- 17 December
- The Grand Exchange has been covered in snow.
- The VIP star from the Gold premier club has been made darker.
- The default option for Grand Exchange Clerks is "Exchange" rather than "Talk-to".
- The Price Checker has had a deposit all button added to it.
- The border guards next to the Grand Exchange have returned.
- 11 December
- The animation for holding the world map has been updated.
- The agility shortcut east of Draynor Manor has been replaced with a bridge.
- The border guards near Barbarian Village, Grand Exchange, Draynor Village and both east and west of Draynor Manor have been removed.
- A new Guidance system hints toggle has been added to the gameplay settings.
- Cosmetic skulls have been added to those in multi-way combat inside the wilderness.
- The default amount of an item bought in the Grand Exchange has been reverted to 0.
- The Wisdom aura has been changed to recharge at 00:00 UTC, instead of having a cooldown period of 24 hours.
- 3 December
- The Festive aura and Jack of trades have been changed to recharge at 00:00 UTC, instead of having a cooldown period of 23h 30min for the Festive aura and 21 hours for the Jack of trades.
- Checking the time remaining of an active festive aura now also informs players of how much bonus experience remains until the cap of 50,000 XP is reached.
- The picture for the factions hiscores have been changed to display Armadyl and Bandos (though not for everyone).
- 26 November
- A "Donate anonymously" option has been added to the Well of Goodwill.
- The Lumbridge lodestone has been moved back to its original position.
- The font used in NPC dialogue boxes has been updated.
- A cutscene has been added when sailing from certain locations.
- The log in screen has been redesigned.
- The members parts of the world map have been greyed out for free players.
- The locale and characters of The Blood Pact have been graphically updated.
- Another quest filter has been added.
- The mining sound effect has been updated.
- Cows, undead cows, plague cows, dairy cows and the prized dairy cow have been graphically improved.
- The arrow under your character, pointing to for example the starting point of a daily challenge, has been graphically updated.
- The Play Now button on the RuneScape splash page leads to a download link for the client rather than just the game now.
- Snow implings have returned to the game, spawning near the helpful snow imps.
- 19 November
- The Grand Exchange, Grand Exchange collection box, Grand Exchange item back history and Item set interfaces have been graphically updated.
- Chaotic and gravite weapons, along with shields now have a destroy option instead of drop. Destroying them also refunds 50% of token cost.
- The fishing outfit's experience boost now works with bare handed shark fishing.
- 13 November
- A D&D token (daily) can now be used to reset the Big Chinchompa D&D.
- The animations that play when Guthan and Torag's set effects trigger have been updated.
- Cosmetic pendants of skill can now be added in Dragon keepsake key.
- The music that formerly played only when fighting the Barrows Brothers now plays all throughout their crypts.
- 6 November
- The Well of Goodwill has a new bank option.
- Some colours have been removed from the selection in Thessalia's Makeovers.
- Equipping diviner's footwear that was reclaimed from Diango, but not won on the Squeal of Fortune, results in the message "The Diviner's footwear disappears in a puff of smoke!".
- 30 October
- The "Last logged in" message in the Player Info section of the login interface no longer displays the IP address of the player.
- The Super September emote sign in the emotes tab has been changed.
- The virtus wand and virtus book now have a Server-wide Announcement when dropped by Nex.
- The shadow changes were reverted.
- 22 October
- Mouseover text font has been changed.
- The mouseover text box has been slightly updated.
- Players and NPCs now have slightly darker shadows.
- The Dungeoneering interfaces for selecting a floor and complexity level, the trade interface, Price checker interface, Thessalia's Makeovers interface, Yrsa's shoes interface, the Hybrid Armour awards interface and Photo booth interface have been graphically updated.
- The Equipment interface button in the bank now has a silver trim around it. Also, the close button and the question mark has been shifted slightly.
- The Login screen has been updated.
- Anti-aliasing now affects the minimap.
- 15 October
- Clan avatars collect 30 resources at a time in their citadels, up from 26.1.
