All Life points: 1,900
Life points: 1,900
All Slayer experience: 24.8
Slayer experience: 24.8
All Combat experience: 95.4
Combat experience: 95.4
All Release date: 6 February 2007
Release date: 6 February 2007
All Combat level: 53
Combat level: 53
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
Ice troll runts are the lowest levels of Ice Trolls found on Jatizso and Neitiznot. Despite their level they aren't something to be trifled with. They have a maximum hit of 150 (approx), which they hit often. Ice trolls have the ability to hit through armour (similar to Verac the Defiled, except they cannot hit through prayer). Yak-hide armour, however, reduces the troll's maximum hit as thus is recommended over armour with higher defensive bonuses. It is advised to use the protect from melee prayer whenever engaging more than one at a time. Ice troll runts are often found near Ice Troll Females. They can be found without the females nearby, but they will be spread farther out.
Ice troll runts are not found on the northern isle with the rest of the ice trolls, but they are found in the cave systems (the eastern cave before completion of The Fremennik Isles, and the western cave after). They're also found south of the bridge to the troll isle just north-west of Neitiznot. They are spread out and the Honour Guards tend to attack them. This is an excellent location because it is possible to join in the fight of the Honour Guards. You only have to the hit the trolls once to get the drop, which can be very beneficial as you can make the Honour Guards take all the damage. This tactic can be used effectively with range, magic, or melee as the trolls will always attack the Honour Guard preferentially reducing the damage taken by the player.
Players who have done the Fremennik Isles quest can make their own Yak-hide armour using items easily obtained on Neitiznot. It thus is very inexpensive and has good damage-stopping properties against trolls.
Neitiznot Guards (Level 115) can be used to assist in killing the Ice Troll runts residing to the north of the town. It is a good strategy to hit the trolls at least once, and let the guards do the rest. You will still get the items dropped by them.