RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the Treasure Trails storage units. For grappling shortcut, see Hidey-hole.

Hidey-holes are storage units, introduced on 26 February 2018 in the clue scroll overhaul update. Hidey-holes are used to store emote clue items, saving bank space and bank trips for players who do Treasure Trails frequently.

As of 26 February 2018 there are 58 hidey-holes. There are achievements for building at least 1 hidey-hole, and completing all hidey holes.

Hidey-holes map

A map of the locations.


The materials and level required to convert these inconspicuous objects into hidey-holes depend on the tier of clue scroll they relate to (boosts can be used). For all tiers, any type of nail will work and protean planks may be substituted for any type of plank. (Costs in the table below assume steel nails are used; cost will vary if using another type.) Protean planks can be used in place of any of the planks below.

Hidey-hole type Construction level Materials Number Cost each Cost for all Experience each Experience for all
Easy 27 4 planks, 10 nails 25 3,686 92,150 500 12,500
Medium 42 4 oak planks, 10 nails 13 2,714 35,282 1,000 13,000
Hard 55 4 teak planks, 10 nails 9 1,978 17,802 1,500 13,500
Master 88 4 mahogany planks, 10 nails, 1 gold leaf 11 141,412 1,555,532 2,500 27,500
Total 100 planks, 52 oak planks, 36 teak planks, 44 mahogany planks, 11 gold leaves, 580 nails 58 1,700,766 66,500

Filling hidey-holes[]

To fill all hidey-holes, the following items are required:

