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RuneScape Wiki

All RuneScape Head banners used in 2012 can be found here.

The Firemaker's Curse[]

Can you make it out alive?

2012 Winter Event - Hati & Sköll (1st banner)[]

Are you afraid of the big bad wolves?

  • Occasion: The return of Hati and the release of his brother Sköll.
  • Scene: A close-up of Hati's eyes.

2012 Winter Event - Hati & Sköll (2nd banner)[]

Get DOUBLE Combat, Agility and Woodcutting XP!

  • Occasion: Extra advertisement for Hati and Sköll informing people about the bonus XP rewards they give.
  • Scene: A close-up of Hati's eyes.

The Elder Kiln[]

Enter The Kiln

Squeal of Fortune[]

Spin to Win!

  • Occasion: The release of the Squeal of Fortune.
  • Scene: Yelps can be seen with the Squeal of Fortune spinning on the right of him, if you hover the wheel it will slow down and stop on a random symbol.

Bonus XP Weekend (March 2012)[]

Bonus XP Weekend

Exclusive Item: Barbed Bow - Membership Card Advertisement[]

Exclusive: Barbed Bow

  • Occasion: The release of the Barbed bow, the fourth Vanity Item that you could receive by redeeming a 90 days Membership card.
  • Scene: A Barbed Bow can be seen on the left with on the right a 90 days membership card.

Member's Loyalty Programme Discounts Advertisement[]

Members Loyalty, up to 50% off existing items

  • Occasion: Advertisement for the discounts on various items in the Loyalty Shop that came with the release of the fourth batch.
  • Scene: Same as the previous loyalty banner, but with some different lighting and some of the new auras behind the knight.

Morytania Task Set (Achievement Diary)[]

New Achievement Diary, Get The Early Bird Bonus

Squeal of Fortune - Get more spins[]

Get more spins!

  • Occasion: The release of the ability to purchase more spins on the Squeal of Fortune for real money and also to get them through various other ways in-game, like D&D's, monster killing, skilling, etc.
  • Scene: Yelps can be seen on the left, holding an XP lamp, with on the right the Squeal of Fortune and some curtains in the background.

Easter 2012 - Chocatrice vs Evil Chicken[]

Join the FIERCEST EASTER BATTLE of all time!

Mad May and Wild Weekends[]

Get Bonus Spins, 250K Bonus XP and 500 Loyalty Points!

  • Occasion: Announcement of Mad May and the Wild Weekends coming up. Which, as the banner says, will give a bonus spin on the Squeal of Fortune everyday you log-in during May whilst being a member, will give 5000 Loyalty Points and an item that will give 250K Bonus XP if you've been a member for the whole of May. There will also be something different every weekend during May (4 weekends), known as the Wild Weekends.
  • Scene: Ozan can be seen on the right as he appears in the RuneScape Cinematic Trailer [1].

Squeal of Fortune - Earn Spins For Completing Quests![]

Now Earn Spins For Completing Quests!

  • Occasion: Two spins on the Squeal of Fortune are now awarded for every quest you complete.
  • Scene: Yelps can be seen on the left, holding an XP lamp, with on the right the Squeal of Fortune, this time with the sky in the background.

Fremennik Sagas II[]

Unravel the mysteries of Daemonheim

The Runespan[]

Runecrafting has evolved

  • Occasion: The release of the Runespan.
  • Scene: The Runespan can be seen with a wizard on the left.

First Wild Weekend of May 2012[]

Massively increased chances to win horns and tattoos on the Squeal of Fortune.


Get your fire started

  • Occasion: The release of Bonfires.
  • Scene: Some players gathered at a bonfire.

Second Wild Weekend of May 2012[]

Get double points in the Runespan

  • Occasion: Announcement of the second Wild Weekend of May 2012 that was held from Saturday the 12th to Monday the 14th, which doubled the runes and thus also the points gained from siphoning in the Runespan.
  • Scene: Some well-known characters in cartoon form from RuneScape can be seen on the left having a party, with the Runespan logo behind the text on the right.

Third Wild Weekend of May 2012 - Double Drops and Monkey Mayhem[]

Double drops from bosses & spins to win new monkey themed items!

