- 20 December
- The pillars in the final room of the Waterfall Quest now produce particle smoke as you put the runes on them.
- Game interface has received several changes.
- Smoke effects from random events, circus performances, imps teleporting, etc. have been updated to use particles.
- The frozen door in the God Wars Dungeon causes the screen to shake when near it, and now has an "Open" option. Upon clicking, a menacing voice will begin to threaten players.
- Klaas, Meike, Luitger and two other Dwarves were added to the King's Axe Inn.
- 8 December
- 7 December
- The colour of the Imperial Guards' jackets in Burthorpe has been returned to black.
- 1 December
- Ava has got a new right click option, 'Buy Device', which can be used to obtain Ava's attractors, accumulators, or alerters much quicker.
- 30 November
- The animation for hopping over a stile has been updated.
- Greegrees now have individual names for easy identification.
- You no longer say "That cat sure loves to be stroked!" when you stroke your cat without an amulet of catspeak/cramulet.
- 24 November
- The cost of 50 rune arrows at the Ranging Guild have been changed from 2000 tickets to 1020 tickets.
- The way longswords, scimitars, rapiers and the Korasi's sword are held have been changed.
- The Grand Exchange limit for tiaras have been changed from 1000 every 4 hours to 500 every 4 hours.
- The Give Thanks emote now has sound effects.
- Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk now changes attack styles based on what your protection prayer you're using.
- 9 November
- The 2010 Halloween event has been removed from the game.
- The Imperial Guard's shirt has been changed from black to a pinkish colour, while Hajedy's and Vigroy's shirts have been changed from white to a pinkish colour. This might be a glitch, as the mourner gear also changed to pink (intentional) and all these NPC's use the same design as a plague jacket.
- 2 November
- Dungeoneering changes:
- Forgotten mages now drop Magical blastboxes inside of Daemonheim.
- If you open a skill guide inside a Daemonheim dungeon, it automatically goes to the Dungeoneering tab.
- Quick Switch option added to ring of kinship inside of Daemonheim.
- The Kal'gerion demons have received a graphical update.
- Night-gazer Khighorahk has received a graphical update.
- The Fremennik banker's hair changed.
- Animations for making Teleport tablets have been updated.
- Some context-sensitive cursors, including Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, and Crafting, have been changed.
- Dungeoneering changes:
- Unknown date
- Gravingas is no longer yelling "Wooo wooo wooooo!" if you aren't wearing a ghostspeak amulet.
- 25 October
- Falador fountain was graphically updated.
- The portal in the Dwarven Mine to access the Living Rock Caverns was removed and the rope is working again.
- The agility shortcut through the wall in the Dwarven Mine is back after being removed.
- 18 October
- Bal'lak the Pummeller, Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter and To'Kash the Bloodchiller were given voices.
- 12 October
- Spiders about the size of a giant spider or bigger have received a new walking animation.
- The granite body inventory icon has been updated.
- Pigs in the Draynor Village pig pen and near the Falador farm have had a graphical update and a size increase.
- Giant rats, including the Albino rat, have received a graphical update.
- The Lumbridge canoe station has been moved to the other side of the river.
- Caitlin's staff has had its stats improved.
- Music tracks now continue to play after being interrupted by things like the penguin spy jingle or the Grand Exchange update jingle.
- Various animals have had their attack and death animations tweened.
- 6 October
- The barb-tail harpoon's and teleport crystal's (once again) inventory images have been changed.
- Clue scrolls now show their level of difficulty in their name (easy, medium, hard or elite).
- 21 September
- Pretzel Bert has been added East of Varrock, occupying the site of a Holiday Icon.
- Barbarian Village (Gunnarsgrunn) has been graphically updated.
- Cave slimes can no longer poison players that are wielding an Anti-poison totem.
- 15 September
- Large numbers of items once again (see 9 June 2010 hidden updates) receive an update to their inventory image. Many are given only minor changes. Ones that have been given major changes include vials, potions, teleport crystals, Teleport spheres, sweetcorn, impling jars, and scimitars.
- Skillcapes have had their inner trim removed.
- This and also the short skillcapes (for female players) have been proven to be unintended bugs by Mod Emilee. see here
- Items in the bank now look somewhat sharper, though some colours appear to be misaligned.
- Armillary spheres now have gold on them.
- The Soul Wars lobby now has a timer outside the waiting rooms.
- 9 September
- The inventory icon for partyhats has been updated.
- A right click option has been added to Advisor Ghrim to manage your kingdom, and Jossik to quickly claim your god book.