Item Number Cost each Cost for all
Air tiara 1 515 515
Amulet of strength 1 4,143 4,143
Blue flowers 1 3,093 3,093
Bronze 2h sword 1 2,073 2,073
Bronze chainbody 1 971 971
Bronze dagger 1 1,173 1,173
Bronze full helm 1 451 451
Bronze hatchet 1 1,459 1,459
Bronze platelegs 2 1,043 2,086
Bronze spear 1 8,862 8,862
Emerald amulet 1 3,800 3,800
Emerald ring 3 3,438 10,314
Gold amulet 1 901 901
Gold necklace 1 987 987
Gold ring 3 1,207 3,621
Hard leather body 1 771 771
Holy symbol 1 1,716 1,716
Iron boots 1 580 580
Iron chainbody 2 4,859 9,718
Iron full helm 1 649 649
Iron helm 1 631 631
Iron kiteshield 1 3,464 3,464
Iron platebody 2 4,669 9,338
Iron platelegs 1 1,848 1,848
Iron plateskirt 1 1,025 1,025
Iron scimitar 1 4,269 4,269
Iron warhammer 1 3,341 3,341
Leather boots 1 170 170
Leather chaps 4 397 1,588
Leather cowl 1 470 470
Leather gloves 4 202 808
Leather vambraces 1 257 257
Mud pie 1 2,767 2,767
Oak shieldbow 1 623 623
Oak shortbow 1 624 624
Polar camo legs 1 19,043 19,043
Polar camo top 1 13,174 13,174
Ruby amulet 1 3,893 3,893
Sapphire amulet 1 2,120 2,120
Sapphire necklace 2 2,282 4,564
Sapphire ring 2 1,948 3,896
Shieldbow 1 1,089 1,089
Steel full helm 1 1,065 1,065
Steel hatchet 1 3,019 3,019
Steel helm 1 1,002 1,002
Steel longsword 1 1,593 1,593
Steel mace 1 993 993
Steel pickaxe 1 1,887 1,887
Steel platebody 1 1,956 1,956
Steel plateskirt 1 1,556 1,556
Studded body 1 1,275 1,275
Studded chaps 2 1,218 2,436
Studded leather coif 3 796 2,388
Tiara 1 32 32
Unholy symbol 1 4,142 4,142
Wood camo top 1 4,018 4,018
Yellow flowers 1 3,129 3,129
Item Number Cost each Cost for all
Adamant helm 1 2,691 2,691
Blood'n'tar snelm (pointed) 1 1,706 1,706
Blood'n'tar snelm (round) 1 1,463 1,463
Bronze boots 1 305 305
Bruise blue snelm (pointed) 1 3,045 3,045
Green dragonhide body 1 4,266 4,266
Green dragonhide chaps 4 3,115 12,460
Hard leather body 1 771 771
Iron 2h sword 1 4,100 4,100
Iron crossbow 1 2,809 2,809
Iron hatchet 1 2,576 2,576
Iron pickaxe 1 4,343 4,343
Iron sq shield 1 3,668 3,668
Maple shieldbow 1 624 624
Maple shortbow 1 688 688
Mithril chainbody 1 2,619 2,619
Mithril full helm 1 2,187 2,187
Mithril helm 1 1,507 1,507
Mithril platelegs 1 2,574 2,574
Mithril plateskirt 1 2,472 2,472
Mithril scimitar 1 2,591 2,591
Ring of duelling 1 4,097 4,097
Ring of forging 1 2,788 2,788
Ruby amulet 2 3,893 7,786
Silver sickle 1 1,391 1,391
Snakeskin boots 1 1,034 1,034
Snakeskin chaps 1 2,789 2,789
Spiny helmet 1 977 977
Staff of air 1 2,013 2,013
Steel kiteshield 2 1,834 3,668
Steel platebody 1 1,956 1,956
Steel sq shield 1 1,509 1,509
Item Number Cost each Cost for all
Adamant 2h sword 1 8,231 8,231
Amulet of glory (uncharged) 1 12,331 12,331
Amulet of power 1 6,162 6,162
Blue dragonhide chaps 2 4,275 8,550
Blue dragonhide body 1 5,245 5,245
Blue dragonhide vambraces 3 2,077 6,231
Bronze platelegs 1 1,043 1,043
Diamond ring 1 4,714 4,714
Elemental shield 1 15,330 15,330
Fire battlestaff 1 8,011 8,011
Iron pickaxe 1 4,343 4,343
Iron platebody 1 4,669 4,669
Iron sq shield 1 3,668 3,668
Mithril platelegs 1 2,574 2,574
Mud pie 1 2,767 2,767
Ring of life 2 4,238 8,476
Rune full helm 1 20,892 20,892
Rune hatchet 1 9,120 9,120
Rune platebody 1 37,480 37,480
Rune warhammer 1 23,218 23,218
Splitbark helm 1 5,197 5,197
Item Number Cost each Cost for all
Amulet of magic 1 2,223 2,223
Amulet of ranging 1 31,899 31,899
Ancient staff 1 135,580 135,580
Asylum surgeon's ring 1 500,000[1] 500,000[1]
Berserker ring 1 209,881 209,881
Boater 1 676,252 - 880,640 676,252 - 880,640
Cape of legends 1 450 450
Cavalier 1 740,161 - 962,894 740,161 - 962,894
Culinaromancer's gloves 10 1 100,000 100,000
Dagon'hai hat 1 239,841 239,841
Dark bow 1 77,444 77,444
Demon slayer gloves 1 3,299,757 3,299,757
Dragon defender 1 Not sold Not sold
Dragon mask 1 488,614 - 797,313 488,614 - 797,313
Dragon rider amulet 1 500,000[1] 500,000[1]
Enhanced yaktwee stick 1 Not sold Not sold
Fire cape 1 Not sold Not sold
Ghostly cloak 1 Not sold Not sold
Holy cithara 1 Not sold Not sold
Iban's staff 1 Not sold Not sold
Imphide hood 1 567 567
Infinity boots 1 7,373,566 7,373,566
Lab coat legs 1 Not sold Not sold
Lab coat top 1 Not sold Not sold
Prifddinian musician's robe top 1 Not sold Not sold
Prifddinian worker's trousers 1 Not sold Not sold
Ring of devotion 1 Not sold Not sold
Saradomin's murmur 1 700,235 700,235
Scabaras mask 1 Not sold Not sold
Spork 1 2,292 2,292
Staff of light 1 1,842,145 1,842,145
Toktz-ket-xil 1 33,001 33,001
  1. ^ a b c d Reclaim cost