- The RSS Feed for the Adventurer's Log now only shows the last 10 events, instead of 50.
- 8 October
- Bowstrings and unstrung bows now have a left-click String option.
- The environmental lighting has been changed to change gradually after teleporting, instead of instantly.
- Changing your Display Name would now inform you of the next possible time you can change to the minute.
- 2 October
- The experience reward for completing Divination daily challenges has been increased.
- Left boot, right boot, exquisite boots and exquisite clothes have been graphically updated.
- The equipment button has been reinstated to the bank interface.
- 23 September
- The experience modifiers of the Battle of Lumbridge tokens have all been increased by 0.2 for a second time.
- 17 September
- Player IDs (PID) no longer have an effect on whether you complete an action before another player.
- The clickable area of chronicle fragments has been increased.
- The food items for the golden chinchompa now have a "Convert" option. Their destroy message has also been changed to: "As the food is no longer needed you can trade it in for gold if you want."
- Getting a voyage from Surula now adds an extra voyage to the amount of voyages left (only if her Gossip voyage overrides an unused voyage).
- The Adventurer's Log no longer counts unlocking the Castle Wars kills cape for the first time.
- 10 September
- The price of the scroll of renewal has been decreased from 107,000 tokens to 38,000 tokens.
- There are 4 worlds specifically for Super September challenges.
- Both the blue dragon and hellhound resource dungeons have been graphically updated.
- 3 September
- Your online status now has to be set to ON before a player that isn't on your friends list can invite you into a Dungeoneering party.
- 2 September
- The experience modifiers of the Battle of Lumbridge tokens have all been increased by 0.2.
- The cosmetic weapon override weapon parts (from the Battle of Lumbridge) have been made available to free players.
- 29 August
- Members' Loyalty Programme outfits have been made cosmetic overrides accessed from the Customisation screen.
- The Loyalty Programme Shop no longer has anything in stock except for Tier 1-4 auras and Item recolours.
- Attempting to buy anything from the Loyalty Programme Shop will open up Solomon's General Store so you can buy from there.
- A tooltip has been added to all items in the Loyalty Programme Shop stating you should buy them from Solomon's General Store instead.
- The font used in the dialogue, minigame HUDs, the skill tab tooltips and friends and clan chat player lists has been updated.
- The bank interface has had its button removed to quickly open the equipment interface.
- The fence in level 64 Wilderness has been given a touch option, resulting in the message "You touch the fence." (In preparation for Super September).
- The camera can no longer be rotated with the bank interface open.
- 20 August
- The effect of juju mining potions has been changed.
- The ecto-token cost to reach Dragontooth island has been removed.
- Max no longer wears or sells the max cape. He can be found training Divination.
- A bridge has been added from the Castle Wars area to the Poison Waste.
- The Woodcutting animation has been updated.
- Maggie, Wendy and Trogs have moved from their former location near the Wizards' Tower to south of Draynor Manor.
- Borrowed power now requires 3 Armadyl runes along with 3 astral runes.
- The value displayed on the items kept on death interface for the fire cape has been increased to 3.5M.
- The Golden Apple Tree has been renamed to golden tree.
- The defence experience gained from a prickly pear has been increased slightly.
- You can now open the Squeal of Fortune while in a Player-owned port.
- 13 August
- All the tiers for each species of XP lamps from the Battle of Lumbridge have been merged into a single lamp; all small lamps purchased are the same regardless of tier and so forth.
- Lucky equipment item kept on death values automatically update to match their tradeable counterparts' grand exchange market price.
- 22 July
- Torches within Dungeoneering have been given particles.
- Waterfalls, such as the Baxtorian Falls, have been graphically updated.
- The H.A.M. hideout has been graphically updated and moved to the former location of the Lumbridge mine and Johanhus Ulsbrecht has been relocated to a new office.
- The god statue in Lumbridge has been moved to next to Seth Groats' house.
- The tree patch west of Lumbridge Castle has been moved next to the Furnace.
- Fishing spots have been graphically updated.