Squeal of Fortune - 15 Bonus Spins[]

15 Bonus Spins with EVERY 90 or 100 day Game Card redeemed between 18 and 28 May - all available countries and retailers!

Fourth Wild Weekend of May 2012 - Monkey Mania[]

Monkeys are running wild across RuneScape, hunt them down for your rewards!

  • Occasion: Announcement of the fourth and last Wild Weekend of May 2012 that was held from Saturday the 26th to Monday the 28th.
    • Chase the Monkey!: During that weekend players were able to hunt down 10 monkeys in a similar way to the Penguin Hide and Seek D&D and were awarded with a Monkey cape if they did so.
    • Zombie Monkey Invasion!: Similar to the The Dead Walk! community event from the 2011 Hallowe'en event, but this time with monkeys! If you managed to defeat 5 Zombie Monkeys on a given day, you'd receive an Xp lamp for you effort. You were able to do this 3 times as the Wild Weekend ran for 3 days.
  • Scene: Some well-known characters in cartoon form from RuneScape can be seen on the left having a party, with a woman wearing the Monkey cape on the right.

Diamond Jubilee[]

Join The Party And Celebrate! \ Win this costume!

Queen Black Dragon[]

Enter her lair if you dare

Squeal of Fortune - Win More, Win Big![]

5,000, 50,000 and 500,000 gold coin prizes and 10x increased chances to win Super Rares!

  • Occasion: The chances to receive a super-rare item has been increased by ten times, more and increased in value Coin prizes, more useful common items in increased quantities and new more useful and valuable items have been added to replace the most commonly discarded items on the Squeal of Fortune.
  • Scene: Yelps can be seen on the left holding an Xp lamp with the Squeal of Fortune on the right.

The Evolution of Combat Beta - Sign Up Now Open[]

Beta Sign Up Now Open

  • Occasion: The launch of The Evolution of Combat beta sign-up where you could sign up between 1 June and 19 June for the beta of the Combat update which is scheduled to be released later this year.
  • Scene: On the bottom left a mage can be seen holding a Polypore Staff, above her a warrior, possibly Mandrith, who appears to be wielding a Dharok's greataxe, on the top right there's a ranger firing what appears to be a Dark bow and on the bottom left another warrior in Steel equipment wielding some kind of whip and holding a Dragonfire shield in the other hand. A Vyrewatch can be seen in the top left and a big Troll on the right, various other foes can be vaguely seen in the background.
Note: Not all parts of the banner can be seen here as with the default banner it continued on the homepage's background. The mage's staff can only be seen for a very small part on the actual banner for example, the Vyre and troll don't appear on the banner itself at all. The full background can be seen here.

Squeal of Fortune - Squeal of Neptune[]

New Tradeable Rare Fish Mask (Increased chances to win for 1 week only!)

  • Occasion: The Squeal of Fortune was temporary (for 1 week) renamed to the Squeal of Neptune along with the Fish flingers update and instead of the usual common prizes, you had a chance to get some fish and fishing related items. There is also a chance to win an exclusive tradeable Fish mask which will be available on the rare slots on Squeal till the end of this summer. During the first week only (while it was still called Squeal of Neptune) it appeared on the common slots, thus giving you a greater chance to win one.
  • Scene: Yelps wearing a diving helmet can be seen underwater opening a treasure chest containing various treasure and a Fish mask.

Squeal of Fortune - Spins on sale[]

This weekend only, up to 50% when you buy 10 or 25 spins!

  • Occasion: Spins were on sale between Friday 15th June and Monday 18th June. If you had purchased spins during that time you would've gotten 50% extra. So purchasing a 10 spins package would have gotten you 15, while purchasing 25 spins would've gotten you 35.
  • Scene: Yelps can be seen on the left holding an Xp lamp with the Squeal of Fortune on the right.

Bounty Hunter Returns... (The Crucible)[]

Kill Or Be Killed In The Crucible

  • Occasion: The release of the third reinstallment of Bounty Hunter, the Crucible.
  • Scene: The Crucible arena.

