Winter Weekend - Minigames[]
- Occasion: Winter Weekend continues with benefits to Slayer and Bossing.
- Scene: A snowy background with the Wizards' Tower and Clan Citadel visible
- Duration: 27 December - 29 December
Merry Christmas & a Fairytale of Gielinor[]
- Occasion: Merry Christmas from Jagex
- Scene: A snowy background with the Wizards' Tower and Clan Citadel visible
- Duration: 24 December - 27 December
Dwarven Challenge Barrels[]
- Occasion: Test your strength using the new Dwarven challenge barrels
- Scene: An adventurer attacking a dwarven challenge barrel
- Duration: 22 December - 29 December
Nefarious Weapons[]
- Occasion: Three brand new Nefarious weapon overrides have been added to Solomon's Store
- Scene: Two adventurers wielding the Nefarious Reach and Nefarious Edge overrides
- Duration: 15 December - 27 December
Winter Weekend - Minigames[]
- Occasion: Winter Weekend continues with benefits to Minigames such as Castle Wars and Livid Farm
- Scene: A snowy background with the Wizards' Tower and Clan Citadel visible
- Duration: 12 December - 15 December
Premier Club: PayPal Exclusives[]
- Occasion: Buy Premier Club via PayPal and get the exclusive Samurai outfit and Kirin pet.
- Scene: An adventurer wearing the Samurai outfit with the Kirin pet next to them
- Duration: 11 December - 4 February 2015
Winter Weekend - Skilling[]
- Occasion: Skilling Weekend begins from 6 December, with benefits for Smithing, Divination, Fishing and Runecrafting
- Scene: A snowy background with the Wizards' Tower and Clan Citadel visible
- Duration: 4 December - 8 December
Christmas Rares[]
- Occasion: Collect enchanted snow and turn in for new rares, including loot beams, a Buddy pet and rubber turkeys
- Scene: A snowy background with trees covered in festive decorations
- Duration: 4 December - 17 December
Festive Cheer[]
- Occasion: A brand new Christmas event spanning three weeks, including a boss fight with Snowverload and snowboarding
- Scene: Snowverload in the foreground with an adventurer snowboarding on a rune snowboard in the background
- Duration: 3 December - 27 December
Donate to Oxfam[]
- Occasion: Donate to Oxfam using bonds to receive in-game rewards
- Scene: A snowy background with a Clan Citadel and the Wizards' Tower visible
- Duration: 1 December - 8 December
Premier Club[]
- Occasion: Premier Club returns with more exclusive rewards for purchasing.
- Scene: An adventurer wearing a lava hood and wings override, near a Lava hawk
- Duration: 1 December - 11 December
Smouldering Lamps[]
- Occasion: Convert your bonus experience into normal experience with the help of Smouldering lamps
- Scene: An experience lamp on a red background
- Duration: 28 November - 1 December
Heart of Stone[]
- Occasion: Journey on a new quest to learn about the Elder Gods and track down the rogue Signature hero, Xenia.
- Scene: Ariane and Xenia in the foreground with the Wizards' Tower in the background
- Duration: 24 November - 1 December
Prifddinas Part 2[]
- Occasion: The rest of Prifddinas has been released, featuring new methods to train skills.
- Scene: An elf posing on a crystal statue with parts of Prifddinas behind her
- Duration: 10 November - 24 November
Meteor Storm[]
- Occasion: Win space dust and meteorites in various sizes from Treasure Hunter
- Scene: Several meteorites falling from the sky
- Duration: 6 November - 12 November
Clan Cup Finals[]
- Occasion: Watch the Clan Cup finals now from Twitch
- Scene: Several adventurers wearing different sets of armour
- Duration: 1 November - 2 November
Double XP Weekend[]
- Occasion: Double XP weekend has returned until Monday 3 October 2014
- Scene: A house in the background with two adventurers wearing ghostly outfits.
- Duration: 31 October - 3 November
Well of Goodwill returns[]
- Occasion: The Well of Goodwill returns with three new charities to donate to.