- Lumbridge, Draynor Village, Edgeville, Varrock, Burthorpe and Taverley have been graphically tweaked.
- Several new NPCs have been added to the above cities, as well as just west of Yanille (near the lodestone), Catherby dock and north of East Ardougne market.
- Farmer Fred's Farm has been moved so that it does not interfere with the battle.
- The "Animated Background" and "Navigation bar" options for the Login Screen have been removed.
- Member's skills on F2P worlds no longer have a yellow background in the Skills screen.
- You can no longer use fish on tackleboxes to instantly place them inside.
- 17 July
- Pressing ` now gives the message: "The developer console can be accessed with ALT-`, ALT-§ or ALT-²."
- The music in-game now fades in as it begins.
- The portal at Lumbridge has grown bigger again, and more new NPCs now surround it.
- 11 July
- The portal at Lumbridge has grown bigger, and new NPCs now surround it.
- 9 July
- Dialogue with Martin the Master Gardener regarding Pigzilla no longer references Pigzilla potentially being a good hog roast.
- The hog roast in Rellekka has been changed into a chicken roast.
- Fire giants have been made unaggressive.
- 3 July
- The warlords boots have been renamed to warlord boots.
- 24 June
- The Mysterious cave north of Falador has been made enterable. Jagex Moderators are also now capable of spawning scopuli, which enter said cave.
- The names of teleport scrolls have been capitalised.
- Rasolo the Wandering Merchant has stopped stocking Shantay passes.
- A signpost in the Arandar Pass has been updated to show the Tirannwn lodestone crest.
- 17 June
- Clan vexilla have been fixed to once again display clan colours when equipped.
- The dialogue shown after having bought the full stock of battlestaves from Naff's Knockoff Staves has been changed from "The shop only has 80 left to buy." to "The shop only had 80 left to buy, your order has been adjusted accordingly.".
- 11 June
- Assemble options have been added to loop half of a key and tooth half of a key. Using this option will also give you 10 Crafting experience.
- The "Empty" option has now been re-added to tackle boxes outside of a bank, although you still must be in the bank to use it.
- An article has been removed from the message given in the Adventurer's Log for obtaining a piece of the master runecrafter robes.
- A human named Jasper has been added to the Duel Arena, although his purpose wasn't clear until 14 June.
- The message you get when a monster drops a spin ticket has been changed to "Congratulations! You've earned a token for a free spin on the Squeal of Fortune!"
- 6 June
- Toppings from the Squeal of Fortune are no longer tradeable.
- 4 June
- New dialogue has been added to the TzHaar-Ket banker in the Fight Cauldron and TzHaar-Ga'al-Kot.
- 20 May
- Decorations such as lilypads and leaves have been added to the section of the River Dougne near Ardougne Castle, and the bullrushes by the side of it have been graphically updated.
- The bridge in Ardougne Zoo has been made smoother.
- Waterfalls, such as the Baxtorian Falls, the waterfall at the Enchanted Valley and the waterfalls at the Ape Atoll Agility Course have been updated.
- A tree south of Ardougne Castle has been moved.
- 13 May
- Viggora's armour and weapon have been updated.
- Guthixian memories have been changed to refer to Tuska's followers as purple rather than green.
- 30 April
- The twisted bird skull necklace, split dragontooth necklace, and the demon horn necklace have been updated to restore half the prayer points as before (50 for normal bones, etc).
- Revenants now use primarily Magic attacks, instead of Range.
- Mithril dragons have had their defence lowered.
- Martin the Master Gardener's head has been updated to resemble his chathead more.
- Cauldrons now have purple liquid and particles.
- 24 April
- A dwarf named Ivar has been added to the Artisan's Workshop.
- 16 April
- The boots of lightness, agile top and agile legs have been adjusted to once again lower weight when worn.
- The ring of kinship's teleport sound has been updated to be the same as other teleports.
- The sound for successfully mining ore, stardust, and red sandstone is now the same as the mining sound in Daemonheim.
- The jingle that plays upon death has been updated.
