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This article is about the Saradomin symbol. For quest item used in Icthlarin's Little Helper, see Holy symbol (Icthlarin's Little Helper).

Holy symbol detail

A holy symbol is a piece of silver jewellery blessed by the power of Saradomin.

It can be created at level 16 Crafting by casting a silver bar in a furnace with a holy mould to produce an unstrung symbol. It must then be strung with a ball of wool which turns it into an unblessed symbol, granting a total of 54 Crafting experience. It must then be blessed, either by asking Brother Jered on the 1st2nd floor[UK] of the Monastery of Saradomin in Edgeville, which requires level 31 Prayer to access the upper floor, or by using a book of wisdom or book of balance on the symbol, which requires level 50 Prayer and costs 40 Prayer points per blessing.

A holy symbol is used to make a blessed hatchet during the Animal Magnetism quest. Additionally, it can be used in conjunction with the Prayer book obtained during The Great Brain Robbery quest to cure the effects of any poison.

Wearing a holy symbol in the God Wars Dungeon will prevent attack by Saradomin-aligned creatures.


Combat Stats
RequirementsHoly symbol equipped
NoneNeck slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Christmas crackerN/A18.53%
Dragith Nurn261Common
Warped bat161Common
Corpse archer181Uncommon
Corpse mage211Uncommon
Crawling corpse torso91Uncommon
Skeleton (Lumbridge Catacombs)151Uncommon
Warped fly71Uncommon
Warped rat121Uncommon

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • Brother Brace on Tutorial Island seems to be wearing a golden holy symbol, along with Brother Jered and other monks in the Edgeville Monastery. However, this is just a design which is part of the monk's robe.
  • The holy symbol used to be silver, like its inventory icon, but has been changed to a golden colour when worn.
  • The Monk of Zamorak will not speak to any player wearing a holy symbol.