- Scene: The Well of Goodwill sitting atop a mountain
- Duration: 29 October - 1 December
Broken Home[]
- Occasion: Enter a haunted mansion to investigate some deaths in the Broken Home quest
- Scene: Two ghosts found within the haunted mansion
- Duration: 27 October - 4 November
Improved Wealth Evaluator[]
- Occasion: New improvements to the wealth evaluator, including an option to unlock it permanently
- Scene: The wealth evaluator shown on the left with the money pouch on the right
- Duration: 27 October - 1 November
No Tricks All Treats![]
- Occasion: Earn Ghostweave through Treasure Hunter or while skilling to create Ghostly outfits
- Scene: Four adventurers wearing ghostly outfits with a house in the background.
- Duration: 24 October - 1 November
Death's Door[]
- Occasion: Help free Death's house from ghosts to earn rewards
- Scene: An adventurer in Death's house dismissing ghosts
- Duration: 20 October - 27 October
Rune Ethereals[]
- Occasion: Win three ethereal sets based on Law, Death and Blood runes from Treasure Hunter and combine to create the Infinity Ethereal set.
- Scene: Two adventurers wearing the Law and Infinity ethereal sets
- Duration: 16 October - 21 October
New Resting Animations[]
- Occasion: Three new resting animations now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: An adventurer resting with the Crystal Impling resting animation
- Duration: 14 October - 20 October
Ironman Mode[]
- Occasion: Ironman Mode is available now, alongside Hard mode Ironman
- Scene: A stone background with "Ironman Mode" written in the centre
- Duration: 13 October - 20 October
RuneFest 2014 Live[]
- Occasion: Watch the RuneFest 2014 live stream now
- Scene: A blue background with an image from Runefest 2013
- Duration: 11 October - 12 October
Protean Traps[]
- Occasion: Win protean traps that provide bonus experience when training Hunter on Treasure Hunter
- Scene: A protean trap luring in a chinchompa
- Duration: 10 October - 11 October, 12 October - 14 October
Smarter Familiars[]
- Occasion: New improvements to Summoning Familiars to make them more useful
- Scene: An adventurer with a summoned Steel Titan
- Duration: 6 October - 11 October
Elven Riches[]
- Occasion: Three new elven themed outfits, a new teleport animation and two new skill animations available from Solomon's General Store.
- Scene: Three adventurers wearing the elven themed outfits with Prifddinas in the background
- Duration: 29 September - 6 October
Skill Outfit Add-Ons[]
- Occasion: Win modified skill outfit accessories from Treasure Hunter
- Scene: Two adventurers wearing the modified shaman's head and blacksmith helmet
- Duration: 29 September - 2 October
Treasure Hunter: Talk Like a Pirate Day[]
- Occasion: Win doubloons from Treasure Hunter for pirate themed rewards
- Scene: Alice wearing a pirate hat with a Pirate sheep in the background
- Duration: 18 September - 22 September
Rune Value Improvements[]
- Occasion: Create new vis wax from a daily D&D which have several benefits
- Scene: Several runes rotating on a bright background
- Duration: 15 September - 22 September
Bank Boosters[]
- Occasion: 5 more bank boosters available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: Solomon next to a bank vault
- Duration: 15 September - 22 September
Rival Challenges[]
- Occasion: Complete Rival Challenges from Captain Haskell with tokens from Treasure Hunter
- Scene: Challenge Mistress Fara chasing after Captain Haskell
- Duration: 12 September - 16 September
Clan Cup 2014[]
- Occasion: Take part in the 2014 Clan Cup
- Scene: Several adventurers wearing different sets of armour
- Duration: 2 September - 22 September, 29 September - 2 October
Balthazar's Big Raffle[]
- Occasion: Take part in a month long event for a chance to win prizes
- Scene: Balthazar speaking through a microphone
- Duration: 1 September - 22 September, 29 September - 2 October
Zarosian Devotion[]
- Occasion: Two Brand new Zarosian themed outfits and titles available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: Two adventurers wearing the Zarosian Shadow and Zarosian Praetor outfits
- Duration: 1 September - 10 September
Grouping System[]
- Occasion: Find a group for a minigame much easier with the new Grouping System
- Scene: Four adventurers placing their hands together in a circle.
- Duration: 1 September - 10 September
Ace of Trades[]
- Occasion: Win new Skill cards and complete them for huge experience in a skill of your choice.
