- 19 December
- Off-hand Ice Sword has been added to the rewards of 2016 Christmas event's first three Quest Episodes.
- Diango's Little Helpers has been reworked.
- Bilrach has been graphically updated in Dishonour among Thieves.
- Protean cogs have been added as a prize on Treasure Hunter for a short while.
- 17 December
- Several characters appear after an eclipse occurs:
- Armadyl appears on top of his tower.
- Saradomin, Zilyana, Padomenes and Saradominist crusaders appear in White Knights' Castle.
- Zamorak appears on the 1stUK] of floor[Black Knights' Fortress.
- Saradominists now plays in the White Knights' Castle throne room.
- Several characters appear after an eclipse occurs:
- 12 December
- Relomia, Emissary of Sliske has been graphically updated.
- Saradomin's throne can now be found near the altar in the White Knights' Castle.
- Empyrean Citadel (music track) now plays in Armadyl's Tower.
- Zamorak Camp now plays in Zamorak's hideout.
- Trader Stan now has new dialogue after completion of Final Destination.
- Chatheads appear in regular size in the NXT client even when the NPC has been scaled in size (e.g. Count Check).
- Sir Leye now uses abilities.
- 9 December
- Up to two dwarf ancestors now spawn at once in the Artisans Workshop.
- 8 December
- The option to redeem a bond for extra Treasure Hunter daily keys has been removed.
- 5 December
- Regular and oak trees now have snow particles falling around them.
- Chaotic Cookery, Christmas Caverns, Land of Snow, Seasonal Sports and Smorgasbord have been reworked.
- The Java Game Client now occasionally pops up a message to download the NXT client when logging in.
- "Coming soon" in Community Catchup, under Seasonal Events tab has been removed.
- Ancient memories are now purple in NXT rather than blue with a purple cap.
- Snowfall has returned to the developer console.
- 28 November
- Snow has been added to southern Asgarnia and on regular and oak trees. There is also a new holiday event icon in Asgarnia in preparation to reindeer-terrorbird racing in 2016 Christmas event.
- 25 November
- A selection of items in Solomon's General Store have been discounted.
- 21 November
- Bonds can now be redeemed to gain 2 additional daily keys for 14 days.
- The music track The Evil Within has been reworked.
- 31 October
- The Hellfire bow can now be obtained.
- Supersonic ads from Treasure Hunter has been disabled.
- 27 October
- 2016 Hallowe'en event mechanics have been changed so that talking to Dr Fenkenbrain after defeating god construct isn't necessary for the daily bonuses.
- 24 October
- A strange boy and girl have been added to Burthorpe and the Tower of Voices, respectively.
- Solar flares have been made untradeable.
- The chathead's border has been graphically updated in the chatbox when using the Legacy Interface Mode.
- The destroy message of medium XP lamp (event) has been changed.
- 17 October
- The Quest icon has been updated in various interfaces.
- Worn, inferior scrimshaws are now tradeable.
- The F2P subscribe button now has a members icon next to it.
- 11 October
- A total of 198 items have had their Grand Exchange Guide Prices manually changed.[1]
- The chef's delight was the barrel variant, the dragonhide body (g) was the green variant, the dragonhide chaps (g) were the green variant, the godsword shards were the variant with pieces 1 and 2, the mystic gloves were the light variant and the scrimshaw of strength referred to scrimshaw of attack.
- A total of 198 items have had their Grand Exchange Guide Prices manually changed.[1]
- 10 October
- "Do not translate-never seen" has been removed from the Grand Exchange and a new item called "Do not translate - never seen." has been added.
- Halloween decorations have been added to oaks and regular trees all around. They have been removed after 7 November 2016 from everywhere but the Grand Exchange.
- The scenery textures on Waiko and Aminishi have been updated.
- A drowned moai has been added south of Whale's Maw, southwest of the Sarim's Revenge.
- TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot's chathead has been updated.
- The splash screen's background image has been changed to feature Ichi, the Khan of Cyclosis.
