RuneScape Wiki

Ingram's research notes were released on 27 October 2014 with the release of the Broken Home quest. It contains research notes made by Ingram, the owner of the house featured in the quest. After reading them, the player obtains the spider key and a scroll fragment.


The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ingram's research notes.

I have been in the mansion for a month now, and what I have learned of my ancestor Ormod confuses me greatly.

I have unearthed nothing so far about the supposed horrors that were committed within these walls, but I have found a great deal about the obsession that consumed him in his later years.

Madness took him, or at least he believed that it did, and it so debilitated him during most of his waking hours that he found it quite impossible to function without aid.

What little lucidity he had remaining was dedicated to attempts to cure himself of the curse, seemingly without success.

Ormod's riches were made in the trade of runes, and it was through magic that he looked for a solution.

I have found scattered fragments of the spell he hoped to create, or perhaps recreate.

Knowing of his eventual fate, it seems unlikely that he succeeded in his goal.