- Scene: Several Skill cards surrounding the Ace of Trades logo
- Duration: 29 August - 10 September
RuneScape Companion App[]
- Occasion: The RuneScape Companion app is now available from Google Play and the App Store
- Scene: An image of three phones showing various features of the Companion App
- Duration: 27 August - 1 September
Barbarian Assault Redux[]
- Occasion: Face off against the new Penance King in the revamped Barbarian Assault
- Scene: Two adventurers each fighting the Penance Queen and Penance King
- Duration: 26 August - 1 September
Barbarian Assault Pets[]
- Occasion: Buy new Penance companion pets on Solomon's General Store
- Scene: Several Penance Healers looking outward
- Duration: 26 August - 1 September
Treasure Hunter - Genie's Blessing[]
- Occasion: Use lamps and stars from Treasure Hunter for a chance to summon Karima.
- Scene: Karima standing in front of some gold
- Duration: 22 August - 26 August
Solomon's General Store - Wings III[]
- Occasion: Brand new wings and tails now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: An adventurer wearing one of the new wings.
- Duration: 18 August - 26 August
Elite Training Dummies[]
- Occasion: Win elite training dummies from Treasure Hunter
- Scene: An adventurer training on a Magic training dummy, with a Melee one to the right of it
- Duration: 12 August - 18 August
Plague's End[]
- Occasion: Release of Plague's End
- Scene: A mourner in West Ardougne
- Duration: 11 August - 18 August
Clan Month[]
- Occasion: Improvements to Clans throughout the whole month
- Scene: A dragon flying towards a Clan Citadel
- Duration: 4 August - 1 September
Solomon's General Store - Pack Sale[]
- Occasion: 65% off savings on select packs, including the Assassin's outfit, now on Solomon's General Store
- Scene: A purple background with the Dwarven Warsuit shown
- Duration: 4 August - 18 August
Totems of Wisdom[]
- Occasion: Use Essence of wisdom to create a totem, giving bonus experience in any skill.
- Scene: A Totem of Wisdom found in the desert
- Duration: 1 August - 11 August
- Occasion: Face off against Araxxor for new level 90 two-handed weapons
- Scene: An adventurer facing off against Araxxor
- Duration: 28 July - 4 August
Twitch Integration[]
- Occasion: Stream your RuneScape session with the new Twitch Integration
- Scene: A Jagex Moderator streaming a session of RuneScape
- Duration: 28 July - 4 August
RuneFest 2014: Tickets Now Available[]
- Occasion: RuneFest Tickets are now available to buy
- Scene: An image from RuneFest 2013
- Duration: 28 July - 1 September, 2 September - 4 September
Divine Recall[]
- Occasion: Win Fading memories from Treasure Hunter that will boost Divination experience.
- Scene: A forest filled with divine springs
- Duration: 25 July - 28 July
Retro Armour IV[]
- Occasion: Brand new retro void armour now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: Three adventurers wearing the Retro Void armour
- Duration: 22 July - 4 August
Legacy Mode[]
- Occasion: Legacy Mode is now out, featuring the old styled combat and interface setup
- Scene: A player fighting Nex with the old hitsplats
- Duration: 14 July - 22 July
Transformers Universe[]
- Occasion: The Open Beta for Jagex's new MMO Transformers Universe is now live
- Scene: A close-up of a Transformer featured in the game
- Duration: 7 July - 14 July
Zenn: The Panda Sage[]
- Occasion: Brand new Player-Designed panda sage pet, now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: The new panda sage pet in the foreground with a snowy mountain in the background
- Duration: 7 July - 14 July
United for Wildlife[]
- Occasion: Answer questions to adopt a black or white royal rhino pet.
- Scene: A royal white rhino in the foreground with an African Safari in the background.
- Duration: 7 July - 21 July
Lucky Clover Necklaces[]
- Occasion: Lucky Clover necklaces have returned with more rewards.