- "Mysterious Runed Rock" has been added as a level 95 Agility shortcut in the skilling guide.
- 3 October
- When mining clay or soft clay with a mithril pickaxe or lower, the mining continues until the inventory is full if it isn't interrupted before that.
- An item called "Do not translate-never seen" has been added to the Grand Exchange.
- The music track The Quiz Master has been reworked.
- 1 October
- The Summer of Adventure icon has been removed.
- Crablet Plunder has been removed.
- The Community button on the Ribbon interface has been updated for Customer Service Week 2016, following the removal of the Crablet Plunder button.
- 26 September
- The Player-owned ports interface has been lowered on certain settings such as Fixed Legacy Mode.
- The Summer of Adventure interface has been changed, showing Cap'n Ekahi and another Cyclops, teasing the release of Cyclosis along with The Arc 2.
- Switching to an EoC only world while on both Legacy Mode and legacy interface no longer switches the player to NIS interface.
- The music tracks Bounty Hunter Level 1, Bounty Hunter Level 2 and Bounty Hunter Level 3 have been reworked.
- 19 September
- Cavern, Dagannoth Dawn, Lighthouse, Out of the Deep and Xenophobe have been updated. Additionally, Xenophobe now plays from the beginning of sub-level 2 until the entrance to the Dagannoth Kings in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon instead of just some rooms in sub-level 4.
- Three Kings now plays inside the lair of the Dagannoth Kings.
- The layout of the sub-level 6 of the Waterbirth Island Dungeon has been changed a little.
- 12 September
- The mining timings have been changed from their historical timings. More specifically, mining iron rocks without movement has become 1 tick slower than it used to be, and mining all other rocks with movement 1 tick faster than it used to be.
- 6 September
- The Summer of Adventure interface has been changed to depict The Arc 2 along with Double XP Weekend.
- 5 September
- A sound effect has been added for augmented items levelling up.
- 30 August
- The ground textures in Burthorpe and Taverley have been updated.
- Arise Hero has been added to the Heroes' Guild's playlist.
- Ice Melody has been reworked, and now plays in and around the Ice Queen's Lair.
- The email validation interface has been changed.
- 22 August
- The Smuggler has been given the Evolution of Combat idle animation.
- 18 August
- Augmented Fishing equipment has been changed to not work with Lumbridge beach boosters.
- 15 August
- The surfboard emote token has been updated.
- Tokens from Summer Beach Party (2015) have been made tradeable again, but not through the Grand Exchange.
- 8 August
- The scorpions and skeletons in low-level Wilderness north of Edgeville have become tolerant.
- 1 August
- Running around corners has been fixed so that the player doesn't cut diagonally through the corner.
- The Lucky Challenges popup now capitalises "Lucky Challenge".
- 25 July
- The Summer of Adventure interface has been changed to showcase the beach event in August. Previously it had a "Buy Now" button instead along with showing a boat with tentacles.
- Bonus XP obtained from stars for members skills are now capped on F2P (the XP given is as if the player was level 5).
- 23 July
- The daily cap for tokens in Port Sarim Invasion has been doubled from 2,000 to 4,000.
- 18 July
- The counter in Betty's Magic Emporium in Port Sarim can now be examined.
- Posts on the forums are no longer censored.
- 11 July
- The Summer of Adventure interface has been changed to showcase the Arc event. Previously it depicted Telos.
- Flippers McGraw may now be spoken to.
- 5 July
- A system has been enabled for some players that sends a notification when a friend returns after not logging in during the last 30 days.
- 4 July
- The scrollbars in gameplay HUDs have been made slightly transparent.
- Seasinger Umi has been added next to the player-owned port portal in Port Sarim as a teaser for the Port Sarim Invasion.
- The lobby banner for the Gower Quest has been changed.
- 27 June
- The examine texts of familiars overridden by boss pets have been altered to state how many kills their owner has.
- An abyssal demon named Grapefruit has been added to Prifddinas.
- 20 June
- More lucky challenges have been added.