- Bert now (unintentionally) only gives out 80 buckets of sand instead of 84.
- The animation when fishing lobsters has been tweened.
- The male hairstyle "medium" is shorter. (This was an unintentional change that was later reverted.)
- 1 September
- World 119 has stopped hosting Fist of Guthix and was turned into a members server hosted in Sweden.
- World 117 has been turned into a members Dungeoneering theme world, also hosted in Sweden.
- The camel mask has been turned brown.
- The powdered wig can no longer be taken off while the enhanced Angry emote is running.
- Unknown date:
- Sir Vant's hair colour has been changed.
- Cutscene fading has been tweened.
- The music tracks Mellow, Fruits de Mer, Voyage and Waterfall are added to Catherby's random playlist, whilst the tracks Lightwalk, Theme, Overture, Magical Journey, Monarch Waltz, Talking Forest, Lasting and Lullaby are removed from the town. The removed tracks still remain in nearby Camelot Castle, Seers' Village and the route to Rellekka.
- 25 August
- The character creation screen is improved.
- The font for the XP counter has changed.
- The XP ribbon that would appear while the XP Counter is open will now pause at the end of its descent before disappearing.
- Pest Points are renamed Commendation Points and the Void Knight reward shop received a graphical update.
- 19 August
- The boss icon for Bal'lak the Pummeller has been changed in the skill guide.
- The Dungeoneering tutor now shows you the journals you have found in Daemonheim to replace the Ring of kinship's function.
- 10 August
- The jungle area of Musa Point received a minor graphics update.
- The loading process GUI (loading bar) in RuneScape is changed and now loads more smoothly.
- 4 August
- Completing a clue scroll now shows up on the Adventurer's Log.
- Opening and closing chests or drawers will now cause a short animation to play.
- Some individuals in Sinclair Mansion now have fixed positions, rather than wandering.
- All colours of firelighters are now made tradeable in the Grand Exchange.
- The graphics for certain coloured fires are updated.
- Unknown date:
- Mushrooms near the Digsite receive a graphical update.
- Members becoming free players can no longer use 5 slots in the Grand Exchange using a trick.
- 19 July
- Inventory icons for planks have been updated.
- Changes are made to the Grand Exchange caps of most seeds from 1000 to 100 per four hours, except for allotment seeds which are reduced from 5,000 to 500 per four hours.
- The Red Chinchompas' explode animation received a graphical update.
- 12 July
- The browser header for all webpages is changed back to "RuneScape - The Number 1 Free Multiplayer Game".
- 5 July
- The sounds of glassblowing are updated to simulate Vuvuzelas, which had become renowned for their extremely irritating sound. This was temporary, in honour of the World Cup and was reverted on 19 July as stated in the patch notes.
- The idle animations of demons are improved.
- A Redberry bush is added near the Draynor Village pig pen.
- You can now no longer dismiss your summoned familiar when attacked by another player.
- Several Dutch swear words were added to the censor.
- Unknown Date:
- House portal animations are tweened.
- Greegree's wield animations are updated.
- 29 June
- The RuneScape Classic tab has been removed from the mainpage Website Features list, and new Downloads and Wallpapers tab has been added.
- The Instant Demo is placed back onto the main login screen, but still isn't there on some computers.
- 17 June
- You can now log into the game from nearly anywhere in the website with a smaller version of the login button at the top of the page.
- The Adventurer's Log page is updated to match the layout of the rest of the website.
- 10 June
- A new forum, Account Help, is added.
- 9 June
- The Accept Aid icon is changed to green.
- A large number of items receive graphical updates for their inventory view, including (but not limited to): Defenders, capes of legends, runes (except for combination runes and astral runes), charms, all God Wars Dungeon drops, leaf-bladed swords, helms of neitiznot (except for enchanted and charged version), barb-tail harpoons, explorer's rings, lobsters, rocktails, bird's eggs, crossbows, potions, snape grass, partyhats, disks of returning, feathers, waterskins, ancient staffs, toktz-ket-xils, steel key rings, cannonballs, lava battlestaves, nurse hats, strange skulls, runed sceptres, Black dragonhide chaps, plant pots, watering cans, ogre bellows, bowls, noose wands, cake tins, pots of flour, needles, dragon halberds and kebabs. Most of these items' images have only been rotated to display a different angle of the item in the inventory.
- Roddeck's chat head in the lobby is changed to face the screen.
- 1 June
- The Developer Blogs on the Homepage has been expanded to 5 blogs instead of 3.
- A new tab was added to the right side of the RuneScape mainpage with RuneScape Classic information. This should give RuneScape Classic more popularity as it is now more accessible.