- Scene: A lucky clover necklace lying on some grass
- Duration: 2 July, 7 July - 16 July
RuneScape Companion: Grand Exchange[]
- Occasion: The RuneScape Companion App adds Grand Exchange support
- Scene: Several smart phones showing off the Grand Exchange feature of the Companion App
- Duration: 2 July, 7 July
RuneFest 2014[]
- Occasion: RuneFest returns to the Tobacco Dock on 11 October 2014
- Scene: An image from RuneFest 2013
- Duration: 26 June - 2 July, 7 July
- Occasion: New Skillchompas to hunt to use in other skills
- Scene: A picture of the Golden Chinchompa
- Duration: 23 June - 2 July
Animation Team Showcase[]
- Occasion: Brand new Teleport animations now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: A haunting background with a Beta scientist, Mummy and Werewolf
- Duration: 23 June - 2 July
RuneScape Authenticator[]
- Occasion: A new way to protect your account, replacing the JAG system.
- Scene: Several smart phones showing off the Authenticator
- Duration: 23 June - 2 July
Gemstone Golems[]
- Occasion: Brand new Gemstone Golem sets now available from Treasure Hunter
- Scene: An adventurer wearing the Emerald golem set
- Duration: 19 June - 25 June
Legacy Mode Beta[]
- Occasion: Brand new Legacy Mode now in beta
- Scene: An adventurer ready to enter a gateway
- Duration: 16 June - 25 June
Character Team Showcase 4[]
- Occasion: Brand new Aviansie and Vyrewatch outfits on Solomon's General Store
- Scene: Two adventurers wearing the Aviansie and Vyrewatch outfits
- Duration: 10 June - 16 June
BTS Video 108 - The Making of The Mighty Fall[]
- Occasion: New BTS video featuring a behind the scenes look into the making of The Mighty Fall quest
- Scene: A black background of previous Behind the Scenes videos with an image from BTS Video 108
- Duration: 6 June - 10 June
Prismania 2[]
- Occasion: All lamps and fallen stars are prismatic on Treasure Hunter until 12 June
- Scene: A shooting star falling from the sky
- Duration: 4 June - 12 June
The Mighty Fall[]
- Occasion: A brand new Bandosian master quest
- Scene: General Graardor's shadow appearing next to the Kyzaj
- Duration: 2 June - 16 June
Behind the Scenes - June 2014[]
- Occasion: A brand new BTS video and article, detailing the upcoming releases in June
- Scene: A black background showing past BTS videos, with an image from the most recent one.
- Duration: 30 May - 2 June
Spend Summer on the Road to Elf City[]
- Occasion: New Summer Special membership deal with a new xp giving aura and amulet
- Scene: An adventurer ready to block an attack from Graardor, with the Elf City in the background.
- Duration: 28 May - 2 July, 7 July - 29 July
Solomon's General Store - Epic Resting Animations[]
- Occasion: Three brand new resting animations, now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: An adventurer resting using the Armchair Warrior resting animation.
- Duration: 27 May - 3 June
Cloak of Seasons[]
- Occasion: New tradeable rare now obtainable from Treasure Hunter from 23 May to 2 June.
- Scene: An adventurer wearing the Cloak of Seasons
- Duration: 23 May - 3 June
Ancient Combat[]
- Occasion: Brand new familiars and abilities
- Scene: An adventurer preparing to fight an enemy, with the help of one of the new combat abilities
- Duration: 19–27 May 2014
BTS Video 105 - Dungeoneering Spotlight[]
- Occasion: New BTS video featuring the upcoming Dungeoneering update
- Scene: A black background of previous Behind the Scenes videos with an image from BTS Video 105
- Duration: 16 May - 19 May
Weapons of Fire[]
- Occasion: Brand new Weapons of Fire available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: An adventurer holding up the Sunflare throwing axe
- Duration: 12 May - 22 May
Farming Skill Outfit[]
- Occasion: Make a complete farming outfit set with parts earned through Treasure Hunter
- Scene: Two adventurers wearing the Farming Skill Outfit
- Duration: 9 May - 13 May
Elder Divination[]
- Occasion: Brand new level 75 divination spot located in the Elder Halls on Freneskae
- Scene: Mah holding up an enriched and normal elder energy
- Duration: 6 May - 13 May
BTS Video 103[]
- Occasion: Brand New BTS Video, detailing what will be released in May
- Scene: A Black background showing various scenes from previous BTS videos, with an image of BTS Video 103
- Duration: 2 May - 6 May
Portable Skillstations[]
- Occasion: Brand new portable skill stations available from Treasure Hunter
- Scene: Two adventurers on a small island using the portable sawmill
- Duration: 2 May - 6 May
Twitch LiveStream[]
- Occasion: New livestreams over on Twitch
- Scene: A purple background showing various scenes of Gielinor
- Duration: 2 May, 9 May - 12 May, 15 May - 19 May, 6 June
RuneScape Road Trip[]
- Occasion: A Month long event with plenty of rewards
- Scene: An adventurer wearing the cosmetic hiker outfit, with a pet cheeky monkey exploring Gielinor
- Duration: 30 April - 2 June
BTS Video 102 - RuneScape Road Trip[]
- Occasion: New BTS video about upcoming content
- Scene: A black background of previous Behind the Scenes videos with an image from BTS Video 102
- Duration: 28 April - 30 April
A Shadow over Ashdale[]
- Occasion: Brand new quest involving Ashdale
- Scene: A woman walking through Ashdale with a Crassian scout nearby
- Duration: 22 April - 6 May
Easter Eggstravaganza[]
- Occasion: New magical and enchanted eggs on Treasure Hunter.
