All Life points: 2,550
Life points1: 2,550
All Life points: 6,800
Life points2: 6,800
All Slayer experience: 45.4
Slayer experience1: 45.4
All Slayer experience: 207.4
Slayer experience2: 207.4
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 174.9
Combat experience1: 174.9
All Combat experience: 598.5
Combat experience2: 598.5
All Release date: 5 January 2005
Release date1: 5 January 2005
All Release date: 18 April 2005
Release date2: 18 April 2005
All Combat level: 71
Combat level1: 71
All Combat level: 95
Combat level2: 95
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
They are also found near the entrance of God Wars Dungeon. When you push the boulder or use the agility entrance, your run energy will drop to 0, so be very careful. They are dangerous, and can hit 100's and 160's respectively. While following this path it is highly recommended that you use the Protect from MeleePrayer, especially if you have a low Defence level. These can be killed in place of normal wolves for more Slayer experience.