The Evolution of Combat Beta - Coming Soon[]

Coming Soon

  • Occasion: Was put up when the beta sign-ups closed and it's less than one week before the beta will launch.
  • Scene: On the bottom left a mage can be seen holding a Polypore Staff, above her a warrior, possibly Mandrith, who appears to be wielding a Dharok's greataxe, on the top right there's a ranger firing what appears to be a Dark bow and on the bottom left another warrior in Steel equipment wielding some kind of whip and holding a Dragonfire shield in the other hand. A Vyrewatch can be seen in the top left and a big Troll on the right, various other foes can be vaguely seen in the background.
Note: Not all parts of the banner can be seen here as with the default banner it continued on the homepage's background. The mage's staff can only be seen for a very small part on the actual banner for example, the Vyre and troll don't appear on the banner itself at all. The full background can be seen here.

Squeal of Fortune - Grab The Gold![]

5X ON ALL Gold Wins! & 200MILLION Super Rare Prize!

  • Occasion: To celebrate in anticipation of the almost 200 million RuneScape accounts being created all Coins prizes on the Squeal of Fortune were quintupled (5x) from Friday 22nd June to Monday 25th June and a permanent super-rare 200M coins prize was added.
  • Scene: Yelps can be seen robbing a safe, having put the money in a bag that has 'Squeal of Fortune' on it.

Exclusive Item: Flaming skull - Membership Card Advertisement[]

With Every 90/100 Day RuneScape Game Card Redeemed Between 22 June - 15 July

The Evolution of Combat Beta - Live![]

Beta Now Open!

  • Occasion: The opening of the Evolution of Combat beta.
  • Scene: On the bottom left a mage can be seen holding a Polypore Staff, above her a warrior, possibly Mandrith, who appears to be wielding a Dharok's greataxe, on the top right there's a ranger firing what appears to be a Dark bow and on the bottom left another warrior in Steel equipment wielding some kind of whip and holding a Dragonfire shield in the other hand. A Vyrewatch can be seen in the top left and a big Troll on the right, various other foes can be vaguely seen in the background. An "Acces Combat Beta Here" button is present at the bottom of the banner to link players to the Combat HQ and gain access to the beta servers.
Note: Not all parts of the banner can be seen here as with the default banner it continued on the homepage's background. The mage's staff can only be seen for a very small part on the actual banner for example, the Vyre and troll don't appear on the banner itself at all. The full background can be seen here.

Third RuneScape Novel: Legacy of Blood[]

The 3rd RuneScape novel now available to buy on the RuneScape store

  • Occasion: The third RuneScape novel, the conclusion to T.S. Church's trilogy of RuneScape novels is now available in the Jagex store.
  • Scene: Gar'rth in his werewolf form can be seen standing on a cliff underneath a full moon.

Carnillean Rising[]

Your Quest. Your Rules.

  • Occasion: The release of the Carnillean Rising quest in wich the player makes their own quest.
  • Scene: The bored Philipe Carnillean can been seen eating some sweets with an annoyed adventurer (you) waiting for him in the Forgotten Sewers beneath Ardougne.

Social Slayer[]

Friends who slay together STAY TOGETHER

Solomon's General Store[]

Grand Opening

Note: The curtains from this banner are continued on the background of the homepage.

New RuneScape Game Cards - Game Card Advertisement[]

Buy Membership, Spins or RuneCoins with these cards PLUS get bonus membership days when you redeem one before 31 August

  • Occasion: The introduction of the new Game cards that replace the Membership cards, with which you are now also able to buy spins for the Squeal of Fortune and RuneCoins to spend in Solomon's General Store rather than just Membership. You will also get a few bonus membership days depending on what card you bought if you redeem them before 31 August. Initially these are only available through Wallmart US stores, but will become available in other stores and territories at a later date.
  • Scene: A $10 and a $25 Game Card can be seen on the left with a blue sky in the background and the Wallmart logo on the right under an information button.

200 Million Accounts![]


  • Occasion: The creation of the 200 millionth RuneScape account.
  • Scene: Modern day Falador can be seen in the small top left circle, below that the King Black Dragon as he appears in RuneScape Classic, above him is the warrior from the 2010 Fight Knight Tournament wallpaper and right above him the Corporeal beast can be seen as he appears on his wallpaper. On the top right Ozan can be seen as he appears in RuneScape's cinematic trailer [2]. It is not clear what the two other images are. There's also an unknown man on the banner.

