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Queen help book
This is the quick guide for In Aid of the Myreque.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
In Aid of the Myreque icon
Veliaf in the Myreque Hideout
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyIntermediate Intermediate
Official lengthLong
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
Must be able to defeat multiple foes which are resistant to most weapons. Completion of Shades of Mort'ton is recommended for access to Razmire Builders' Merchants.
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.

(Items marked with an asterisk can be easily acquired during the quest by purchasing them from Razmire's store, if you have completed Shades of Mort'ton)

  • At least 1 piece of food*

For building the pub, general store and bank:

For building the furnace (these items can be kept in bank):

For making the rod of Ivandis (these items can be kept in bank):

  • A charged druid pouch
  • 50 coins or a ring of charos (a)
  • A silver weapon (Silver sickle (b), Silverlight, Darklight, etc)
  • Steel equipment (helm, chainbody, and platelegs) and food for Ivan (up to 15 pieces of cooked snails, salmon, slimy eel or stew). This is only needed for lower level players, as the enemies you have to protect Ivan from mainly focus their attacks on the player.
Enemies to defeat

Burgh de Rott[]

Items needed: Pickaxe, 1 food, 1-5 buckets and 9 free spaces, preferably charged druid pouch so your food won't rot
  • In the hideout behind Canifis pub, go through the secret wall and squeeze past the stalagmite on the east side of the cave
  • Talk to Veliaf Hurtz.(Chat 1211)
  • Travel to Mort'ton, the fastest way is by using the swamp boat in the previous quest.
  • Speak to Florin, south of the bridge to Burgh de Rott. (Chat 5)
  • Use food on the chest, there are snails to the north-west which you can cook with level 12 Cooking.
  • Jump the gate.
  • Talk to Florin. (Chat 45)
  • Climb over the small wall in the pub.
  • Clear the trap door with your pickaxe, then climb down.
  • Mine and remove all the rubble, your buckets can be emptied on the pile outside the pub.
  • Search the plaque on the northern wall.
  • Go up and talk to any villager. (Chat 34)

General store and bank[]

Items needed: 11 planks, 10 bronze hatchets, 3 tinderboxes, 44 nails, 2 steel bars, 1 swamp paste, 1 coal and 10 (raw) mackerel (fishing spot south of General Store). You can equip one of the bronze hatchets to allow doing this in one trip. A beast of burden familiar may also help out in holding all the needed supplies.
  • Talk to Aurel in the general store. (Chat 34)
  • Climb the ladder and use a plank on the roof. (3 planks, 12 nails required.)
  • Climb down and use a plank on the damaged wall. (3 planks, 12 nails required.)
  • Talk to Aurel. (Chat 45)
  • Fill the box with supplies: mackerel is found south at fishing spots. Snails are found west of Mort'ton.
  • Return the crate to Aurel.
  • Talk to Cornelius in the bank. (Chat 45)
  • Use 2 planks on the booth covered in broken glass while holding 1 swamp paste and 12 nails (any kind).
  • Use 3 planks on the wall behind it.
  • Talk to Cornelius. (Chat 43)

You can now use the bank booth in Burgh de Rott.

  • Talk to any villager. (Chat 45)
  • Use two steel bars and a piece of coal on the furnace to the east.
  • Search the furnace to light it.

Vampyre slayer[]

Items needed: A silver melee weapon, combat equipment, food
Items recommended: For fight with Gadderanks: magic equipment, runes for magic attacks
  • Talk to Gadderanks in the general store.
  • Talk to everyone else in the general store but Aurel.
  • Kill Gadderanks and the vampyres.
  • Talk to Gadderanks.
  • Talk to Veliaf (might bug and say 'Null', continue to Canifis hideout).
  • Talk to Veliaf in the Canifis hideout. (Chat 5)
  • Dismiss your followers if you have any.
  • Talk to Polmafi then Radigad then Ivan.
  • Route 1 is generally easier:
    • Kill the vampyres.
  • Enter the Mausoleum entrance and talk to Drezel until he gives you a key. (Chat 2) then (Chat 143)
  • Use the key on the east wall, then climb the secret trapdoor.
  • Find and read the book titled 'The Sleeping Seven' on the westernmost middle-bookcase.

Silvthril rod[]

Items needed: Rope, water rune, cosmic rune, soft clay, silver bar, cut sapphire, mithril bar
  • Return to Canifis, enter the trapdoor south of the pub, Leave the Cellar Via the Wall and smash the wooden boards on the Eastern Wall.
  • Enter and use soft clay on the tomb. Put the rod clay mould on the tool belt.
  • Smelt a silvthril rod at any furnace.
  • Enchant it using the Enchant Level 1 Jewellery spell.
  • Use the rod on the well west of Drezel in the Mausoleum underneath Paterdomus (west of Canifis).
  • Return to the cellar in the pub where you cleared the rubble in Burgh de Rott.
  • Talk to Veliaf. (Chat 11)
  • Quest complete!


In Aid of the Myreque reward
Music unlocked