Description Items required Type Image
Inside the shed in Lumbridge Swamp Bronze dagger, iron full helm, gold ring Barrel
Hidey-hole Lumbridge Swamp shed
Next to the bridge on the Wizards' Tower island Leather gloves, iron helm, emerald ring Rock
Hidey-hole Wizards' Tower brige
In Draynor Village market Studded chaps, iron kiteshield, steel longsword Barrel
Hidey-hole Draynor Village market
In the Silvarea limestone mine Steel pickaxe, bronze platelegs, steel helm Crate
Hidey-hole Silvarea limestone mine
Outside the Legends' Guild gates Oak shieldbow, iron platelegs, emerald amulet Rock
Hidey-hole Legends' Guild gates
On Mudskipper Point Gold ring, leather chaps, steel mace Rock
Hidey-hole Mudskipper Point
Near the Entrana ferry in Port Sarim Studded leather coif, steel plateskirt, sapphire necklace Crate
Hidey-hole Port Sarim Entrana ferry
South of the Al Kharid scorpion mine Leather gloves, leather boots, polar camo top Rock
Hidey-hole Al Kharid scorpion mine
Next to the Draynor Manor fountain Bronze full helm, studded chaps, iron platebody Dead tree
Hidey-hole Draynor Manor fountain
Outside the Lumbridge windmill Sapphire necklace, polar camo legs, oak shortbow Sack of animal feed
Hidey-hole Lumbridge windmill
At the crossroads north of Draynor Village Iron chainbody, sapphire ring, shieldbow Rock
Hidey-hole Draynor Village crossroads
In the Rimmington mine Gold necklace, gold ring, bronze spear Cart
Hidey-hole Rimmington mine
Inside the Varrock Palace Library Holy symbol, leather vambraces, iron warhammer Crate
Hidey-hole Varrock Palace Library
Top floor of the windmill just north of Manor Farm in East Ardougne Tiara, wood camo top, emerald ring Crate
Hidey-hole East Ardougne windmill
Inside the Falador Party Room Steel full helm, steel platebody, iron plateskirt Potted plant
Hidey-hole Falador Party Room
Next to the Taverley Stone Circle[1] Air tiara, bronze 2h sword, gold amulet Rock
Hidey-hole Taverley Stone Circle
Among the Catherby beehives Iron boots, unholy symbol, steel hatchet Beehive
Hidey-hole Catherby beehive
Next to the monkey cage in Ardougne Zoo Studded body, bronze platelegs, mud pie Rock
Hidey-hole Ardougne Zoo monkey cage
North of the Rimmington house portal, by the crossroads Sapphire ring, leather chaps, yellow flowers Rock
Hidey-hole Rimmington crossroads
Near the entrance to the Fishing Guild Bronze chainbody, sapphire amulet, emerald ring Rock
Hidey-hole Fishing Guild entrance
Near the entrance to Keep Le Faye Iron platebody, studded leather coif, leather gloves Rock
Hidey-hole Keep Le Faye entrance
At the junction south of Sinclair Mansion Leather cowl, amulet of strength, iron scimitar Rock
Hidey-hole Sinclair Mansion junction
Inside the Digsite Exam Centre Ruby amulet, blue flowers, leather gloves Crate
Hidey-hole Digsite Exam Centre
Near the Sawmill Operator's booth north east of Varrock Bronze hatchet, leather chaps, hard leather body Tree stump
Hidey-hole Lumberyard
In the Duel Arena lobby Studded leather coif, leather chaps, iron chainbody Sack
Hidey-hole Duel Arena lobby
  1. ^ Start of Druidic Ritual.