Gielinor Games[]

Gielinor Games

Sizzling Summer - Summer Beach Party (1st banner)[]

Awesome New Beach Party Items...

Note: This banner continued on the background, with on the left an Ork in bikini holding an ice cream standing on a beach towel with a parasol and treasure chest with a shield and a sword next to it and some sandals and a Beach ball in front of the towel. There's also a wooden tribal statue in the bottom left On the right side of the banner a shark can be seen cooking on a barbeque next to a palm tree. In the sky a dragon can be seen flying ,with further to the back and higher in up in the sky a Clan Citadel and even further you can see the floating islands of the Gielinor Games. The full background can be seen here.

Some Like It Cold[]

Do You Want To Break Free?

Solomon's General Store - New Visual Skins Now Available[]

10 EPIC New Weapons & Shields!

  • Occasion: The addition of 9 new cosmetic skins for weapons and one shield in Solomon's General Store.
  • Scene: Solomon can be seen showing his new wares.

Squeal of Fortune - Double Cash![]

NEW Convert to Coin option

  • Occasion: The addition of a new "Convert to coin" option on the Squeal of Fortune for unwanted prizes and for one week only, all GP is doubled, the value of every item you convert to coins is also doubled.
  • Scene:

Clan Avatar[]

Your Clan's New Secret Weapon!

  • Occasion: The release of the Clan Avatars.
  • Scene: Three Clan Avatars can be seen on the left with a Clan and their leader in the background.

Win Lifetime Membership![]

Simply Like US on Facebook® For Your Chance to Win

  • Occasion:
  • Scene:

Solomon's General Store - Skill-Fu[]

Unleash your inner warrior with the new martial arts skilling animations

  • Occasion:
  • Scene:

Sizzling Summer - Summer Party ON! (2nd banner)[]

The Party Continues With Even More Beach Party Items...

  • Occasion:
  • Scene:
Note: This banner continued on the background, with on the left an Ork in bikini holding an ice cream standing on a beach towel with a parasol and treasure chest with a shield and a sword next to it and some sandals and a Beach ball in front of the towel. There's also a wooden tribal statue in the bottom left On the right side of the banner a shark can be seen cooking on a barbeque next to a palm tree. In the sky a dragon can be seen flying ,with further to the back and higher in up in the sky a Clan Citadel and even further you can see the floating islands of the Gielinor Games. The full background can be seen here.

The Big Chinchompa[]

The Big Chincompa

Too Much Treasure? Boost your Bank![]

Bank Boosters

Double Spins for Sale this Weekend on Squeal of Fortune![]

Double Spins for one weekend

  • Occasion: Double spins on the Squeal of Fortune for one weekend only (and only applies to purchased spins).
  • Scene: Yelps at the beach as a DJ, with people partying behind him.

God Wars: Remastered[]

God Wars: Remastered

Squeal of Fortune: Alchemist's Amulet[]

Alchemist's Amulet

Jagex Account Guardian[]

Jagex Account Guardian

  • Event: Jagex Account Guardian made available.
  • Scene: An armoured character representing the guardian system in front of a dark blue background.
  • Duration:

Daily Challenges[]

Daily Challenges

  • Event: Challenge System released.
  • Scene: A cloaked character examining various "skill cards".
  • Duration:

Botany Bay[]

Botany Bay

  • Event: Release of Botany Bay.
  • Scene: A bot from Botany Bay cowering in fear.
  • Duration':

Festival of the Dead[]

Festival of the Dead

  • Event: Festival of the Dead special holiday event.
  • Scene: A female character painting a skull with spirits in the background.
  • Duration:

Solomon's General Store: Hairstyles[]


  • Occasion: Release of numerous hairstyles.
  • Scene: Solomon's standing next to his new hairstyles.

King Black Dragon... Return of the King![]

King Black Dragon

  • Occasion: Release of an update on the King Black Dragon.
  • Scene: A player fighting the King Black Dragon.

