- 14 December
- Farmer Jimbo has been added near the Timbo tree.
- The Mahjarrat Outfit pieces have been removed from the Grand Exchange.
- Players can now bank items with Signs of the porter if their inventory is full.
- Sir Amik Varze now wears updated armour during the 2015 Christmas event.
- A Christmas quest jingle is now used when completing quests during the 2015 Christmas event.
- Following players in goebie form from Goebie disguise kit has been changed to not revert the form.
- 7 December
- The Protected tree has died.
- The Cooking experience gained from 2015 Christmas event range has been reduced.
- 30 November
- The tree next to the west Varrock bank has had its leaves changed to a brownish colour, with the examine text stating that the tree shows signs of disease.
- An auto-deploy operation has been added to Protean traps.
- 16 November
- The sapling next to the west Varrock bank has grown a bit more and has had its name changed to Tree.
- The combat animation for the scythe has been updated.
- The Adventurer's Log entry for obtaining a wand of treachery has been changed.
- 9 November
- A sapling has been planted next to west Varrock bank, protected by a fence.
- The Pet of seasons token is now always saved on death instead of having a value of 250,000.
- The value of the Extreme dominion medallion has been changed from 3,900 to 420,000.
- Falador's music playlist has been updated to include Arrival.
- Desert Voyage has been updated.
- 2 November
- The word Off-Hand has been changed to Off-hand for the Off-hand Lucky Armadyl crossbow and the Off-hand Armadyl crossbow.
- Various experience boosting outfit pieces now will show the name of the set as well as its effects.
- In preparation of the Novtumber Festival various items have been renamed.
- A version of the Lost sword of King Raddallin now has correct capitalisation.
- The bank booths of banks in Falador have been updated.
- The Diviner's outfit is now for sale in the Thaler shop's Skill Gear tab.
- 30 October
- Candy corn is now sent to the bank rather than on the floor if the player's inventory is full.
- 22 October
- Experience gained from Nemi Forest activities has been reduced by 33%.
- 19 October
- The XP indicator for members skills on free worlds no longer acts as if the next level is 5.
- Scape Scared has been updated.
- Sir Vyvin's examine text has been changed.
- 13 October
- The battle at the end of Call of the Ancestors has been made easier - all goebies now have an extra hitpoint, enemy spawning rates have been decreased, and the Ancient goebie's dialogue is now skipped if you have attempted the fight before.
- 12 October
- A tree next to west Varrock bank has been removed.
- Various fauna can now be found roaming Mazcab, which may be given to Arod the environmentalist for a hunter experience lamp and reputation.
- Trinks and Acca Kanatah have swapped houses.
- 2 October
- The game message for finding lost souls now gives the total number of souls found.
- 28 September
- The maximum number of keepsake slots was increased to 50.
- The Virtus book may now be read.
- The bank "+" button now glows when near the limit.
- Auras now instantly deplete when entering areas where cosmetic overrides are disabled.
- 9 September
- An interface popup upon login encouraged players who don't already do so to use the RuneScape Authenticator.
- The convert value for Starlight ore was changed to 10 coins each. Initially it was 5.
- 1 September
- Anti-sun potion and Ice cream have been changed into untradeable items.
- 24 August
- Many icons for buffs and debuffs have been graphically updated.
- The icons for Ancient Curses have been graphically updated.
- The icons for Siphon and Transfigure have been graphically updated.
- The icon for Special attacks has been graphically updated.
- Stalagmites have been added near the Dagannoth Kings ladder to make it easier to start instances.
- 10 August
- Skyboxes have been added to Morytania.
- Amelia and Rory have received dialogue about The Branches of Darkmeyer.
- The Treasure Hunter interface has been changed to match other header windows.
- Treasure Hunter's prize categories interface has been updated to include a Preferences section and information about Hearts of Ice amounts has been moved from bottom to the top of the interface.
- The buying key tokens interface has changed to white.
- Entering one's Player-owned house now open the house settings on the minigame tab.
- Fist of Guthix's scoreboard clock hands are now dynamic, moving according to the players' local hour.
- 27 July
- Araxxor's and Araxxi's cleave has been changed to do melee damage instead of typeless damage when hitting familiars. Against players it still does typeless damage.
- 13 July
- Lifeguards can be right-clicked to view how many times the player has done certain beach-related things for rewards: thermometers filled (up to 50+), Clawdia kills (up to 50+) and Ice creams eaten (up to 10+).
- Palm tree farming and sandcastle building now gives out strange rocks, golden rocks and anagogic orts and can spawn mysterious meteorites in Summer Beach Party. Previously only the grills did.
- Sliske can briefly be seen in the Borehole with some new dialogue relating to the results of the Tuska Comes event.
- The colours of The Victor, The MVP and The Real MVP titles have been changed back to gold from mustard yellow.
- Mysterious relic has been renamed to Goebie relic.
- Training dummies in Lumbridge have had their life points increased from 10,000 to 100,000.
- 29 June
- The drop-down lists used in many interfaces throughout the game have been graphically updated.
- Buff icons for increased or decreased stats have been graphically updated.
- 22 June
- The buttons on the Ribbon have been updated with a new border.
- The button to continue to the next screen in dialogue as well as the dialogue choice options have been graphically updated.
- A sound effect has been added when progressing to the next dialogue screen.
