The iron mace is a main hand melee iron weapon which requires level 10 Attack to wield. Its +1 prayer bonus and speed make it a good weapon for low levelled players.
It can be smithed at level 17 Smithing from 1 iron bar. Alternately, it can be obtained as a drop or bought from a store. There is a respawn on the ground1st floor[UK] in a house north-east of Ardougne market in East Ardougne, which requires level 15 Thieving to access, and another respawn between the Wilderness wall and the guard house in Edgeville.
Before the update on 17 August2011, an iron mace respawned in the guardhouse in Edgeville. This house is now impossible to enter and, after Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the inside is destroyed. The spawn was moved to just outside the guardhouse instead.