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Ice strykewyrms are level 93 Slayer monsters. They can only be killed when assigned on a Slayer task or a slayer contract, with the exception of one kill needed to complete a Fremennik Elite Task, or if the player is participating in the Rush of Blood D&D. Players must complete The Tale of the Muspah before Slayer Masters will assign these creatures.

Players can be assigned a task to kill Ice Strykewyrm but can only attack them by either owning a fire cape, TokHaar-Kal, or have purchased the ability to fight them with 2,000 Slayer points. The completionist cape can be used in place of a fire cape. Players wearing a fire cape or its upgrades deal twice the damage to ice strykewyrms with fire-based spells.

Like all strykewyrms, ice strykewyrms reside underground beneath mounds until provoked by a player with the necessary Slayer task. Slayer Masters claim that only those who have been assigned to hunt them may make them surface, due to the strykewyrm being able to smell the intent of the slayer. Players without the necessary task to kill strykewyrms will not be able to surface the strykewyrm and will instead perform the Think emote.

Players with a Mask of the White Wyrm can ask for an ice strykewyrm assignment every three days from Morvran or Kuradal. The mask confers the same damage boost as a regular slayer helm while on assignment, gives additional Slayer experience when killing ice strykewyrms, and grants additional drops every tenth kill.


Ice strykewyrm cave[]

Ice strykewyrm cave entrance location

Location of the cave's entrance

11 ice strykewyrms can be found in the ice strykewyrm cave. The quickest way to get to the cave is to use fairy ring code DKS, which is just south of the cave they're located in. Players can also use the Fremennik Province lodestone and run north-east.

The ice strykewyrms are found in the chamber east of the entrance. If there is water coming through the mouth, the player must block the eastern stream in the cave north of where you entered, where Jhallan was frozen during The Tale of the Muspah.

To block the stream, hop across the flat rocks just north of the entrance, enter the cave opening to the north-west, jump across the flat rocks to the east (ignore this ice mound), jump across the flat rocks to the north-east, and click on the ice mound beside you to block the stream. Then head back to the entrance cave, hop back across the flat rocks, and head east into the ice strykewyrm cave.

Blocking the other streams in the middle cave are not necessary, but can be used to remove all water streams in the entrance cave.

Frozen Waste Plateau[]

Ice strykewyrms can be killed at the Frozen Waste Plateau in the Wilderness (level 45 - 48), just south of the fence gate. If the player is killing ice strykewyrms for a Slayer assignment or slayer contract at this location then they can gain 20% additional Slayer experience by equipping a demonic skull. This experience bonus stacks with slayer contract bonuses, meaning the player may gain 40% extra Slayer experience while on a task using a special slayer contract from Erskine. Completing a special slayer contract rewards the player with a choice of coins or combat experience.

Attack styles[]

Ice strykewyrms have four types of attacks: melee, magic, freezing spell and burrow. If the player is within one square of a strykewyrm, it will use any of the four attack types. At a distance, the strykewyrm mostly uses its magic attack but will occasionally use its freezing spell (which looks like Ice Barrage), which renders the player unable to move for around three seconds and cancels the player's next attack. Simply clicking the strykewyrm will resume attacking immediately.

The ice strykewyrm's strongest attack is when it burrows underground during battle and then pops back up, dealing up to 2000+ life points to the person it is fighting. There was an update to prevent other players from getting hit by someone else's ice strykewyrm, but it does show an animation of that getting thrown out of the way, but not losing life points. The strykewyrm becomes invulnerable during this time, so attempting to attack it while it is burrowed is futile. This attack can be easily avoided by quickly moving two steps away in any direction. The further away the player is from the strykewyrm when it burrows (such as when maging from a distance), the easier it is to avoid this attack. It can also use the burrow attack if a player walks into its square and stays there for a couple of seconds, so it is recommended not to do this. The strykewyrm will not use the burrow attack if the player is standing next to an obstacle, such as the cave wall or a stalagmite.


Despite the fact that a Slayer level of at least 93 is required in order to damage them, these creatures have low defence and may be killed fairly easily.

