RuneScape Wiki
Ice Barrage
Ice Barrage
Release date 18 April 2005 (Update)
Members Yes
Level 94
Spellbook Ancient
Type Combat

Water weakness icon Water

Damage 883
Runes 2Blood5Water
Quest Desert Treasure
Ice barrage
Click animation for full size

Ice Barrage requires a Magic level of 94 to cast and can freeze your targets, immobilising them for 10 seconds, or 9.6 seconds for players. It has a 100% chance of freezing targets when cast as an auto-attack. If this spell is used with an ability, it only has a 10% chance of freezing, or a 20% chance if the caster has Dark Form active, the effect will attempt to trigger and display the freezing animation but will not freeze the target or consume runes if the target is stun immune. It requires two blood runes and five water runes to cast. The base damage of this spell is 883.

When cast as an auto-attack, this spell will strike a 3x3 square area surrounding the target, hitting other players and monsters in this space. Damage to secondary targets is slightly less.[1]

Ice Barrage is widely used in team minigames as it can freeze multiple players at once, preventing them from tasks like scoring in Castle Wars or reaching an avatar in Soul Wars.

As with all Ancient Magicks spells, the quest Desert Treasure must be completed in order to cast this spell.


5Water rune2Blood rune1,481
Combo runes
2Blood rune5Mud rune5,696
2Blood rune5Steam rune6,351
2Blood rune5Mist rune7,171
2Blood runeStaff of water1,356
2Blood runeMud battlestaff1,356
2Blood runeSteam battlestaff1,356
2Blood runeElemental battlestaff1,356
2Blood runeMystical staff (75)1,356
2Blood runeAvernic wandTome of frost1,356
Audio options icon
Ice barrage sound
Plays when players cast the ice barrage spell


Temple Knight Archers

Solus Dellagar casts Ice Barrage on Temple Knights during the Wanted! quest.

  • Solus Dellagar is shown to have used a special version of Ice Barrage where it covered a 5x5 radius (while killing all of the knights in the process), though it seems to have punishing effects as he was completely drained of power after using it.
  • In the past, there used to be a common method of anti-pking called "anti barraging", where a group of players (5+) would stand on one square and all cast Vengeance (or one member would cast Vengeance Group). Then they would wait for a player to cast ice barrage on them. Because vengeance reflects 75% of the damage back onto the attacker, each person hit by the spell would reflect 75% of the damage taken back onto the caster, potentially inflicting massive amounts of damage.


  1. ^ Mod Nic. "Triskelion Treasures." 11 June 2013. RuneScape News.