- Scene: An adventurer halfway through the transformation of a rabbit
- Duration: 17 April - 22 April
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza[]
- Occasion: The Easter event of 2014.
- Scene: A man running from vicious, bloodthirsty monkeys in a temple.
- Duration: 14 April - 28 April
Get your Free Goblin Basher at 7-Eleven![]
- Occasion: The goblin basher vanity item.
- Scene: A person holding up a goblin basher.
- Duration: 14 April - 17 April
Behind the Scenes Video[]
- Occasion: A new Behind the Scenes video showcasing the Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza event
- Scene: A black background of previous Behind the Scenes videos
- Duration: 11 April - 14 April
BTS Video 99 - Pranking JMods![]
- Occasion: A new Behind the Scenes video showing several pranks pulled on Jagex Moderators
- Scene: A black background of previous Behind the Scenes videos with an image from BTS Video 99
- Duration: 10 April - 11 April
RuneScape Through the Ages[]
- Occasion: A brand new emote features various parts of RuneScapes timeline now available from Solomon's General Store.
- Scene: A grandfather clock in the middle with various items being thrown out, including the Sleeping bag, Blue partyhat and Ring of Kinship.
- Duration: 10 April - 22 April
Slayer Masks 3[]
- Occasion: 6 new slayer masks available from Treasure Hunter
- Scene: Two adventurers wearing the Helm of Darkness and Helm of the Frozen Wyrm
- Duration: 3 April, 10 April - 11 April
Skill Outfit Bonanza 2[]
- Occasion: Skill outfit bonanza returns to Treasure Hunter
- Scene: Two adventurers wearing the Diviner's outfit
- Duration: 25 March - 1 April
Fate of the Gods[]
- Occasion: Decide the fate of Zaros in the new grandmaster quest
- Scene: An adventurer traversing through Freneskae
- Duration: 24 March - 3 April, 10 April - 11 April
Twitch Saturday Livestreams[]
- Occasion: Twitch livestreams over the weekend to win prizes, including membership and RuneCoins
- Scene: A purple background showing various locations on RuneScape
- Duration: 21 March - 24 March
BTS Video 97: Fate of the Gods Part 2[]
- Occasion: New Behind the Scenes video explaining some parts of the upcoming Fate of the Gods quest
- Scene: A background showing various scenes from past Behind the Scenes videos.
- Duration: 21 March - 24 March
Weekly & Monthly HiScores[]
- Occasion: New Weekly and Monthly Hiscores XP tables, with the reintroduction to Free-to-Play HiScores
- Scene: A warrior standing in the middle of a battlefield
- Duration: 17 March - 3 April
Wealth Evaluator[]
- Occasion: Brand new Wealth Evaluator now from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: The wealth evaluator shown on the left with the money pouch on the right
- Duration: 17 March - 1 April
Silverhawk Boots[]
- Occasion: New Silverhawk Boots available from Treasure Hunter from 14 March - 17 March
- Scene: An adventurer running while wearing the Silverhawk boots.