Description Requirements Items required Type Notes Image
Outside The Hair Of The Dog Tavern in Canifis Access to Canifis Mithril platelegs, spiny helmet, iron 2h sword Barrel A lodestone is the quickest way here. Hidey-hole Canifis pub
Mausoleum off the Morytania coast Partial completion of Creature of Fenkenstrain Maple shieldbow, mithril plateskirt Crate Use the ectophial to teleport to Port Phasmatys, run to the small graveyard west of the farming patch and push the eastern memorial, leading to the Experiment Cave. Run to the northwest corner of the cave to find the ladder to the mausoleum. Hidey-hole Mausoleum
East of the Barbarian Village bridge None Mithril full helm, steel kiteshield, iron hatchet Rock A skull sceptre can be used to get to the village quickly. Hidey-hole Barbarian Village bridge
Inside the entrance of Tai Bwo Wannai village None Mithril helm, green dragonhide chaps, ring of duelling Crate A Tai Bwo Wannai Teleport takes the player right into the village. Alternatively, players may use the Karamja lodestone. Hidey-hole Tai Bwo Wannai
Next to the Castle Wars bank None Ruby amulet, mithril scimitar, iron sq shield Stone blocks Stone blocks just northeast of the bank chest. Using the ring of duelling teleports the player right in the lobby. Hidey-hole Castle Wars
Inside the Barbarian Outpost agility training area Bar Crawl miniquest, 35 Agility Steel platebody, maple shortbow, bronze boots Barrel Players may use the Games necklace to teleport to the Barbarian Outpost. Hidey-hole Barbarian Outpost
Halfway up the tree in the Gnome Stronghold agility course None Green dragonhide chaps, steel kiteshield, ring of forging Tree stump The tree stump is located next to the tree branch that leads to the advanced portion of the agility course. Hidey-hole Gnome Stronghold agility course
Inside the Yanille Bank None Snakeskin chaps, iron crossbow, adamant helm Crate The crate can be found next to the deposit box. Use the Yanille lodestone to reach the area. Hidey-hole Yanille bank
On the top floor of the Kandarin Observatory Observatory quest Green dragonhide chaps, mithril chainbody, ruby amulet Crate Use the ring of duelling to teleport to Castle Wars, then run north across the bridge to the three ruined houses. Climb down the stairs in the west building to reach the Observatory dungeon. Find your way to the other exit and then climb up another flight of stairs to reach the top floor of the Observatory. Alternatively, if available use the rope attached to the bridge near the front door of the Observatory. Hidey-hole Observatory
By the ogres in the Combat Training Camp north of West Ardougne Biohazard quest Green dragonhide chaps, green dragonhide body, steel sq shield Crate Hidey-hole Combat Training Camp
Next to the eastern Digsite winch None Snakeskin boots, blood'n'tar snelm (pointed), iron pickaxe Barrel A digsite pendant can bring you west of it. Hidey-hole Digsite
Outside Hickton's Archery Emporium in Catherby None Blood'n'tar snelm (round), hard leather body, silver sickle Crates Hidey-hole Hickton's Archery Emporium
Near the entrance to Shantay Pass None Bruise blue snelm (pointed), staff of air Crate Next to entrance for Al Kharid Hidey-hole Shantay Pass


Description Requirements Items required Type Image
Inside the Chaos temple in the eastern Wilderness[1] 10 steel nails (mithril nails do not work) Bronze platelegs, iron platebody, blue dragonhide vambraces Rock
Hidey-hole Wilderness Zamorak temple
Inside the Fishing Guild bank 68 Fishing Blue dragonhide chaps, rune warhammer, elemental shield Crate
Hidey-hole Fishing Guild bank
On the top floor of Kandarin lighthouse Horror from the Deep quest Blue dragonhide body, blue dragonhide vambraces Crate
Hidey-hole Lighthouse
Next to Jamila's craft stall in Sophanem Partial completion of Icthlarin's Little Helper Adamant 2h sword, ring of life, amulet of glory Crate
Hidey-hole Sophanem
Near the Wilderness Bandit camp obelisk[2] None Iron pickaxe, iron sq shield, blue dragonhide vambraces Dead tree
Hidey-hole Wilderness Bandit Camp
South side of the Musa Point banana plantation None Diamond ring, amulet of power Log
Hidey-hole Musa Point banana plantation
Near the Mountain Camp goat enclosure To gain access to this area before the completion of the Mountain Daughter Quest, you must bring a rope and take the north path, then climb the cliff side. Rune full helm, fire battlestaff, blue dragonhide chaps Rock
Hidey-hole Mountain Camp
Near the Gnome Glider on White Wolf Mountain None Ring of life, rune hatchet, mithril platelegs Rock
Hidey-hole White Wolf Mountain
Inside the Shilo Village bank Shilo village quest Splitbark helm, mud pie, rune platebody Potted plant
Hidey-hole Shilo Village
  1. ^ Level 12.
  2. ^ Level 26.