- The button in the bank interface to show the Worn Equipment Panel has been graphically updated.
- 15 June
- Meteorite chunks have been added to the game.
- The world window has opened on Tuska's back.
- Pets and familiars can now be summoned on Tuska again.
- 8 June
- Jeroen has been added near the slayer master in Canifis.
- 1 June
- Treasure Hunter now has a "Coming Soon" button, showing upcoming promotions.
- 26 May
- The Astromancer has been moved slightly south of the Wizards' Tower with a new task to complete.
- The RuneScape logo on the login screen has been updated and its location is again unrelated to the "Logging In - Please Wait" box' placement.
- 23 May
- Tears of Guthix has been changed to reset daily for Saturday and Sunday as part of the RuneScape Road Trip's Minigame Weekend.
- 22 May
- Dominion Tower has been changed to reward 50% extra Dominion Factor for the duration of the RuneScape Road Trip's Minigame Weekend.
- 18 May
- Lilies of the valley have been removed.
- Worlds 65 and 138 have their theme changed to "Minigames Spotlight".
- Astromancer has been added to the Wizards' Tower.
- The RuneScape logo on the login screen has been updated and is now aligned to the "Logging In - Please Wait" box that is shown while logging in.
- 15 May
- Player-owned port has been changed to have voyages return with 30% extra resources or trade goods until the end of the month.
- 11 May
- The Explorer's aura can now only be activated in a bank area.
- 5 May
- The toy box in the costume room now opens Diango's item retrieval.
- Vic the trader has been removed.
- 27 April
- The in-game graphic settings interface has been graphically updated.
- A "Road Trip" option has been added to Challenge Mistress Fara and Heriau.
- Clicking the adrenaline bar will activate a weapon's special attack, if it has one.
- Mod Dolan's rubber duck and Mod Daze's homework were added to the game.
- 20 April
- The Home Sweet Home music track has been updated.
- The minimap destination flag icon has been updated to once again have the base of the flag appear on the destination square, instead of the centre of the icon.
- 13 April
- The UTC clock for the Old School layout and Legacy Mode has been shifted to the left.
- Fletch logs and Fletch & burn logs have been removed from the Grand Exchange.
- The Lodestone Network has been made accessible from the world map.
- Hybrid bodies from minigames have had their values dropped from 17,500,000 to 1,750,000 on the Items Kept on Death interface and wealth evaluator.
- 7 April
- The Extras interface has been graphically updated.
- Wicked hood teleport tokens have been made untradeable.
- Essence of wisdom have had an option added to convert them into pulse cores.
- The animation that is used when you place items in your Beast of Burden familiar has been reverted to its original.
- The positions of the mannequins outside Solomon's General Store have been changed.
- Protean items' icons have been updated.
- Miss Schism's idle animation has been updated.
- The map clue for Tower of Life has been graphically updated.
- Fletch logs and Fletch & burn logs have been added to the Grand Exchange.
- 30 March
- 23 March
- The "potion" item has been renamed to acne potion.
- The login screen has been updated for the release of Dimension of Disaster.
- 16 March
- The animation which plays when adding supercompost to a farming patch has been adjusted.
- The sound that plays once an item on the Grand Exchange has been successfully sold, has been changed.
- The inventory icon for wicked hood teleport tokens has been changed.
- 2 March
- The captain's log can now be brought into a Castle Wars game.
- One-handed melee weapons have stopped behaving like shortswords in terms of animation.
- Wicked hood teleport tokens have been added to Treasure Hunter.
- 16 February
- The background of the log in screen has been changed back to its default.
- Bank presets are now able to search and withdraw items with matching images and names but unique metadata values (e.g. clue scroll (elite)).
- 9 February
- Lucky challenges now have a clover icon on the challenge tab. Previously it was the same as others.
- Daily challenges have a brighter icon on the challenge tab.
- 2 February
- The pet interface has been updated.
- Alice no longer cheers when opening a chest in Treasure Hunter.
- All current "Lucky" Treasure Hunter items have had their cashout value set to 500,000 coins.
- 26 January
- Player-owned ports now have a skybox.
- Lamps inside the Gnome Maze can now be stood under.
- Abilities have been fixed so that using one and then quickly interrupting combat cancels the ability completely in PvP situations (technique which is often referred to as ability stalling).
- 23 January
- All gravestones will temporarily last 45 minutes in response to server issues.
- 19 January
- The font used in the action bar for displaying life points, adrenaline, prayer points and summoning points as well the total and combat levels on the skills interface has changed.
- The XP interface when hovering over the XP popup during skilling has been graphically updated.
- Players don't need to confirm anymore when clearing a fruit tree patch. Other patches, including regular wood tree patches, still require a confirmation.
- The Giant mole now respawns quicker.
- 12 January
- Bosses have had their Christmas decorations removed.
- The colour of the Voice of Seren chat messages has been changed.
- Garden Echo now unlocks and plays to the north-east of Varrock.
- If you are in combat, and can't see your target, you cannot queue an ability.
- Clan cup winners from 2014 have been added to the Clan cup plaques, Clan Cup statues have been added to Clan Camp and three new clan motifs have been made available.
- 5 January
- Golden Gnome Awards pets and hats for 2014 winners have been added to the game.
- The Duke now activates on tiles of Lumbridge Castle on which it previously did not.
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