An iron bar is a bar of metal, refined through the Smithing skill by smelting an iron ore in a furnace, requiring 15 Smithing and granting 12.5 Smithing experience.
At level 15 Smithing players have a 50% chance of success to smelt an iron bar from an iron ore. The player's chance of success increases by 1% each additional Smithing level the player has advanced past level 15, up to a maximum of 80% at level 45 Smithing. However, using a ring of forging, casting Superheat Item, or using the Blast Furnace to smelt iron ore will always succeed in producing an iron bar.
An iron bar can be forged on an anvil to create iron weapons and armour, granting 25 Smithing experience per bar used. A list of iron items that can be smithed from iron bars and the Smithing levels required can be found on the Smithing tables.