Description Requirements Items required Type Notes Image
Next to the sulphur pit in the TzHaar City 3+ Recipe for Disaster subquests Fire cape, Toktz-ket-xil, spork Table Sulphur pit is southwest of the Main Plaza (marked as Cooking Range on World Map).
Hidey-hole TzHaar City
South west of the Charm Sprite cracked dolmen The Hunt For Surok, 72 Hunter Enhanced yaktwee stick, Dagon'hai hat, amulet of ranging Rock
Hidey-hole charm sprites
On the northern Waiko docks Recipe for Disaster (full completion), Impressing the Locals Culinaromancer's gloves 10, infinity boots, dark bow Water barrel The emote clue takes place in the Uncharted Isles, and as such, the barrel is located next to Sarim's Revenge in Waiko.
Hidey-hole Waiko dock
Near the entrance to the Morytania Slayer Tower Plague's End Imphide hood, Prifddinian musician's robe top, amulet of magic Crate The crate sits just inside the tower.
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Inside the Green Ghost Inn in Port Phasmatys Underground Pass, The General's Shadow Iban's staff, ghostly cloak, cavalier Barrel Any cavalier will do. After filling the Hidey-hole speak to Viggora to get a replacement cloak.
Hidey-hole Port Phasmatys
On the top level of the - East wall Grand Library of Menaphos Broken Home, Partial completion of The Jack of Spades Asylum surgeon's ring, Scabaras mask Plant After the addition of the hidey-holes asylum surgeon's rings may be purchased from Maria even if one is already owned.
Hidey-hole Grand Library of Menaphos
Inside the Invention Guild 1 Invention Lab coat top, lab coat legs, staff of light Barrel
Hidey-hole Invention Guild
Inside the celestial dragon dungeon on Dragontooth Island Partial completion of One of a Kind Dragon Rider amulet, dragon defender, dragon mask Rock Any dragon mask will do. (Dragon Rider Amulet can be reclaimed by talking to Mr. Mordaut at the Varrock Museum).
Hidey-hole Dragontooth Island resource dungeon
Inside the Lumbridge Fishing Supplies shop Legends' Quest Demon slayer gloves, cape of legends, boater Barrel Any colour boater will do.
Hidey-hole Lumbridge Fishing Supplies
Next to the start of the Hefin District agility course Plague's End Prifddinian worker's trousers, berserker ring, ancient staff Potted plant An enhanced ancient staff also works. The Prifddinian worker's trousers are re-earnable from the Hefin Agility Course.
Hidey-hole Hefin agility course
Next to the Edgeville Monastery garden One Piercing Note Holy Cithara, Saradomin's murmur, ring of devotion Barrel
Hidey-hole Edgeville Monastery


  • What's In The Hole? (RuneScore 5) - Store the items required for an emote clue in a Treasure Trail hidey-hole.
  • Fill Them All! (RuneScore 25) - Fill all of the Treasure Trail hidey-holes. You can find a complete list of hidey-holes at the noticeboard by Zaida.


  • In Old School RuneScape, hidey-holes are called STASH units, an acronym for "Store Things And Stuff Here".
  • The hidey-hole originally located by the Rimmington house portal could not be accessed if the Ticket vendor was in Rimmington, as it occupied the spot of the rock. This was fixed on 26 March 2018.