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Iron bar detail

An iron bar is a bar of metal, refined through the Smithing skill by smelting an iron ore in a furnace, requiring 15 Smithing and granting 12.5 Smithing experience.

At level 15 Smithing players have a 50% chance of success to smelt an iron bar from an iron ore. The player's chance of success increases by 1% each additional Smithing level the player has advanced past level 15, up to a maximum of 80% at level 45 Smithing. However, using a ring of forging, casting Superheat Item, or using the Blast Furnace to smelt iron ore will always succeed in producing an iron bar.

An iron bar can be forged on an anvil to create iron weapons and armour, granting 25 Smithing experience per bar used. A list of iron items that can be smithed from iron bars and the Smithing levels required can be found on the Smithing tables.


Iron bar Iron bar
Smithing level Smithing 15
Used with Anvil, Furnace
Experience (per bar)
Smithing 25 XP
Equipment 1.95 XP
Experience (per ore)
Smelting 12.5 XP
Equipment 0.975 XP

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Iron bar Iron bar
Smithing-Make-X GE icon
12.5 XP-1,053
Smithing Smithing level15
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Iron oreIron ore1449449

Cost analysis[]

Method Cost Success rate Profit[1]
Iron ore Iron ore (Smithing lvl 15) 449 50% 155
Iron ore Iron ore (Smithing lvl 45) 449 80% 492
Ring of forging Ring of forging 469 100% 584
Superheat Item icon Superheat Item 1,490 100% −437
  1. ^ Success rate is factored into the expected profit.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Iron dragon985Always
Corpse archer181Common
Customs evidence filesN/A1Common
Giant skeleton (Shadow Dungeon)841Common
Giant skeleton (Tarn's Lair)841Common
Golden chinchompa (Squeal of Fortune)N/A5Common
Rockslug42; 491Common
Sir Carl811Common
Sir Harry811Common
Sir Jerro811Common
Skeleton (Lumbridge Catacombs)151Common
Warped bat161Common
Warped rat121Common
White Knight351–2Common
Pirate26; 29; 321Rare
Black Guard42; 471Uncommon
Corpse mage211Uncommon
Crawling corpse torso91Uncommon
Dragith Nurn261Uncommon
Dwarf9; 14; 39; 441Uncommon
Elite Khazard guard77; 841–3Uncommon
Skeleton Mage19; 491–2Uncommon
Thug11; 191Uncommon
Dorgesh-Kaan Rich ChestN/A1Unknown
Spirit implingN/A5Unknown
Barrel (Viyeldi caves)N/A1–2Very rare

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?


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  • Noted iron bars can occasionally be found inside barrels throughout RuneScape.