- 15 December
- Grenwalls have been graphically updated.
- Several retro base clothes have been updated.
- The "Get more Keys" part of the Treasure Hunter interface has been updated.
- The click area on leaf traps in Tirannwn has been modified.
- The snowman outfit cape has been changed to override effects instead.
- 8 December
- The animation used when placing items in and removing items from a Beast of Burden has been changed.
- Textures inside the Dominion Tower have been updated.
- Sparkles is now rewarded upon handing in 10 snakes at once in the 2014 Christmas event.
- You can no longer steal other player's Tinsel Snakes from the 2014 Christmas event.
- Attempting to do so returns the message: "These decoration are owned by (player's name)."
- Tinsel snakes now run away if you don't hand them in after several minutes during the 2014 Christmas event.
- Tortured ashes have been added to Challenge System's Prayer Challenges.
- Armageddon, Armadyl Alliance, Bandos Battalion, Strength of Saradomin, and Zamorak Zoo have been updated.
- 1 December
- Voice of Seren changes are now announced in chat.
- The Treasure Hunter interface has been made slightly larger.
- 24 November
- Supercompost-filled plant pots have been removed from Coeden's Seed Store.
- The Serenity Posts' clickboxes have been reduced.
- 17 November
- The chat box icons have been updated.
- The skills interface icon has been updated.
- The worn equipment tab has been graphically updated.
- The "X" button to close interfaces has been updated.
- The "Expand clan actions" button was changed to make it larger, if your interface did not have enough room to display all buttons of the "Clan Settings" tab.
- When joining a Friend Chat, the text "(click to reuse this name)" was added after the name of the previous friend chat entered.
- Ability icons now have a clearer border around them in the ability book.
- Enchanted bolts specials now work for basic abilities.
- 10 November
- Shadow cores are more likely to drop from shadow creatures and they are more likely to become a light core when converted.
- Status icons have been changed to display hours instead of minutes for long running effects (such as an active jack of trades aura or scrimshaws).
- Status icons have been added to display the time remaining of juju potions' effects.
- Juju potions' effects persist if a player logs out.
- The effects of the blood necklace have been changed.
- The effect of Juju mining potion was reverted to how it was before divination and banks ore once more.
- The loom and other furniture in the same house in the Cadarn section of Prifddinas have been moved and graphically updated.
- The Summoning obelisk outside of Rush of Blood has been graphically updated.
- The Max cape's emote has been updated to use a crystal pickaxe.
- Seren has been graphically updated.
- A hole can now be found on the surface of the crater beneath the entrance to Rush of Blood.
- The ravens in Prifddinas have been changed to stay for 23 hours instead of 13 hours.
- Coeden now stocks plant pots prefilled with supercompost.
- 3 November
- Rakes and seed dibbers have been graphically updated.
- Pit iron dragons and steel dragons inside Player-owned houses have been graphically updated.
- World 140 and 141 have been moved from Spanish worlds to South American worlds.
- The lobby started to display recommendations for Solomon's General Store.
- The chaos elemental now drops an assortment of grimy herbs.
- The ectoplasmator's examine has been changed.
- 20 October
- Lady Trahaearn has started to announce the appearance of harmonised rocks.
- Men and women in Draynor Village can now be interacted with.
- When Imp defenders release implings only eclectic or lower respawn.
- 6 October
- The icons shown in the worn equipment interface when the slot is empty have been graphically updated.
- Turning in chronicle fragments, including elder chronicles, in Guthix's Cave no longer grants experience from the bonus experience system.
- 22 September
- Junior Cadet Mina and the dead mourners outside the Temple of Light have been graphically updated.
- Plague's End post-quest dialogue has been added to multiple NPCs involved in the Plague quest series.
- Compost bins have been graphically updated.
- The reward interface for Fish Flingers has been updated.
- Cadarn lineage has been updated.
- Most skill outfits retrievable from Diango have been grouped together and placed between the golem outfits and the spring cleaner.
- 15 September
- The RuneScape website has received an interface overhaul.
- The Solomon's General Store option in the lobby has started to trade places with the Deal of the Day.
- 12 September
- The dialogue asking to teleport to the nearest lodestone for a pinned daily challenge has been updated.
- The location for world 51 has been temporarily changed from South Korea to United States due to significant technical difficulties.
- 26 August
- The animation for Telekinetic Grab has been updated.
- Assault and Battery, Pirates of Penance and an unlisted tutorial track for Barbarian Assault have been updated.
- 18 August
- Hybrid helms and hybrid robes have their value divided by 10 from 175M and 100M to 17.5M and 10M respectively.