Ice strykewyrms are weak to fire spells. Players are advised to kill them by casting Fire Wave or better using a staff, such as a crystal staff or better, and Magic power armour, such as robes of subjugation. A full slayer helmet (or an upgraded variant) should also be worn. Alternatively, players may cast Blood Burst/Barrage if they find that they need to heal, although is unlikely to be necessary. In order to damage ice strykewyrms, players must have a Slayer level of 93 or higher and be wearing a fire/kiln cape (preferably a TokHaar-Kal-Mej), unless they have purchased the ability to damage them for 2,000 Slayer points (which is not recommended, as wearing a fire cape or equivalent also increases all damage dealt to ice strykewyrms). Weaker players may wish to bring an emergency teleport and/or food, such as sharks. It is possible to kill a single ice strykewyrm for the elite Fremennik achievement First Stryke without a fire cape or unlocking the ability to kill them. Level 65 or better armour, high-healing food, several summoning potions to recharge the familiar special move bar, and 30 scrolls for your familiars special attack are suggested.

Because they are not aggressive, players can use the Regenerate ability after a kill to heal, the drawback being the extra time that requires. A combination of Regenerate, shark drops, enhanced excalibur, the Soul Split curse or a healing familiar can eliminate the need to bring any food. The Sacrifice ability can be used to great effect, as long as fire spells and a fire cape are used. Due to their weakness to fire, healing gains of over 3000 are possible, so long the strykewyrm will die from the ability damage.

Using an ice spell on an ice strykewyrm will immediately heal it to full health.[1]



No charmGold charmGreen charmCrimson charmBlue charm
Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 57,953 kills.
1 charm is dropped at a time.
Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).

Main drop[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Mithril battleaxeMithril battleaxe1Common3,550
Rune battleaxeRune battleaxe1Rare24,988
Staff of lightStaff of light1Rare[2]1,842,145
Coins 250Coins200; 660Common[3]200–660
Crushed nestCrushed nest5–9 (noted)Common34,165–61,497
Super defence (3)Super defence (3)1Common7,826
Magic logsMagic logs(noted)Common[3]1,900
Rune barRune bar(noted)Common2,985
Coins 1000Coins4,400–8,000Uncommon4,400–8,000
Rare drop tableRare drop table1CommonNot sold
Grimy guamGrimy guam(noted)Common1,418
Grimy marrentillGrimy marrentill(noted)Uncommon4,614
Grimy tarrominGrimy tarromin(noted)Uncommon210
Grimy harralanderGrimy harralander(noted)Uncommon1,482
Grimy ranarrGrimy ranarr(noted)Uncommon3,720
Grimy iritGrimy irit(noted)Uncommon10,016
Grimy avantoeGrimy avantoe(noted)Uncommon2,086
Grimy kwuarmGrimy kwuarm(noted)Rare23,564
Grimy cadantineGrimy cadantine(noted)Rare4,322
Grimy lantadymeGrimy lantadyme(noted)Rare7,551
Grimy dwarf weedGrimy dwarf weed(noted)Uncommon8,476
Water talismanWater talisman(noted)Common7,584
Water talismanWater talisman1Uncommon2,528
Earth talismanEarth talisman1Rare185
Mind talismanMind talisman1Rare203
Fire talismanFire talisman1Rare209
Body talismanBody talisman1Rare407
Air talismanAir talisman1Rare498
Cosmic talismanCosmic talisman1Rare1,030
Chaos talismanChaos talisman1Rare1,923
Blood runeBlood rune15Common[4]10,170
Death runeDeath rune20Common4,640
Irit seedIrit seed1Rare1,018
Tarromin seedTarromin seed1Rare137
Watermelon seedWatermelon seed1Uncommon3,590
Cactus seedCactus seed1Rare1,016
Ranarr seedRanarr seed1Rare976
Poison ivy seedPoison ivy seed1Rare302
Kwuarm seedKwuarm seed1Common12,857
Toadflax seedToadflax seed1Rare9,872
Marrentill seedMarrentill seed1Rare179
Jangerberry seedJangerberry seed1Uncommon79
Harralander seedHarralander seed1Uncommon196
Wildblood seedWildblood seed1Uncommon189
Belladonna seedBelladonna seed1Rare1,007
Lantadyme seedLantadyme seed1Rare726
Snapdragon seedSnapdragon seed1Rare293
Whiteberry seedWhiteberry seed1Rare136
Bittercap mushroom sporeBittercap mushroom spore1Rare1,768
Strawberry seedStrawberry seed1Uncommon1,075
Limpwurt seedLimpwurt seed1Uncommon5,207
Maple seedMaple seed1Rare8,519
Spirit weed seedSpirit weed seed1Rare78,260
Dwarf weed seedDwarf weed seed1Rare822
Avantoe seedAvantoe seed1Rare375
Yew seedYew seed1Very rare15,302
Magic seedMagic seed1Very rare52,464