- Duration: 13 March - 20 March
One of a Kind[]
- Occasion: Brand new Grandmaster quest with the release of Celestial Dragons
- Scene: A Celestial Dragon flying across the sky.
- Duration: 10 March - 24 March
RuneScape Top Trumps[]
- Occasion: RS Themed Top Trumps cards now available from the US stores
- Scene: Several of the Top Trumps cards shown
- Duration: 4 March - 10 March
Solomon's General Store - Wings II[]
- Occasion: New wing overrides now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: An adventurer wearing the Armadyl wings override.
- Duration: 3 March - 17 March
Companion App - Grand Exchange Checker[]
- Occasion: Brand new GE Checker on the RuneScape companion app.
- Scene: Several phones showing several interfaces of the Companion App, with the middle showing the GE Checker.
- Duration: 28 February - 4 March
Wicked Pouch[]
- Occasion: Wicked Pouches now available to purchase with RuneCoins or Loyalty Points from Solomon's General Store.
- Scene: A wicked pouch on a table with several runes next to it.
- Duration: 24 February
- Occasion: Brand new combat mode released.
- Scene: The text "Revolution" inside a building
- Duration: 24 February - 10 March
GameBlast - 24 Hour Live Stream & Double XP Weekend[]
- Occasion: Bonus XP Weekend + Livestream of the event.
- Scene: Jmods livestreaming in the background.
- Duration: 19 February - 24 February
- Occasion: Brand new minigame involving stealing loot.
- Scene: An adventurer shown disguised as a camel with loot falling out of his disguise.
- Duration: 17 February - 24 February
Solomon's General Store - Circus Teleports[]
- Occasion: Brand new circus related teleports on Solomon's General Store.
- Scene: An adventurer about to be shot out of a cannon, via the Cannon teleport animation.
- Duration: 17 February - 24 February
Valentine's 2014[]
- Occasion: Collect love notes for new rewards, now on Treasure Hunter
- Scene: Two cupid looking figures each representing love and hate
- Duration: 14 February - 24 February
Treasure Hunter[]
- Occasion: Brand new replacement to the Squeal of Fortune is live.
- Scene: Alice sitting near a few treasure chests
- Duration: 4 February - 14 February
Legacy Combat Poll[]
- Occasion: A poll to decide if Legacy Combat mode should be made or not.
- Scene: A blue background with text asking if the old combat should be brought back alongside EoC.
- Duration: 31 January - 14 February
Giant Mole[]
- Occasion: The Giant Mole has been reworked with new drops
- Scene: An adventurer fighting the Giant Mole
- Duration: 27 January - 3 February
Combat Improvements Beta[]
- Occasion: The Combat Improvements Beta is now live for all players.
- Scene: An adventurer standing in front of a big gate
- Duration: 24 January - 31 January
The Bird and the Beast Results[]
- Occasion: Armadyl has won the second World Event.
- Scene: Concept art of Armadyl on the right with two banners on the left.
- Duration: 21 January - 4 February
Retro Armour 2[]
- Occasion: Torva, Pernix and Virtus retro armour now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: 3 adventurers wearing each of the retro armour within the Grotworm lair
- Duration: 21 January - 4 February
The Wolf Pack Returns[]
- Occasion: Hati and Sköll return to Rellekka with new Valkyrie weaponry drops.
- Scene: Hati and Sköll appearing on a snowy forest area.
- Duration: 16 January - 21 January
Character Team Showcase 3[]
- Occasion: Cursed Reaver and Blessed Sentinel outfits now available from Solomon's General Store
- Scene: Two adventurers wearing the Cursed Reaver and Blessed Sentinel outfits.
- Duration: 13 January - 21 January
Power to the Players[]
- Occasion: Vote for future released content, such as Invention Skill or Elf City
- Scene: A blue background with the Power to the Players logo in the centre.
- Duration: 13 January - 21 January
- Occasion: New sizes fallen stars on the Squeal of Fortune between 10 January and 13 January
- Scene: A star filled background.
- Duration: 10 January - 13 January
Ports 2[]
- Occasion: New Voyages, crew members, adventurers and rewards from Player-Owned Ports.
- Scene: The Chef, The Architect and The Trapper arriving on an island.
- Duration: 7 January - 4 February