Stomping Into Solomon's General Store Dwarven Warsuit[]

Dwarven Warsuit

Evil Scarecrow Mask[]

Scarecrow mask

  • Occasion: The release of the scarecrow mask.
  • Scene: The scarecrow mask in a scary view.

Skill Packs![]

Skill packs

What's Mine is Yours[]

What's Mine is Yours

  • Occasion: Release of the quest What's Mine is Yours and more new items
  • Scene: A player getting pure ore while a living rock brawler is behind him.

Double cash![]

Double cash

  • Occasion: Double cash for the weekend of 18 October
  • Scene: Yelps in his bank of cash.

Demon armour[]

Demon armour

  • Event: The release of demon armour packs via Solomon's General Store.
  • Scene: A player wearing demon armour while holding a large sword.

2012 Hallowe'en event[]

2012 hallowe'en

  • Event: The release of the 2012 Hallowe'en Event.
  • Scene: Two women on opposite teams facing off against each other.

2012 Bonus XP Weekend[]

2012 Bonus XP weekend

  • Event: The 2012 Bonus XP Weekend.
  • Scene: A grisly area with a zombie hand and an empty set of armour among the wastelands.

Scream of Fortune: Tricks and Treats[]

Scream of Fortune

  • Event: Addition of Halloween-themed items to the Squeal of Fortune.
  • Scene: Yelps in his Halloween costume amidst a graveyard setting.

Evolution of Combat: Combat Academy[]

Combat Academy

  • Event: Introduction of Combat Academy.
  • Scene: Four combatants featured in battle poses; following suit of other EoC update banners.

Tears of Guthix: Go with the Flow[]

Go with the Flow

Replay Tokens[]

Replay Tokens

  • Event: Addition of D&D replay tokens to the Squeal of Fortune.
  • Scene: Juna and Yelps observing tokens for various activities.

Dragon Keepsake Boxes[]

Dragon Keepsake Box

Dungeoneering Small Fortunes[]

Dungeoneering Small Fortunes

  • Event: Dungeoneering experience rework for small parties.
  • Scene: Axe-wielding warrior preparing to enter an unknown dungeon.

Squeal of Fortune: Prize Refresh[]

Squeal of Fortune Prize Refresh

  • Event: Prize updates and release of Prismatic pendants.
  • Scene: Yelps wearing a Prismatic pendant.

Explosive Skills![]

Explosive Skills

  • Event: New explosive skill animations added to Solomon's General Store.
  • Scene: Multiple characters exhibiting explosive skills.

Lightning Packs[]

Lightning Packs

  • Event: Hairstyle and Lightning staff offers for Game Card purchases.
  • Scene: A character wielding a lightning staff.

Evolution of Combat release[]

Evolution of Combat: Now Live!

  • Event: The release of the new combat system.
  • Scene: A warrior dual-wielding a sword and a crossbow whilst facing several creatures.



  • Event: Advertising RewardsPay as new payment method for membership.
  • Scene: What appears to be a dragon ferrying people on its back.

Brutal Weapons[]

Brutal Weapons

  • Event: Brutal weapon skins available from Solomon's General Store.
  • Scene: A male and female warrior wielding brutal weapons.

Triple XP Defensive Lamps[]

Triple XP Defensive Lamps

  • Event: Weekend for triple xp from prayer, constitution, and defence lamps.
  • Scene: Yelps reclining beside pieces of armour and holding up an xp lamp.

Rune Memories & Rune Mysteries[]

Ariane Double Bill

Hero Packs[]

Hero Packs

  • Event: New hero packs available from Solomon's General Store: Ariane and Ozan.
  • Scene: Two characters featuring Ariane and Ozan outfits.

Mystical Spins Weekend[]

Mystical Spins Weekend

  • Event: Weekend for triple xp from magic, herblore, and summoning lamps.
  • Scene: Yelps by his wheel wearing a wizard hat and a wand.

Winter Weekends, Festive Aura[]

Festive Aura

  • Event: Planned release of Festive aura and special winter weekend events.
  • Scene: A female elf sporting an activated Festive aura, with a snowy forest as backdrop.