Tertiary drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Sealed clue scroll (hard)Sealed clue scroll (hard)1UncommonNot sold
Sealed clue scroll (elite)Sealed clue scroll (elite)1Rare[5]Not sold
Spirit sapphireSpirit sapphire1RareNot sold
Spirit emeraldSpirit emerald1RareNot sold
Spirit rubySpirit ruby1RareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 1Crystal triskelion fragment 1[6]1Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 2Crystal triskelion fragment 2[6]1Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 3Crystal triskelion fragment 3[6]1Very rareNot sold
Starved ancient effigyStarved ancient effigy1Very rareNot sold
Court summonsCourt summons1Very rareNot sold
  1. ^ Mod Emilee. "Game Update FAQ - 08/02/10." 11-Feb-2010 10:05:02. Recent Updates Forums.
  2. ^ As quoted by Jagex on the official update FAQ, the staff of light's drop rate was the same as that of the abyssal whip. During Runefest's big question sessions, at the time, the drop rate of the abyssal whip was revealed to be 1/512. Therefore the drop rate of the staff of light must also be 1/512.
  3. ^ a b 200 coins will always be dropped with magic logs, but not vice versa.
  4. ^ Always dropped with a seed
  5. ^ There is a 1% chance of this being a sealed clue scroll (master) instead
  6. ^ a b c Triskelion fragments are dropped in order.

Rare drop table[]

