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Ice amulet was removed from RuneScape after an update, but still exists in-game for those who had obtained it.

Ice amulet detail
Snow imp land of snow

A snow imp being summoned in the Land of Snow

The ice amulet was a reward from the 2008 Christmas event or 2015 Christmas event. In 2008, players could acquire this item by speaking to the Head snow imp, while in 2015 it was given by the Snow imp. The amulet was used to call snow imps which were used to help a player locate Jack Frost in 2008, or rescue Jack Frost, Santa and the Queen of Snow in 2015. To summon an imp, a player must operate the amulet while wearing it. Outside of the events, it may only be used within the area of the Land of Snow from the Myths of the White Lands quest.

The amulet does not work if the player has a pet or a Summoning familiar summoned, as the snow imp uses the follower slot. As with all untradeable holiday items, if the amulet is lost, a player can receive another one by talking to Diango in Draynor Village. The ice amulet can be stored in a toy box in the Costume Room of a player-owned house.

Combat Stats
RequirementsIce amulet equipped
NoneNeck slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

15 Days of Christmas[]

During the 15 Days of Christmas in 2013, this item, along with other Christmas-themed equipment, were given the Hybrid style of combat, and stats that scaled with the player's levels. This was so players could use these items in combat to assist in hunting for festive crackers during the event.


  • When players tried to operate the amulet near places with ice upon the ground, a message would appear: You feel that this isn't the place to have a familiar or pet out. They might slip.
  • Previously, if a player attempted to cast High or Low Level Alchemy on the item, a message would appear, which reads: You cannot cast alchemy upon your follower! Currently, attempting to do so instead gives the message: This has been enchanted, so it cannot melt.
  • After the event, if players attempted to operate the amulet, they would get the message: (Snow Imp's Name) has gone back to the Land of Snow and can no longer answer your calls. This has since been changed to say You cannot summon (Imp's Name) outside of the Land of Snow. If the player is in the Land of Snow featured in Myths of the White Lands, while on snow they can summon their imp from the event if they are wearing the ice amulet.
  • In the 2009 Christmas event, when you first operate your Ice Amulet in the Land of Snow, you receive the message: "You attempt to summon (Imp's name), but he doesn't respond. Perhaps he is already close at hand."
  • In the 2009 Christmas event, players can only summon the Snow Imp in the Land of Snow. This is because, according to the Snow Imp, the wardrobe that teleported players to the Land of Snow is imp-proof.
  • During the 2010 Christmas event's Heimland Games, players could not summon their imp even though they were in the right place to do so, as they were apparently on Christmas holiday.
  • During the 2011 Christmas event, the amulet could be used in the Wizard's Tower basement to summon their imp.
  • The ice amulet counts as a pet, and cannot be taken to areas where pets are not allowed in the inventory, such as underwater. A duel also cannot be initiated if a player is carrying an ice amulet.