- Inventory icons for the Ectophial, knives, necklaces and the Helm of neitiznot have been updated.
- Unknown date
- The Faithful shield is given a Defence requirement of 40, when before it was 1.
- The speed of the death animation is slightly increased.
- The sound of a lyre is changed.
- The servant will now first give the item you asked him to get from the bank, and then ask for his payment.
- 27 May
- The examine for the Catalytic staff has been changed to "Makes destructive spells more powerful."
- The way a player holds banners is changed.
- Bandages '+' sign changed from red to green in Fist of Guthix.
- Particle effects are introduced to the Varrock fountain in the main square.
- 25 May
- The Windows client was revamped to an open source game launcher.
- 19 May
- The browser header of the main page was changed to RuneScape - MMORPG - The No.1 Free Online Multiplayer Game.
- You can now talk in the clan chat without typing the / symbol if you click on 'clan' down the chatbox.
- 13 May
- The way a player holds magical staves is changed.
- 1 May
- The way a player holds swords, bows, daggers, pickaxes and hatchets is changed.
- The animation of searching crates is improved.
- Door opening and ladder climbing sounds in the Gnome Stronghold are improved.
- Unknown date
- Particle effects are introduced to the Mort Myre Swamp.
- The message "I can't reach that" is changed to "You can't reach that."
- A loading screen with "Loading - Please wait" (along with a yellow dot spinning between circles) has been added for whilst logging in from the RuneScape lobby.
- 21 April
- Players who had their emote Around the World in Eggty Days locked will now find it unlocked.
- 18 April
- Various parts of Unstable Foundations have been updated to make the tutorial run a bit faster.
- 16 April
- "Random Objective" screen changed.
- 15 April
- The RuneScape main page is changed to represent the Dungeoneering skill.
- The rogue jewellery shop found west of the Varrock East Bank has been nerfed, and now only buys Jewellery for Low Alchemy price instead of the G.E. minimum price.
- 14 April
- The eating animation is slightly improved.
- 13 April
- 12 April
- Prayer icons for Rapid Restore, Rapid Heal, Mystic Will, Mystic Lore, Mystic Might and Redemption are tweaked.
- The sound of emptying liquid from a vessel is improved.
- Unknown date
- Typing a player name in notes and editing it no longer results in the said name having a mod crown before it.
- Metal dragon firebreath is improved.
- The sound of receiving a strange rock in one's inventory is improved.
- The sound of picking spikes in the tenth wave of Barbarian Assault is improved.
- 24 March
- The in-game account creation process and tutorial is changed.
- The dungeon used for the Unstable Foundations quest is changed.
- 23 March
- The in-game login page now shows an "Abort Login" option under the timer when you switch worlds.
- A "Hide Done" option is available in the quest tab.
- The line above your name in the chat box is now silver/grey.
- 3 March
- Cockatrice attack animations are now tweened.
- Finnish swear words are censored.
- Unknown date
- Port Sarim receive a graphical update. One floor square in every building has a different dark shading.
- 22 February
- Zombie implings now can be looted for a monkey skull, which can then be made into a new greegree - with it being a blue-faced gorilla form.
- A new castle guarded by 2 Fremennik has been found east of Fist of Guthix. It contains ice and the Orb of oculus can be used here.
- New wheat fields have been placed in the Tree Gnome Stronghold, north-east of Catherby farming patches, and near the Brimhaven Spirit tree patch.
- 8 February
- The option to play a music track that you have not unlocked has been removed.
- The option to loop a music track was removed.
- 1 February
- The browser header for all pages was also changed to RuneScape - The Number 1 Free Multiplayer Game
- The animation for a fairy's wings have been improved for when it's moving around.
- The RuneScape official forums button Up to RuneScape was changed back to the way it was before.
- The Explorer's ring would now have a caution message when using low-alchemy on an item.
- 31 January
- The walking animation for a Dagannoth spawn was improved.
- 28 January
- The browser header for the RuneScape Forums changed from RuneScape - the massive online adventure game by Jagex Games Studio to RuneScape - The Number 1 Free Multiplayer Game.
- RuneScape official forums button Up to (the current subforum you're in) was changed to Up to RuneScape.
- 17 January
- The music that plays when a player dies now plays while the player is dying rather than when they respawn.
- 10 January
- The gnome farmer interface was changed slightly.
- 8 January
- The animation for opening and closing drawers has been changed to a more fluid one.
- The death animation for a Dagannoth has been improved.
- Unknown date
- Catch rate for Wily cats are reduced slightly.
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