- Members can no longer retrieve P2P holiday items and toys from Diango in F2P worlds.
- 9 April
- The fruit tree patches near Tree Gnome Village and in Lletya have had their borders altered.
- Ice Barrage has been graphically updated.
- 25 March
- While on a Free-to-play world the members stat icons in the stat interface have a yellow background.
- Total experience now includes the experience of P2P skills that exceed the level 5 cap.
- 18 March
- The damage stat of the dark bow has been lowered.
- Unavailable abilities now show a lock icon on them.
- When playing the Last Orders random event in a Player-owned port, the displayed glasses now disappear when you serve a patron, instead of becoming empty ones.
- 12 March
- Several normal trees around Gielinor have been changed into glowing trees.
- Chickens and roosters have been graphically updated.
- A magic tree has been placed next to Beefy Bill. It was later removed.
- The green graphical effect of Assault has been recoloured to orange.
- The icon for the crew reroll reward when completing a random event in the Player-owned port minigame has been changed to differentiate it from the adventurer reroll icon. The crew reroll now has the same icon as the Travelling band crew member.
- 4 March
- "Summon" is now the default left click option for summoning pouches.
- The Options tab was updated with a "Restore default keybinds" button.
- Weeds from farming patches and some burnt foods are now stackable.
- Poletax's Herblore Shop now also sells 5 unicorn horn dust, 5 limpwurt roots and 5 white berries.
- The attack speeds of vesta's spear and corrupt vesta's spear have been changed from fast to average. Their attack styles have also been changed from crush to stab, now uniform with other spears in game.
- The healing animations for both Healing Aura and Prayer Renewal have been tweened.
- The damage stats of the hexhunter bow, seercull, and the dark bow have been significantly altered.
- Some slayer monsters, including the Kalphite King, have had their Slayer experience halved.
- Off-hand damage with Havoc and Decimate was changed so it also takes into account weapon speed.
- The Taverley Slayer Dungeon has been expanded, now including crawling hands and cave bugs, among other things.
- There is now a wall that must be climbed over to access Death Plateau.
- 18 February
- A Shadowed Figure now appears randomly in one of four locations on the world map.
- Balmung has been updated.
- Zemouregal's Notes section on Hazeel has been updated.
- 12 February
- The statues for the fallen heroes of While Guthix Sleeps have been updated.
- Silvarea has been updated.
- Icefiends in Ghorrock have had their experience per kill significantly lowered.
- Cash bags obtained in the Squeal of Fortune can no longer be converted to coins. Instead, they now have a coin convert of 0 and a discard option.
- Abyssal demons have had their animations tweened.
- 5 February
- The Jade Enchanted Figurehead ship upgrade in the Player-owned port minigame has been renamed to Intrepid Figurehead.
- The sound effect for the Winter Storage ability for pack yaks has been updated.
- A pets button has been added under the pet tab of the customisation screen. All pets obtained through Solomon's General Store are now under a different button labelled "Special pets".
- A Terms and Conditions link has been added to the Squeal of Fortune.
- It is now again (As it was pre-EoC) possible to use teleport spells from the spellbooks when a message is open.
- 28 January
- The Avatar Customisation interface has been updated.
- 21 January
- Desert clothing has been graphically updated.
- Armour bonuses shown when hovering over the item are now identical to those shown in the equipment interface. Previously, the former showed a value that was 10 times higher than the latter.
- 14 January
- A right click teleport option has been added to the captain's log.
- Diango's lost seasonal items interface has been updated.
- Dragon crossbows, off-hand dragon crossbows and dragon 2h crossbows have been made tradeable.
- Insect Queen has been updated.
- The inventory icons and appearance of sea singer's robes were changed. The tetsu armour set was recoloured as well.
- Lotus-Tint Spectacles have been made single-use at Player-owned port.
- Lighting effects from all over RuneScape were changed to the old, greyish, neutral tone.
- 3 January
- The inventory icons and appearance of the death lotus armour equipment set have been changed.
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