- 20 December
- Cursor colour changed from gold to silver.
- Items in several random events now have colour.
- The Developer console now has a snowing background.
- The sound effect for picking up items has changed.
- All interfaces on the right get pushed over the chat options instead of disappearing when you force the window to be smaller than it normally should be.
- It has become snowy in various locations around RuneScape.
- The Edgeville teleport lever's look has changed.
- The Asgarnian Ice Dungeon resource dungeon north, south, east and west have changed.
- 13 December
- A "Destroy-All" option has been added for all destroyable items if you have more than one of them in your inventory. Some examples are hunter kits and scorpion meat.
- Pet shops now allow you to swap more than one million spirit shards at a time again.
- The minimap problem when using blooming effects in DirectX has been fixed.
- Frozen floors in Dungeoneering have been made less bright with bloom lighting effects turned on.
- 6 December
- There is a new task requiring players to add a pair of shears to their tool belt.
- Various things within the game are now a random colour, possibly in an attempt to confuse colour bots.
- Pet shops now only allow you to swap a maximum of one million spirit shards at a time.
- On the path passing Draynor Village and Draynor Manor, some fencing has been removed.
- The sound for hitting with pickaxes has been updated.
- 28 November
- The colour of another players' hits have been made lighter than yours rather than darker.
- 22 November
- Prayer renewal potion messages aren't filtered again like they used to be.
- Holy and unholy symbols now have a different appearance when worn.
- Length of time intervals between frost dragon blue orb attacks has increased.
- The information available through the displayfps command has been moved down (when playing on resizable screen), such that the XP counter no longer obscures the FPS value.
- Summoning rings now give bonus XP for creating pouches.
- 7 November
- Another Game Card Vanity item (turkey hat) appeared in the fancy dress box.
- You no longer have to be logged in to the RuneScape website to view a player's forum profile on the Official Forums.
- The sky lighting for Rellekka has been changed back to what it was before its graphical update.
- The sky lighting for the Clan Camp has been changed a little.
- You can no longer do various emotes in The Great Orb Project.
- 1 November
- The northern part of the Kharidian Desert and all cacti have been updated.
- The Desert strykewyrm area has lost its desert effect. No waterskins are needed for the task.
- You can now see the top floor of the Dominion Tower in a Citadel's skybox.
- A bridge has been added between the island on the River Salve, and the Mage Training Arena.
- The island on the River Salve now has a cave which has not yet been opened. The cave was the then-upcoming Polypore Dungeon.
- The magic trees next to the Mage Training Arena have been graphically updated.
- The Evil Chicken received a graphical update.
- The music in Barbarian Assault was slightly adjusted. The song Pirates of Penance was changed to play the moment the Penance Queen appears.
- In Barbarian Assault the message that appears when the players uses the wrong type of poison food was altered slightly. (pack -> food)
- 26 October
- Some bugfixes for bugs created due to the update of 25 October.
- Several improvements to the security scriptings against bots. [1]
- Shadowing effects have been added to dungeons in Dungeoneering as it would be like if the sun was viewable.
- 25 October
- The Java screen (not in client) has been updated with a new load box.
- Three new media teasers have been released showing future content.
- The hover boxes' borders (example: skills) have been improved.
- Some of the colour schemes have been improved, including the Minimap.
- The graphical effects for the Clan citadel portal, house portal, clan wars portals etc have been updated.
- 17 October
- Father Aereck, Diango and Death have received graphical updates.
- 12 October
- The farm north of East Ardougne, the mountain pass to the Salve temple of Paterdomus, the castle of Camelot, and the flax field west of Catherby have their sky lighting changed. Also, Brimhaven became really foggy.
- The Freaky Forester Random Event has been updated; you must now talk to the forester to begin.
- 4 October
- The Developer console has been made blue yet again.
- Another three RuneScape website media images have been released showing future content.
- The Friends Chat icon in the Lobby has received a small update.
- Fishing animations have been updated.
- It is now possible to barehand fish in Piscatoris fishing spots (Monkfish are not included).
- Edgeville General Store glitch fixed.
- The effect on an anvil when smithing something (not anvils in Dungeoneering) has been improved with particles.
- You can now press escape to clear all chat in the chatbox.
- 28 September
- Guthan's chainskirt's inventory image has been updated.
- Draynor Village has been made a little less foggy than before.
- The display for bonus experience from items such as the lumberjack clothing set has been altered to show 100(+0.2)xp as opposed to 100 and the occasional 101.
- 21 September
- 14 September
- All Mahjarrat, Commander Zilyana and K'ril Tsutsaroth have received a graphical update.