- 10 June
- The Grand Exchange guide prices for many items have been manually adjusted for all worlds but 111.[2]
- The Godsword shards that have been adjusted are the 1 and 2 and 2 and 3 variants.
- The Grand Exchange guide prices for many items have been manually adjusted for all worlds but 111.[2]
- 6 June
- The log in screen background has changed.
- The experience from killing players in 10th anniversary of the Falador Massacre has been reduced from double of regular experience to half. Furthermore, players don't get possessed by Durial321 outside JMod events anymore and player-killing is enabled for everyone at all times.
- 5 June
- The experience gained from exchanging Brianpoints from Flash Powder Factory has been made unboostable.
- 2 June
- Balthazar has stopped mentioning Summer sweepstake 2016 tickets' being tradeable.
- 31 May
- Many new rewards have been added to Treasure Hunter and some quantities and rarities have been adjusted.
- 23 May
- The Quick Chat message "I have gathered ... from divine locations items today." has been changed to "I have gathered ... items from divine locations today."
- 20 May
- Helwyr has been made to be pickable as a Soul Reaper task for Bossing & Slayer weekend by clicking outside the interface.
- 16 May
- D&D token (weekly) has been changed to use an interface similar to that of D&D token (daily) and D&D token (monthly) when claimed.
- Junk refiners refine 100 junk every 3 seconds. Before this took 5.4 seconds.
- A Chronicle tab has been added to the Mega May interface.
- 9 May
- The background image of the login screen has been changed to a Mega May-themed one.
- The RuneMetrics welcome tab has stopped showing the goblin.
- Broken disguise kit and signal horn have been added to the Mod Deg trading sequence.
- 3 May
- Some item prices in Solomon's General Store have been changed:
- Feline outfit, flameheart armour, fox outfit, Guthixian war robes, iceheart armour, Saradominist war robes, stoneheart armour, stormheart armour, Zamorakian war robes and Zarosian war robes have been changed to be obtainable with Loyalty Points only. Previously they were obtainable with RuneCoins only.
- Deep-Sea Fishing, Iron-Fist Smithing and replica Virtus outfit have been changed to be obtainable with Loyalty Points only. Previously they were obtainable with both Loyalty Points and RuneCoins.
- A right click "Convert" option for protean items has been added. Attempting to do so gives the message: "This functionality will become available on the 12th May."
- Some item prices in Solomon's General Store have been changed:
- 25 April
- Paterdomus Mausoleum has been graphically updated.
- Castle Drakan has been made taller.
- The music tracks Conspiracy: Part 1, Conspiracy: Part 2, Grotto, Stillness, The Columbarium, The Terrible Caverns and The Terrible Tunnels have been reworked.
- 18 April
- The Twin Furies now have separate Adventurer's Log messages. Previously it was only "I killed the Twin Furies, Avaryss and Nymora."
- 11 April
- Both the Meiyerditch Mine and tomb of Ivandis Seergaze have been graphically updated, and the former has been made accessible at will. A Vyrewatch mine guard has been stationed outside.
- The music tracks Fenkenstrain's Refrain and Bloodbath have been reworked.
- King Roald, Aeonisig Raispher, Varrock Guards, Market guard (Varrock), Trainee Guards, Captain Rovin, Treznor, Captain (Varrock Palace), Zaromark Sliver, Fistandantilus and Mysterious person have been graphically updated.
- A reward table now appears when looting the Barrows chest, allowing the player to take or abandon all or individual rewards, instead of all rewards being added to the backpack automatically.
- The clan noticeboard shows "Not logged in." for the status of a clan avatar warden who has logged out with the avatar. It previously displayed the last world the player was using.
- The rod clay mould can now be added to the tool belt.
- 4 April
- Metallic dragon trinkets were made available by converting existing Dragon trinkets at a ratio of 5 normal to 1 metallic. The convert operation has since been disabled.
- Dragon trinkets' experience rates have been doubled.
- 29 March
- The protected tree can now be chopped down and functions just like an ordinary tree.