The Brink of Extinction[]

The Brink of Extinction

  • Event: Release of the latest Grandmaster quest, The Brink of Extinction.
  • Scene: Two Tzhaar creatures with lava caves seeming to crumble around them.

TokHaar armour[]

Solomon's General Store's ToHaar outfit

  • Event: 3 new TokHaar-styled armour skins from Solomon's General Store.
  • Scene: A TokHaar warrior standing in front of a lava and stone background.

Combat Overload[]

Squeal of Fortune: Combat Overload

  • Event: TzHaar whip added to Squeal of Fortune, and greater chances of receiving attack, strength, ranged, or magic lamps.
  • Scene: Yelps brandishing a TzHaar whip.

Winter Weekend 2[]

Winter Weekend Double Rewards!

  • Event: Second winter weekend.
  • Scene: A Fremennik-style snowman in a snowy forest.
  • Duration:

1 Million Facebook likes[]

1,000,000 likes on Facebook

  • Event: RuneScape's official Facebook page receives 1 million likes. Book of Faces is released in celebration.
  • Scene: The Party Demon, Ariane, and a brown-haired man stand in front of a large crowd of RuneScape characters.
  • Duration:

Player-Owned Ports[]

Player-Owned Ports

  • Event: Release of new minigame, Player-owned ports.
  • Scene: A ship commandeered by a lone man sailing in the direction of a sunset.

Captain and Crew outfits[]

All Aboard Captain

  • Event: New captain and crew outfits in Solomon's General Store for the occasion of player-owned ports.
  • Scene: A male and a female character wearing two of the new skins.

Recruit a Friend Relaunched[]

Recruit a Friend Relaunched

Yelps's Treasure Chest[]

Yelps's Treasure Chest

  • Event: Triple gold on the Squeal of Fortune
  • Scene: Yelps dressed in ship captains' clothes beside a treasure chest on the deck of a ship.

Winter Weekend 3[]

Double Dungeoneering XP for Members

  • Event: Third winter weekend.
  • Scene: A Fremennik-style snowman in a snowy forest.

2012 Christmas event[]

A Stray in a Manger: 2012 Holiday Quest!

  • Event: Release of the 2012 Christmas event
  • Scene: A stray dog alone in a snowy holiday landscape.
  • Duration:

Festive Gifts[]

Festive Gifts

  • Event: Addition of temporary gift items to the Squeal of Fortune.
  • Scene: Yelps wearing a Santa outfit beside several wrapped presents.
  • Duration:

Bloodpouncer pet[]

Bloodpouncer: New Gamecard Exclusive Pet!

  • Event: New pet available upon purchase of certain Gamecards.
  • Scene: A Bloodpouncer in the foreground of a snowy holiday landscape while another builds a Fremennik snowman.
  • Duration:

Premier Club[]

Premier Club: Join the most exclusive RuneScape club for 2013

  • Event: Addition of Premier Club for premium membership offers.
  • Scene: A demon and an armour-clad warrior preparing to clash. Banner reversed the following day.
  • Duration: - 29 December

Winter Weekend 4[]

Double Slayer and Fishing XP

  • Event: Fourth winter weekend.
  • Scene: A Fremennik-style snowman in a snowy forest.
  • Duration: 22 December - 23 December

Ace of Spades[]

Ace of Spades

  • Event: Promoting 20% discount until 5 January 2013 for separate Jagex-developed Steam game featuring a map based on Castle Wars. Links to Steam game page.
  • Scene: Castle Wars map in background, Ace of Spades character in foreground.
  • Duration: 24 December -

Double Spins[]

Double Spins

  • Event: Double spins promotion on the Squeal of Fortune.
  • Scene: Yelps DJing on a turntable in an empty snowy holiday landscape.
  • Duration: 28 December -

Solomon's Sale Spectacular[]

Solomon's Sale Spectacular

  • Event: Discounted Solomon's Store skins in anticipation of the new year.
  • Scene: Various costumes on display bearing discount tags in an ornate setting.
  • Duration: 28 December -

Winter Weekend 5[]

Winter Weekends banner 5

  • Event: Fifth and final winter weekend.
  • Scene: Multiple snowmen invading a snowy forest.
  • Duration: 29 December - 30 December