- 11 August
- Elven Seed, Lost Soul, Fight or Flight, Temple of Light and La Mort have been updated.
- The summoning status icon now appears for pets.
- 4 August
- Warped roaches, chickens, roosters, ducks, ducklings and drakes have been graphically updated.
- The Player Moderator report screen option has been changed from "Mute this player for 48 hours" to "Temporarily mute this player."
- 28 July
- The minimise button on the action bar has been updated.
- Power to the Players has been renamed Player Power.
- The LootShare icon has been updated.
- 14 July
- The RS Help and Extras icons have been updated.
- The background pattern for the Hero's interface, experience lamps and the Grand Exchange have been updated from a checkered pattern to plain.
- The Surge ability animation has been smoothened.
- The Wilderness Single-Combat and Multi-Combat areas have been separated by a series of signs.
- Scroll bars on most interfaces have been slightly changed.
- The Runebound Behemoth has started using Protect from Summoning.
- The sound effect for Ice Barrage has been changed to resemble its original one.
- Dominion gloves have been given a new passive effect.
- 4 July
- The 2014 Independence Day Celebration has been released
- 1 July
- The Null and Void and Pest Control music tracks have been updated.
- World 51's location theme has been changed to the Republic of Korea.
- Force walk tiles have been added to the Pest Control squires.
- Sam's hat has been added to the toy box in a Player-owned house.
- The item liber tea has been added to the quick chat.
- 23 June
- Demonic Rock Off has been added to the Emotes list.
- Magic axes have been graphically updated.
- The Adventures interface header has been updated and the Featured Tab replaced by What's New.
- The "call pet" option for pet interface pets has been added back.
- Large fallen stars can now be used on F2P worlds.
- 9 June
- The Breeze, Cage Against the Machine, Crystal Castle, Cursed, Elven Mist, Everywhere, Exposed, Far Away, Forest, Iban, Intrepid, Meridian, Overpass, Riverside, Underground Pass, Well of Voyage, and Woodland music tracks have been updated.
- Attempting to store items that can only be traded with another item to a familiar now gives the message: "You cannot store restricted trade items in your familiar's inventory."
- Spria's halberd has been updated & sheathed.
- Turael's halberd has been sheathed.
- The golden mining suit can no longer be dropped.
- 2 June
- The Lost Melody, Cave of the Goblins, Dorgeshuun City, Zanik's Theme, Dusk in Yu'biusk, But We Can Fight, Don't Panic Zanik and Godslayer music tracks have been updated.
- The order of teleports within the Dungeoneering spellbook have been updated.
- 27 May
- The interface for choosing a skill on experience-giving items has been updated, and you can now use up multiple at once.
- The confirmation message when using a skill-specific lamp from Treasure Hunter now appears as an interface.
- 19 May
- The icon for protean smithing has been changed.
- The examine text for the spider silk robe bottom has been changed.
- 12 May
- Character shadows have been smoothed.
- The icon for an empty slot on the action bar has been changed.
- Gradients have been added to all the small square buttons in every interface.
- The Lodestone Network interface has been updated:
- The map was updated, showing a more accurate depiction of Gielinor.
- The borders around each kingdom were altered to make them more accurate, with brighter colours.
- The arrow pointing at markers on the minimap has been graphically updated.
- A number of changes have been made to Lumbridge
- The doomsayer has been moved to the other side of the River Lum. A stationary Lumbridge guardsman and Lumbridge guard dog are now found at his old location.
- Hans, the Circus barker and Nastroth are now stationary.
- The Clan Cup plaque by Lumbridge Castle has been moved within the castle walls, and two non-interactive NPCs can be found at its former location.
- "Elite Lumbridge guardsman (upgraded)" have been renamed "Lumbridge guardsman", and most have been removed, leaving only one non-interactive one that patrols Lumbridge, and one that may be talked to by the bridge. The guardsman near the goblins has been renamed "Elite Lumbridge guardsman".
- The crows around Xenia have been changed to fly differently.
- The Fremennik warrior has been moved from the church to the dock.
- The Water Altar has been moved further west, and is now found next to the Lumbridge Swamp south-west mine.
- Off-hand rubber chickens can be obtained by killing chickens.
- There's now a message that displays "Become a member to hide ads" when logged in as F2P underneath the advert.
- 7 May
- Bank presets have been changed or reverted back to once again quickly grab items which players typically only have one of.
- 6 May
- You can now logout without getting kicked to the World Gate at the Elder Halls.
- Charming imps have received the ability to pick up elder charms.
- 28 April
- The compact Worn Equipment interface is changed to arrange the slots in a similar manner as the expanded version.
