
- Scene: Eva Cashien can be seen with the green skin with on the right of her some Hallowe'en-themed 90 days membership cards.
Bot Nuking Day (ClusterFlutterer) Countdown[]
- Occasion: A counter counting down till the release of the Bot Nuke.
- Scene: A counter can be seen counting down with a nuke cloud in the background.
Bot Nuke Launch Imminent[]
- Occasion: This banner appeard after the counter hit 0, the nuke was released several minutes later.
- Scene: The same nuke as above can be seen with the "Launch Imminent" text displayed instead of the counter.
Nuke Celebrations[]
- Occasion: The release of ClusterFlutterer A.K.A. Bot Nuke Day and the bonus events that came with it to celebrate the nuke.
- Scene: Text about the bonus events can be seen with again a nuke in the background.
RuneFest 2011 Advertisement[]
- Occasion: Advertisement for RuneFest 2011.
- Scene: A primal warrior can be seen in the front with behind him some well know RuneScape characters having a party. This banner had animated fireworks and when clicking somewhere on the banner firework would explode on the spot where you clicked.
Dominion Tower[]
- Occasion: The release of the Dominion Tower.
- Scene: Nomad, Draynor and Elvarg can be seen with on the right the entrance of the Dominion Tower.
One Piercing Note[]
- Occasion: The release of the first fully voiced quest, One Piercing Note.
- Scene: The main hall of the Abbey of St. Elspeth Citharede.
Exclusive Item: Turkey hat - Membership Card Advertisement[]
- Occasion: The release of the Turkey hat, the third Vanity Item that you could receive by redeeming a 90 days Membership card.
- Scene: A woman can be seen wearing the Turkey hat with on the right of her some 90 days membership cards.
Default banner[]
- Occasion: It was first added when the new website was released, now it comes back regularly as it matches the default background.
- Scene: What appears to be a troll can be seen sitting in his chair with a drink in front of a fireplace. The eye in the drink will follow your cursor if you hover the banner.
Member's Loyalty Programme Advertisement[]
- Occasion: Advertisement for the Members Loyalty Programme.
- Scene: A loyal player being knighted.
Refer A Friend Advertisement[]
- Occasion: Advertisement for the Refer a Friend Programme.
- Scene: A player showing his friend the world of RuneScape.
Exclusive Item: Ice Mask - Membership Credit Card Advertisement[]
- Occasion: The release of the Ice Mask, the first Vanity Item that you could receive by purchasing 6 months of membership through credit card payment.
- Scene:
Default Banner (Christmas edit)[]
- Occasion: The release of the 2011 Christmas event, a Towering Feast.
- Scene: The same as the default banner, just with a red Christmassock hanging above the fireplace.