- 21 March
- The 15th anniversary lanterns are now on fewer trees.
- Farmer Jimbo is no longer located next to the protected tree. The fence around it has been partially removed, although it's still not accessible for Woodcutting. The tree and sign next to it have also been given new examine texts.
- The options for Treasure Hunter have been moved to underneath the key count.
- "Shauny" was added as a possible name for Goebies.
- The colours of the Robotically Efficient title have been changed.
- 18 March
- A variety of items have had their Grand Exchange values manually increased.[3]
- The chef's delight was the barrel variant, the dragonhide chaps mentioned were the green variant, the Godsword shards were the 1 and 2 and 1 and 3 variants, the Hydrix amulet was the strung variant, the mystic boots were the dark variant and the mystic gloves were the light variant.
- The price of Demonic title scroll (corrupting) has not been updated although it appeared in the list.
- The prices of Augmentation dissolver and Equipment siphon have been manually increased.
- A variety of items have had their Grand Exchange values manually increased.[3]
- 14 March
- The number of materials received when disassembling an item has been added to the information given by Analyse.
- A switch between "equipped items" and "this item" has been added to the drain rate in the Check Invention interface, which no longer always shows the drain rate for all the equipped items.
- 7 March
- The "Robotically Efficient" title has been added to the game from the 2016 Gameblast Charity Auction.
- Gorajo cards have been made undroppable in F2P worlds.
- 18 February
- In preparation for the NXT beta all surface areas now have a skybox.
- 15 February
- The box to select custom screen resolution in Graphics tab of the Settings interface has been removed. This was re-added on a system update on 18 February which however caused another bug.
- The music tracks The Waiting Game, Soul Wars, Desolate Ruins and Battle of Souls have been reworked.
- 8 February
- Ahrim's wand, Ahrim's book of magic, Karil's off-hand pistol crossbow and the Karil's pistol crossbow now degrade in combat.
- The Toad egg sac's Open-noted action has been changed into Open noted.
- The Coconut's Break-Open action has been changed into Break Open.
- The Calquat fruit's Scoop-out has been changed into Scoop out.
- The Apple barrel now has a Use option.
- Various brewing stages have had a Drain option added.
- Fermenting vats now have an Brew and Look in option added, depending on the phase.
- 1 February
- The value of a grotesque soul has been changed from 7,000 to 10.
- Spirit gems have been made forgeable to obtain better ones. They can also be combined to increase their maximum charges as long as it doesn't go over 1,000.
- The primary and trim colours of the Invention skillcape have been swapped. However the particle colour of the master cape remained the same.
- Farmer Jimbo is once again located next to the protected tree.
- Giant Oyster has been changed to not use bonus experience.
- 25 January
- Farmer Jimbo is no longer located next to the protected tree.
- The Skill icons for Runecrafting, Slayer, Farming, Construction, Hunter, Summoning, Dungeoneering, and Divination have been graphically updated.
- The skill total requirement for the Motherlode Maw has been increased from 2,490 to 2,585.
- 19 January
- Fenrir now spawns every 15 minutes.
- 18 January
- The following items are now no longer droppable but rather destroyable: Eir's helmet, Eir's spear.
- The following items have had their model fixed:
- A workshop door has appeared northeast of the Falador lodestone.
- The protected tree has grown slightly bigger.
- The 15 Year Anniversary Celebrations login screen has the icon depicting the Elder gods changed to show V instead.
- 11 January
- A typo has been fixed in the The Lost Sword interface's description text for the Lost sword of King Raddallin ("comsetic" into "cosmetic").
- The Enchanted gem has received a new worn option: "Operate".
- The game loading and login background picture has been changed to mark RuneScape's 15th Anniversary.
- The protected tree has grown into a young tree.
- 4 January
- The protected tree has been replanted, with Farmer Jimbo next to it.
- The keep on death behaviour of the Creepy doll has been changed from always lost to default behaviour.
- The keep on death behaviour of the Penguin outfit has been changed from kept except in the wilderness to always kept.
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