- The bridge from the Grand Exchange to Edgeville has been graphically updated.
- The sounds of jungle horrors have been updated.
- Sounds for dropping items have been updated.
- The sounds for dialling a fairy ring code and using one have been updated.
- The Developer console's background colour changed from blue to red.
- The Agility cursor used when attempting to cross an obstacle has been updated.
- Several sets of dialogue have been adjusted in While Guthix Sleeps, Enakhra's Lament and Fight Arena.
- 6 September
- A group of mercenaries fighting trolls have been added north of Falador to advertise members' content.
- 31 August
- The gate to Burgh de Rott has been updated with a jump option allowing multiple people to pass at once.
- The animation for the Grand Exchange clerks has been updated. The same goes for the bankers at Grand Exchange.
- Vampyres have been added as a possible slayer task again.
- The sound when fletching logs has been updated.
- Sound effects for the Trick emote have been updated.
- 23 August
- Sounds for equipping items have been improved.
- A cave entrance has been added south of the Burgh de Rott bank. Attempting to enter it yields the message 'You see no reason to go down there.'
- Murky Matt has started to combine ring of wealth charges.
- Exploding toads have been changed again so that they hit no damage at all.
- 17 August
- Environmental texturing and colouring has been improved throughout the Lumbridge, Varrock, and Falador areas, extending even to random event areas and runecrafting altars.
- Trees grown by players in tree patches have received a major graphical update corresponding with the update of trees around Lumbridge, Varrock and Falador which was announced in other news along the Temple Trekking update.
- The ridge separating Edgeville and the Monastery has been removed.
- Along with redesigning Mort Myre swamp, the direct path from BKR and CKS fairy rings through swamp to The Hollows has been blocked. The path was re-opened again along with 23 August update, as stated in patch notes.
- A shortcut was added on the twisted path from Bill Blakey to the village of Mort'ton.
- The animation used for placing and taking items from a table have been graphically updated.
- Player-grown spirit trees have received a graphical update.
- 9 August
- A new musician has been added to the south-western corner of the Grand Exchange.
- Xenia has been graphically updated in line with the release of the other Signature Heroes.
- All of the young spirit trees received new graphics as well.
- Three new pictures were added to the Media section of the Community page.
- The prison in Edgeville has been locked, and is now empty.
- 26 July
- The Clan vexillum's teleport animation has been changed.
- A new cursor for ingame RuneScape hyperlinks has been created.
- New Falador Easy tasks have been added, Citadel themed.
- The fallen rocks from the falling rocks event have now been removed from the game.
- 12 July
- 5 July
- Some rocks from the earthquake have been moved slightly.
- 2 July
- An earthquake has occurred and fallen rocks have been left in RuneScape.
- 28 June
- The Invoke Spring emote had a butterfly added to it.
- The Emotes interface has been redesigned with new icons for each emote as well as a drop-down menu to sort them.
- 21 June
- The sound effect when frozen or stuck has been updated to a more realistic sound.
- 14 June
- Kethsi is added to the possible fairy ring locations requiring codes DIR and AKS.
- 7 June
- Sound effects have been added to the Mort Myre Swamp.
- A Highlight button has been added to the forums allowing users to report inappropriate posts.
- 1 June
- Dagannoths in the Waterbirth dungeon have received a graphical update.
- Lots of sound effects in Dungeoneering have been updated to be more realistic.
- A lot of graphics for Dungeoneering have been made more advanced.
- The entrance to Daemonheim has been updated, it now has a ruined arch.
- The sound effect when eating a piece of food was updated to a more realistic sound.
- The way the Ancient Magicks pyramid looks on the mini-map was changed. It looks the same as before on the world map.
- Exploding bloated toads no longer cause damage to players with low health.
- 27 May
- The RuneScape toolbar has received a graphical update while playing through Facebook.
- 26 May
- The Unstable Foundations tutorial has been removed for new players, leaving Lumbridge tutorial tasks set as the current one.
- 25 May
- Edgeville's skybox has been given a bluish tint.
- Port Sarim's skybox has been given an orange tint.
- 16 May
- Lilies of the valley are removed.
- The Rune Essence mine receives a graphical update to combat botting.
- 3 May
- Players now appear over marker plants.
- The forum icon of club 99 has been changed.
- Lilies of the valley have returned once again.
- 19 April
- Some demons, including imps, have had their animations updated.
- The prospect interaction on a mining rock has been replaced with the examine option.
