This is the quick guide for Hunt for Red Raktuber .For a more in-depth version, click
here .
Walkthrough [ ]
Speak to Larry at Ardougne zoo Members only IntermediateLong Skill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Items from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Larry's holiday [ ]
Talk to Larry in the south-west of the Ardougne Zoo , agree to help. ( 1 •✓ ) …
Go to south coast of Witchaven , inspect one of the giant footprints.( 1 ) …
Return to Larry for a cutscene.
Penguin espionage [ ]
North-east of Rellekka (north of Fremennik lodestone), travel via the small boat to the Iceberg .
Talk to Larry. ( 1 ) …
North-west, investigate the avalanche.
Enter the west room, speak to KGP Interrogator . ( 1 ) …
My captain trusted me to deliver the message. ( 1 •2 ) …
Your captain must trust you a great deal.
My captain found a greater leader. ( 1 •3 •2 ) …
What leader could possibly be greater than the Pescaling.
The sea may control your Captain, but he controls your life.
He will bring unity by destroying the humans. ( 1 •3 •2 ) …
Why not unite all penguins to The Sea, first.
He's only demonstrating his impatience.
Nothing can stop him. ( 1 •2 ) …
If he comes to rescue you, he'll be captured.
Our sacrifice will be remembered. ( 1 ) …
'Our sacrifice'? Only you appear to be making the sacrifice.
Talk to captured penguin and note down the three dance emotes.
Search the crate behind you to get a Conch shell, puffer, octopus, monkfish, and a ray.
Make a note of which headwear the captured penguin is wearing.
The fish hat will either be a puffer, octopus, monkfish, or ray fish.
Talk to Ping & Pong . (north-east from interrogation room)
Talk to KGP Agent by the control panel to the north.
Return to Ping and Pong. ( 4 •5 •1 •3 •4 •2 •1 ) …
Return to the KGP Agent by the control panel, sing him the lullaby. ( 2 ) …
Operate the control panel, head northeast into the war room.
Talk to any dwarf. ( 1 ) …
Speak to the dwarf again.
Exit war room to get caught.
Talk to Larry. Talk again. ( 1 ) …
Return to the dwarves. ( 1 ) …
Talk to them again and give them the supplies to get a toolbox.
Perform practice run on the engine panel north of the dwarves.
Wrench -> wirebox.
Wire cutter -> wirebox.
Wire -> wirebox.
Tape -> wirebox.
Bellows -> pipe.
Click bellows until pressure gauge is in the red.
Turn valve wheel until pressure gauge arrow points straight up in the green.
Pull lever.
Talk to a dwarf again. ( 2 ) …
Return to Larry. ( 1 ) …
Northwest, talk to Noodle . ( 1 ) …
Re-enter the hideout via avalanche, enter first room to the east.
A map of the office, showing the route to the sorting table.
Navigate to the sorting table without being spotted using the picture to the right. (see full guide for more details).
Search sorting table to get a telegram.
Navigate back out of the room without being spotted. Use the other door to leave the room, don't just walk out.
Return to Larry.
Exit your penguin suit and talk to Larry.
Disabling the Red Raktuber [ ]
Items needed : The toolbox, the fish hats, the conch shell, penguin suit
South-east of Yanille just outside the city walls, talk to Larry. ( 1 ) …
Wear the fish hat the captured penguin was wearing.
Blow conch shell then perform the three emotes.
Talk with a penguin and they will tell you to report to Captain Marlin.
Climb up the ladder and walk all the way to the east, opening doors along the way.
Talk to Captain Marlin.
Pick either honest or lie.
In the brig, walk west and search the hatstand to get an Electric eel, Shark tooth, Crab claw, Seaweed, and a Swordfish.
Open the east door.
Inspect the engine panel.
Crab claw -> wirebox.
Shark tooth -> wirebox.
Electric eel -> wirebox.
Seaweed -> wirebox.
Pufferfish -> pipe.
Click pufferfish until arrow is in the red.
Octopus -> valve wheel (repeat until arrow is pointing straight up).
Swordfish -> lever.
Pull the lever.
Talk to Chuck to leave the island.
Quest complete!
Rewards [ ]
Music unlocked