- 22 April
- Map icons have been resized on the minimap.
- Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza games have been changed to take place on an instance server, grouping together people in waiting areas of different worlds.
- 14 April
- A new warning message for inappropriate behaviour has been added to the game.
- Text in interfaces and chat are now anti-aliased even in safe mode.
- Chat font has been tweaked slightly.
- 9 April
- The Slayer Masks' ability to bring a cannon into Kuradal's Dungeon when a player was on a task in there has been removed.
- 7 April
- The cursor used when hovering over your player on the equipment interface has been updated.
- 1 April
- The Sailing skill was added to the Hero tab, as part of April Fools' Day.
- 31 March
- Mr. Mordaut now has One of a Kind post-quest dialogue, and rewards players with a Divination lamp.
- 24 March
- An "Earn" button for RuneCoins has been added to the Solomon's General Store page.
- When choosing an outfit in the wardrobe, the bar does not go to the top now. It stays in position.
- The interface for selecting a hybrid armour piece now displays "Hybrid Armour" in lower case.
- 17 March
- The World Gate can be found north-west of Arandar when a ring of visibility is equipped. It can be configured to view many different worlds. Zarosian Reprise unlocks at it.
- Circus mage armour (blast/alchemy/teleport spells) received a graphical update.
- The left/right arrows on the "inventory" and "chat" interfaces have decreased in size.
- Player Moderators' private messages will now show regardless of private chat filter.
- There's more graphical details added around the ritual marker
- The favicon for the RuneScape homepage has been changed.
- 10 March
- Mr. Mordaut's chathead animations have been replaced by the ones used by humans, rather than most animals.
- Looking Back, 7th Realm, Dragontooth Island, Jungly2, High Seas, Jolly-R, Landlubber, Daemonheim Fremenniks and Daemonheim Entrance music tracks have been updated.
- The Catspeak amulet (e) now automatically points to the direction Bob is in.
- 3 March
- Converting a prismatic fallen star now instantly gives bonus experience, instead of giving the star with the skill chosen.
- The Darkmeyer Heist map is now available to everyone.
- The "Subscribe" button that appears on F2P accounts has been shifted to a different part of the screen depending on the layout.
- 24 February
- Sacred metal fragments and cosmetic override components from both world events, along with the drinks from the first, have been removed from the game.
- Two new Seasonal HiScores along with their respective titles have been added.
- The camera angle during and after a cutscene/taunt during a Dominion Tower match has been changed for the Old School Interface layout.
- The shark fists inventory icons have been updated.
- 17 February
- The message for valentine love notes regarding the 160 collection limit has been removed.
- The animation for running with a cape equipped has been altered slightly.
- Dialogue box backgrounds have been centred once more.
- Trees have been added to the islands near Catherby.
- The charm drop rate of deadly red spiders has been changed slightly.
- 4 February
- Various items such as big bones, the elemental runes and other lower level resources have had additional skill information appended to their examine texts.
- Magic notepaper has been made tradeable.
- Clue scrolls that provide anagram clues have had their examine text changed to "It points to great treasure!"
- Two new emotes have been added to the emote list: "Loved Up" and "Down to Earth". Both say that they are unlocked with "Valentine love notes" collected around Valentine's Day.
- 3 February
- The 30-second wait to switch worlds from the lobby (i.e. not using quick-hop) has been removed.[1]
- The Premier Club popup has had its "Join" button re-implemented.
- 27 January
- The experience received from the reward book obtained from completing the Jack of trades aura has been increased.
- The animation for fishing with a harpoon has been updated.
- 21 January
- Freezy no longer has particles.
- The Baby Aquanite has been renamed Squidge.
- Humans have had their idle animation updated.
- Zanik, Juna, Oldak, General Wartface & General Bentnoze, High Priest (goblin), Guardian of Armadyl, Holstein, Murknose and Taw'Paak have had their dialogue updated to reflect the death of Bandos.
- Luck Challenges are added to the Challenge System.
- 13 January
- Eir has been graphically updated.
- The Premier Club popup has had its "Join" button removed.
- 7 January
- Base stats on the Oxhead and Horseface have been reduced from 600 to 500.
- The icon for the Ferocious Tiger-Rider has been updated to differentiate it from the Feral Chimera.
- Scape Santa has been updated to the version used on the login screen during Up to Snow Good.
- The font size for Player-owned ports interfaces have been increased.
- The interface shown when starting a Player-Owned Port random event has been graphically updated.
- "Sea singer" has been consistently renamed to "Seasinger", and the "Superior sea singer's robe bottoms" to "Superior seasinger's robe bottom".
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