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RuneScape Wiki
This cape has an untrimmed, trimmed, hooded, and master version.

Hooded herblore cape (t) detail

The hooded herblore cape (t) is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Herblore skill. It can be purchased for 99,000 coins alongside the Herblore hood from Kaqemeex at Taverley by players who have achieved level 99 in the skill. Herblore capes are dark green in colour, and have a yellow-gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. Herblore capes are currently the tenth most uncommon skillcape seen by players due to the high cost of training Herblore.

Talking to Kaqemeex gives an option to toggle the appearance of the cape to a retro version, overriding the normal appearance and making it look similar to how it did before the 2015 graphical update. Despite it not being a new item, the retro cape can be used with a dragon keepsake key.

A player performing the Herblore cape emote.
Combat Stats
Hooded herblore cape (t) equippedRetro hooded herblore cape (t) equipped
99 Herblore75
CombatSwords AllBack slotDefenceArmour33
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
Style-Style bonuses


The Hooded herblore cape (t)'s perk instantly cleans all grimy herbs in your inventory. No experience will be gained for doing this.

Up to three perks of the capes of accomplishment can be added to the max cape, the completionist cape, and the trimmed completionist cape and up to two perks of the capes of accomplishment of a specific skill type can be added to the respective expert cape of accomplishment. This can be done by using a cape of accomplishment with the desired perk on one of the capes. The cape of accomplishment is then lost in the process. To make space for other perks, it is possible to later remove the added perks, but with no reimbursement. All of the added perks are shared among max cape, completionist cape, and trimmed completionist cape, thus it is not possible to have different configurations of perks on the different capes.


  • Currently, 160,742 people are able to own this cape (as seen on the highscores).