This monster has access to the rare drop table.
Luck-enhancing items such as a ring of wealth or luck of the dwarves are not required to access the table.
Show/hide rare drop table
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 250Coins250–500Common250–500
Uncut sapphireUncut sapphire1Common809
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald1Common2,555
Uncut rubyUncut ruby1Common1,842
Uncut diamondUncut diamond1Common4,843
Uncut diamondUncut diamond45–55 (noted)Rare217,935–266,365
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key1Common11,053
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key1Common11,538
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Uncommon12,077
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone45–55 (noted)Rare543,465–664,235
Dragon longswordDragon longsword1Common56,212
Dragon spearDragon spear1Rare35,861
BattlestaffBattlestaff180–220 (noted)Rare542,160–662,640
Rune javelinRune javelin5Rare905
Rune platebodyRune platebody1Uncommon37,480
Rune platebodyRune platebody15–25 (noted)Rare562,200–937,000
Shield left halfShield left half1Rare64,399
Dragon helmDragon helm1Uncommon58,601
Rune arrowheadsRune arrowheads113–137Common14,916–18,084
Onyx boltsOnyx bolts135–165Very rare1,003,725–1,226,775
Chaos talismanChaos talisman1Rare1,923
Nature talismanNature talisman1Rare1,473
Water talismanWater talisman65–82 (noted)Rare164,320–207,296
Earth talismanEarth talisman65–82 (noted)Rare12,025–15,170
Fire talismanFire talisman25–35 (noted)Rare5,225–7,315
Raw lobsterRaw lobster135–165 (noted)Common47,655–58,245
Raw sharkRaw shark225–275 (noted)Uncommon321,075–392,425
Big bonesBig bones68–82 (noted)Uncommon13,804–16,646
Dragon bonesDragon bones180–220 (noted)Rare384,480–469,920
CoalCoal200–1,100 (noted)Uncommon22,400–123,200
Gold oreGold ore90–110 (noted)Common52,830–64,570
Adamantite oreAdamantite ore180–220 (noted)Uncommon40,860–49,940
Adamant barAdamant bar14–16 (noted)Common24,654–28,176
Adamant barAdamant bar135–165 (noted)Rare237,735–290,565
Runite oreRunite ore90–110 (noted)Rare127,710–156,090
Rune barRune bar(noted)Common8,955
Rune barRune bar45–55 (noted)Rare134,325–164,175
Grimy torstolGrimy torstol90–110 (noted)Uncommon485,010–592,790
Grimy snapdragonGrimy snapdragon90–110 (noted)Uncommon161,010–196,790
Super restore (4)Super restore (4)45–55 (noted)Uncommon125,910–153,890
Prayer potion (4)Prayer potion (4)45–55 (noted)Uncommon130,950–160,050
Lantadyme seedLantadyme seed14–16Uncommon10,164–11,616
Dwarf weed seedDwarf weed seed14–16Uncommon11,508–13,152
Magic seedMagic seed4Uncommon209,856
Palm tree seedPalm tree seed10Rare396,000
FlaxFlax450–550 (noted)Common43,200–52,800
Molten glassMolten glass45–55 (noted)Common27,585–33,715
Soft claySoft clay450–550 (noted)Uncommon188,550–230,450
Yew logsYew logs68–82 (noted)Uncommon11,356–13,694
Yew logsYew logs675–825 (noted)Rare112,725–137,775
Teak plankTeak plank45–55 (noted)Uncommon16,740–20,460
Mahogany plankMahogany plank270–330 (noted)Rare356,670–435,930
Blurberry SpecialBlurberry Special1Uncommon12,008
Vecna skullVecna skull1Very rare*124,871
Hazelmere's signet ringHazelmere's signet ring1Very rare*1,432,268,388
Brawling gloves (Melee)Brawling gloves (Melee)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Magic)Brawling gloves (Magic)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Ranged)Brawling gloves (Ranged)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Agility)Brawling gloves (Agility)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Cooking)Brawling gloves (Cooking)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (FM)Brawling gloves (FM)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Fishing)Brawling gloves (Fishing)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Hunter)Brawling gloves (Hunter)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Mining)Brawling gloves (Mining)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Prayer)Brawling gloves (Prayer)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Smithing)Brawling gloves (Smithing)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Thieving)Brawling gloves (Thieving)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (WC)Brawling gloves (WC)1Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 1Crystal triskelion fragment 11Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 2Crystal triskelion fragment 21Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 3Crystal triskelion fragment 31Very rareNot sold

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575


  • Ice strykewyrms, along with the other strykewyrms, were the first monsters to incorporate particle effects.
  • Before receiving a buff, Ice Strykewryms used to have 15,000 life points which is now currently 25,000.
  • When attacking an ice strykewyrm for the Fremennik Province Tasks, the goliath gloves' special effect is able to deal damage to it, making it possible to slay it at level 65 (the minimal requirement to obtain the gloves).
  • When the TokHaar-Kal was given the ability to count as a fire cape when fighting Ice strykewyrms, it did not give the bonus damage effect, and simply allowed players to deal normal damage the same way as the slayer reward. This was later fixed with an update on 13 March 2012.
  • Previously, investigating an ice strykewyrm required a player to be directly next to it. This requirement was changed for all types of strykewyrms by an update on 1 August 2016, so that players using ranged and magic combat styles may now investigate the mound without being moved closer.
  • As of 1 February 2018, the highest kill count for this monster was 60,000 kills[1].
    • This had not increased by 6 May 2018.[2]


  1. ^ Mod Shauny. Top 10 killers per Boss. 2 Feb 2018. "Here are the top 10 kills for each Slayer creature in RuneScape, be aware that we've not listed display names for privacy purposes however if you wish to brag about one number being yours then we won't stop you!"*
  2. ^ Mod Shauny. Top Slayer Killers - 6th May 2018. 6 May 2018. "Here are the top 10 kills for each Slayer creature in RuneScape, be aware that we've not listed display names for privacy purposes however if you wish to brag about one number being yours then we won't stop you!"*