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This article is about the spell. For the item, see hunter kit.
Hunter Kit
Hunter Kit icon
Release date 15 May 2007 (Update)
Members Yes
Level 71
Spellbook Lunar
Type Skilling
Experience 70
Runes 2Astral2Earth
Quest Lunar Diplomacy
Hunter Kit

Hunter Kit is a Lunar spell that produces a hunter kit in the player's inventory, full of various Hunter items. It requires 71 Magic and completion of the Dream Mentor quest to use. The spell is rarely used due to the fact that the items do not degrade and may be kept in a bank, therefore making it easier to keep them there and retrieve only specific items when needed. The spell's items are somewhat useful for beginning hunters, but has very limited uses for experienced hunters due to the role of the magically-produced items in the skill.

Hunter kit is often used as a way to train Magic, as it gives fast and relatively cheap experience. A player can easily obtain in excess of 140k experience per hour. Each cast takes 2 game ticks to complete.

The cost of the spell is around 12.37 coins/experience. When using a staff of earth, the costs are 11.86 coins/experience.

Casting the spell, opening the boxes, and selling the supplies gained yields a profit of 17.7 coins/experience. When using a staff that supplies earth runes, the profit is 18.21 coins/experience.


2Astral rune2Earth rune866
Combo runes
2Astral rune2Dust rune2,800
2Astral rune2Mud rune2,566
2Astral rune2Lava rune2,762
2Astral runeMud battlestaff830
2Astral runeStaff of earth830
2Astral runeElemental battlestaff830
2Astral runeMystical staff (75)830
2Astral runeLava battlestaff830