- The time before a player's loot appears to other players after death in the Corporeal Beast lair is increased from 1 minute to 3.5 minutes.
- 12 April
- Some trees south of Falador have moved to improve movement in the area, for example, a tree just near the cabbage field.
- The Friends List's menu interface was changed.
- The experience for repairing (not Smithing) broken cannon cogs, barrels, fuse boxes and flints in the Artisans Workshop has been halved.
- The Hiscores web page has been revamped to look like the new Clan's Highscores page.
- 4 April
- The clan chat tab has been renamed to friends chat in the tooltip as well as the messages "Changes will take effect on your friends chat within the next 60 seconds" and "Now talking in friends chat channel [chat name]".
- The young spirit trees' chatheads have been graphically updated.
- The portals in the Rune essence mine have received a graphical update.
- The sound effect when you drop Summoning charms has been updated.
- A new Fremennik hard task has been added: Totally Livid.
- Animations and sounds for Suqahs were updated.
- Pauline Polaris can now be spoken to using NPC Contact, if the player has unlocked all spells at Livid Farm.
- 2 April
- All throwing knives and javelins have had their animations updated.
- The sound effect when you destroy an item has been updated.
- The sound effect when jumping over pitfall traps has been updated.
- 28 March
- Lumbridge Home Teleport, Edgeville Home Teleport and Lunar Home Teleport have had their restrictions of one use per 30 minutes removed.
- Some goblins' sound effects (attacking, dying, etc.) have been updated.
- Experience gained in various skills within the dungeons of Daemonheim has been changed.
- 17 March
- Miss Schism's idle animation has been updated.
- 15 March
- A new item, the vecna skull, has been added to the game.
- All mining rocks at the Lumbridge Swamp have received a new look.
- Ambient sounds have been added to the Lumbridge Swamp, Ectofuntus and Haunted Woods.
- Snow particles have been added to Ghorrock, Ice Mountain, and White Wolf Mountain.
- Wind particles have been added to snowy mountain areas.
- A wolfbane dagger has been added to Doric's workbench.
- A Fremennik warrior has been placed near the Lumbridge Sage.
- 1 March
- Daggers, spears and mauls attack and staves defence animations have been tweaked to make them smoother.
- The death animation has been made smoother and quicker.
- The colours from the body doors in the Elemental Workshop have been removed to match the mind, cosmic, chaos, nature and astral doors.
- The time for changing worlds has been decreased by a few seconds.
- 25 February
- Alathazdrar the Demon butler will no longer un-note noted infernal ashes, because he is afraid that they might be his relatives.
- 21 February
- Numbers have been added to the tabs on the home page, showing how many news items are unread.
- Troops at Mobilising Armies are now given combat levels.
- The font for apostrophes has been changed from a comma to a rectangle.
- 15 February
- A new task involving urns was added.
- The Bartender in Varrock's Blue Moon Inn has gotten emotes involving the z-buffering.
- Eastern Falador has become extremely foggy, this is peculiar as the amount of fog used is usually only found in places with mass amounts of water, such as an ocean.
- 14 February
- Frog Princess Random Event dialogue updated for Valentine's Day. When asked for a kiss by the Princess, the player responds "Wouldn't you prefer Flowers or Chocolates?".
- 8 February
- Dragonfire shield now has "inspect" where "check charges" used to be.
- 3 February
- Corporeal beast can now be attacked via left click.
- When taking an item from a trade, you now have to wait 3 seconds to accept a trade, and the message "CHECK THE OFFER AGAIN" appears to the other player.
- 1 February
- Sounds while Mining have been updated once again.
- More recorded and realistic ambient sounds added to the game such as wind, lava, birds and water effects.
- Chromatic dragons walking sound and close dragonfire sound of all dragons have been updated.
- An item you lent out now appears on the Grand Exchange collection box.
- Ghorrock has received a western entrance.
- Hilda and Torsteg have re-appeared at the border between the Wilderness and Daemonheim, along with a guard.
- 17 January
- The running animation has been changed slightly.
- The Slayer Master and holiday event minimap icons have been updated.
- The Explorer's ring 4 now gives the ability to craft extra elemental runes while Runecrafting.
- The ribbon descending from the XP Counter has been altered to show base and bonus XP components.
- 10 January
- Scape Theme has become the login screen music again.
- A market stall has been added near Zaff's shop.
- 4 January
- Scape Main has been restored as the login screen music. (temporarily for the 10 Years Runescape Events)
- RuneScape logo has appeared above log-in screen
- The beards of long-bearded dwarves (e.g. Colonel Grimsson) have been updated.
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