RuneScape Wiki
Ice Plateau Teleport
Ice Plateau Teleport icon
Release date 24 July 2006 (Update)
Members Yes
Level 89
Spellbook Lunar
Type Teleport
Experience 96
Runes 3Law3Astral8Water
Quest Lunar Diplomacy
Lunar spells teleport
Click animation for full size
Ice Plateau Teleport location

Ice Plateau Teleport teleports the caster to the members' half of the Ice Plateau in level 52-53 Wilderness. This teleport is useful for training agility in the Wilderness agility course as it teleports the caster near to it. Also, Ghorrock and at least two Treasure Trails clue locations are easily accessed via this spell.

Ghorrock Teleport on Ancient Magicks is an alternative to a nearby location and costs 1 less law rune and no astral runes, but requires 96 Magic and completion of Desert Treasure.


8Water rune3Astral rune3Law rune3,155
Combo runes
3Astral rune3Law rune8Mud rune9,899
3Astral rune3Law rune8Steam rune10,947
3Astral rune3Law rune8Mist rune12,259
3Astral rune3Law runeStaff of water2,955
3Astral rune3Law runeMud battlestaff2,955
3Astral rune3Law runeSteam battlestaff2,955
3Astral rune3Law runeElemental battlestaff2,955
8Water rune3Astral rune2.7Law runeLaw staff2,984
3Astral rune3Law runeMystical staff (75)2,955
3Astral rune3Law runeAvernic wandTome of frost2,955