Release date | 31 May 2006 (Update) |
Construction level | 94 |
Experience | 2236 |
Room | Oubliette or Dungeon |
Hotspot | Guard |
Combat level | 84 |
Life points | 4700 |
Aggressive? | Yes |
Poisonous? | No |
Immune to poison? |
No |
Attack style | Melee |
Attack speed | 7 ticks (4.2s)
Max hit | 376 |
Examine text | Good doggy... |
Hellhounds can be built in Oubliettes or Dungeons in player-owned houses for 5,000,000 coins. They do not count toward a slayer task when killed.
Floors | |
Prisons |
Guards |
Ladders |
Decorations |
Lighting |
Staircases | |
Rugs |
Doors |
Traps |
Guards |
Decoration |
Lighting |