An inoculation brace can be made by enchanting a ruby bracelet, using the spell Enchant Level 3 Jewellery. Completion of the quest Zogre Flesh Eaters is required to wield the bracelet. When wielded, it has an ability to protect the player from a total of 500 poison damage. After the protection is used up, the bracelet will be destroyed.
Before the Evolution of Combat update, the Inoculation brace protected the wearer from 275 disease damage (except thieving when attempting to pick a zogre coffin). Players would get diseased but the stat drains were negated. The bracelet would break when the protection had been used up. It could also be operated to find out how much more protection it would provide. When a player became diseased with the inoculation brace equipped a hitsplat for "0" next to a wizard hat would appear. This was one of the only times you could still see a 0 instead of the "hit blocked" hitsplat.
After the Evolution of Combat update, the Inoculation brace served no purpose as the disease damage has been removed from the game. On 13 August2013 the bracelet has been given its current effect of negating poison damage. Its examine info has also been modified to reflect this.
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